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Frank Bruni, "A Rejection Heard 'Round the World"

New York Times December 13, 2018 pp.1,14
Accessed Dec 17 , 2018




Nick Ayers, former Chief of Staff for Vice President Pence, rejected President Trump's public offer to be the latter's chief of staff, a highly coveted and prestigious position.

President Trump broke a recordchanging three times his Chief of Staff in two years. The predecessors include Reince Priebus,H.R. McMaster, and John Kelly.



20181213 A rejection heard %5Cround the world-1.jpg

20181213 A rejection heard %5Cround the world-2.jpg

林中斌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Looking to Beat the World"

Economist November 17, 2018 pp.33-34
Accessed Dec 17 , 2018


根據牛津大學Sinon Marginson最近發表的研究:

在中國,卅年前,學者研究論文發表於國際期刊,可獲獎金美金$25 (南京大學啟風氣之先),今日一篇登在Nature 上的論文,學者可獲美金$165,000是一般學者一年薪水的20倍。


2013-2016 全球大學發表數學論文的篇數,在各國期刊被引用次數在最多的頂端1%15間大學裡,中國占6間:依序為

1.清華 大學

2.哈爾濱工業大學 (Stanford)


8. 香港城市大學

9. 華中科技大學 (University of Texas, Austin)

12. 東南大學

13. 浙江大學 (UCLA, Princeton)


2017年清華大學畢業了1,385 位博士,MIT 畢業了645位博士。


●但是中國目前科技研究的弱點是缺乏觀念創新的突破,(lacking the cutting edge breakthroughs in theory research)。諾貝爾科學得主,美國有282位,日本23位,中國1位。



林中斌是摘譯 2018.12.17


20181117 Looking to beat the world.jpg

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"A European in Trump's Washington"

New York Times November 30, 2018

Accessed Dec 17 , 2018



For a European, visiting the United States these days is a bit like going to the dentist Your mouth is agape, you smell trouble, and you leave with a lingering bad taste.


What I found so disconcerting was the pervasive political polarization afflicting the country. It was also clear that America has become inward-looking and conspiracy-minded.

令人不安的是,美國嚴重分裂。 而且變得內向,疑神疑鬼。

And in Washington now, people are incapable of discussing anything but President Trump....Its all Trump, all the time.


In most European capitals, policymakers and the chattering classes want to believe that before too long, Mr. Trump will be gone and the world order will return.


But heres the dirty secret that I learned in my three months in Washington: Thats not true.


The post-Trump world will not be the pre-Trump world.


First, with his administration, Americans have lost confidence in their exceptionalism.


Second, under the Trump presidency, rivalry with China has become the organizing principle of American foreign policy.



Excerpted by Chong-Pin Lin December 10, 2018

林中斌 是摘譯 2018.12.10



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The grace of George H.W. Bush

New York Times December 3, 2018
Accessed Dec 17 , 2018



林中斌 2018.12.8

The popularity of George H.W. Bush has dramatically risen in recent years long after his one-term presidency ended in 1992. Thanks to President Donald Trump who, as a sharp contrast to the "kinder, gentler" predecessor, George H.W. has become ever more preciously endeared.

Chong-Pin Lin December 8, 2018


20181203 The grace of George HW Bush 1.jpg

20181203 The grace of George HW Bush.jpg

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Five U.S. Marines Missing in Aircraft Accident Off Japan

New York Times December 5, 2018

Accessed Dec 17 , 2018


-- 前天,美國戰機和加油機在日本外海互撞,5位海軍陸戰隊員下落不明。

-- 9月美國首航的"全能戰機F-35"墜落。

-- 美國過去5年戰機事故增加40%,根據Military Times 今年4月統計。





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General Motors layoffs signal uncertain future for American cars and more

Time December 10, 2018
Accessed Dec 17 , 2018



-- 通用汽車11/26宣佈關閉美國的5個廠,解僱14,000員工包括其中25%的經理。

-- 福特及克萊斯勒也作類似決定。

-- 原因是進口的原料關稅上升,成本增加。而出口的汽車遭遇升高的關稅,銷售下降。




20181210 General Motors layoffs signal uncertain future for American cars and more.jpg

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To bury, not to praise

Economist December 8, 2018
Accessed Dec 17 , 2018


Lessons from the self-inflicted demise of a great republic.


-- Rome had defeated its enemies abroad but it was undone from within by greed and inequality -- and by the sort of politicians who breached a republic's political norms, plus citizens who choose not to punish them.



20181208 To bury, not to praise.jpg

林中斌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Trump's haggling over trade won't dent China's long-term plans

Time December 17,2018

Accessed Dec 17 , 2018


時代雜誌2018.12.17登載歐亞基金會創辦人及董事長Ian Bremmer 的分析:



20181217 Trump%5Cs haggling over trade won%5Ct dent China%5Cs long-term plans.jpg

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Accessed Dec 03 , 2018


China aims to defeat the US Air Force without firing a shot. Here’s how.


美國智庫蘭德公司2017年的報告今年10月才對外公佈。---- 它發現解放軍發展嚇阻美軍空軍能力,而非以戰鬥方式擊敗美軍。
--解放軍空軍建軍發展一直在拷貝美國空軍,但是也有不同。例如殲-20和殲-31並不如美軍F-22, F-35有強的對地攻擊的能力。似乎解放軍將靠其他能力對付美軍。如針對美國依賴衛星的通訊、精準的地對空飛彈、精準的空射巡弋飛彈。

林中斌 2018.11.30


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Accessed Dec 03 , 2018







《國際經濟》總編輯及創辦人大衛˙斯密克(David M. Smick)2015年春天向數十位國際觀察家邀300-500字的英文稿回答以下的問題:




二次大戰之後所成立的國際經濟和金融機構,包括國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)、世界銀行(World Bank)、國際清算銀行(Bank of International Settlements)、各地區的發展銀行,其目的在於提供全球合作的平台。但是這些機構現在陷入可信賴度的危機。像七大工業組織(G-7) 和二十國集團(G-20)之類的組織對於全球金融市場來說也看來愈來愈無關緊要。


舉歐洲為例。對付希臘的經濟危機,歐洲聯盟委員會(EU Commission)、歐洲中央銀行(European Central Bank)、歐盟理事會(EU Council)、歐盟理事會(EU Parliament)、歐洲議會(EU Commission)以及財務部長的歐洲集團(Eurogroup of finance ministers)都連帶遭受了名譽損失。由於國際貨幣基金組織參與了處理希臘危機的「三頭馬車」(還包括歐洲聯盟委員會、歐洲中央銀行),對於希臘勞工家庭來說,「三頭馬車」與無情的樽節成為同義字。


在世界的另一邊,有些分析師相信中國新成立的亞洲基礎建設投資銀行 (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)有潛力成為世界銀行強勁的競爭者。



























中國對美國其他參與「亞投行」的盟友—德國、法國、義大利、澳洲、南韓 - 也在經濟上下了類似的功夫。


北京遵循了孫子兵法所說的「不戰而屈人之兵,善之善者也」。所以,廿一世紀中國的大戰略是「不戰而主東亞」甚至「不戰而主歐亞」。北京所用的方針是「超軍事手段優先」。「超軍事手段」包括沒有硝煙也不流血的工具例如經濟、文化、外交、媒體等等。如果華府繼續遵循西方兵法家克勞塞維茨所說的「戰爭就是是暴力推到極致」-- 也就是說沒有暴力就不算戰爭,沒有戰爭就沒有勝利,華府將來還會面臨事先沒想到的挑戰,而被動因應。




今年7月中,世界銀行行長金墉(Jim Yong Kim)訪問北京拜訪亞投行秘書長金立群商討合作的可能性。這應該是未來的趨勢。






Economy takes command

This is the emerging reality of the world

Chong-Pin Lin

Word count of text: 505

Date: July 23, 2015


Economy takes command. Though not yet obvious, this is the emerging reality in the world. Since the millennium, economic interdependence among nations has reached a magnitude unprecedented in human history. Several implications follow.

First, the military tool has become inhibitingly costly and growingly counterproductive among major powers. In the new century, hitting a rival, one feels the pain oneself, and stabbing him, one bleeds. Second, non-bloody tools in international relations become more viable than bloody ones. Among the former, economy has risen in importance. Third, a clash between a rising power and an established power is no longer inevitable. The Thucidides traps loses its validity. Fourth, cooperation will gradually tops contention for the long-term self-interest of each nation. Fifth, wars occur within one nation, between unequal powers, but no longer among major powers.

In short, among major powers, an indirect approach in statecraft wins and a direct and confrontational approach loses.

Failure to heed these new trends has led to recent geostrategic setbacks of Washington as it has so far predicated its global strategy on the primacy of the military force, and on its supremacy maintenance at all cost. Washington’s frustration during the emergence of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank devised by Beijing was a case in point. In March 2015, Britain betrayed its most trusting ally the U.S. by joining AIIB – the integrity and intention of which Washington had questioned --taking other American allies along with it like falling dominoes.

In December 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron led the historically largest oversea trade mission to Beijing, and announced, “Britain will act as China's strongest advocate in the west”. By then, China had invested in his country during the previous 18 months more than what China did in the previous 30 years. In March 2015, Cameron merely lived up to his words which resulted from Beijing’s accelerated economic endeavor targeted at London.

China had applied similar economic tactics to woo other U.S. allies that ended up joining the AIIB -- Germany, France, Italy, Australia and South Korea.

Beijing has observed the adage of Sun Zi that “winning without fighting” is the best way to achieve victory, therefore China’s grand strategy is dominating East Asia or even Eurasia without war but with “extra-military instruments” such as economy, culture, diplomacy, and media. If Washington continues to follow the teaching of Clausewtiz that “war is an act of violence pushed to its utmost bounds”, it may become increasingly reactionary to challenges of unexpected nature.

Washington’s long inaction to reform the inadequate World Bank actually provided Beijing both the moral and the practical justification to establish the AIIB. Yet when Chinese President Xi Jinping first announced the formation of the bank in October 2013, Washington paid scant attention. In contrast, Britain’s Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne rushed to Beijing in two weeks.

In mid-July this year, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim visited Beijing and talked with AIIB Secretary General Jin Liqun to explore options for cooperation. This should be the way to go in the future.


Dr. Chong-Pin Lin, a former Deputy Defense Minister of Taiwan, now teaches at its National Defense University





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US Air Force's F-22, F-35 stealth fighters devastated by mother nature and freak accidents

Accessed Dec 03 , 2018

2018.10.15 英國金融時報報導可能有17F-22, F-35 戰機被颶風麥克所毀。Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.損失相當於10% 美國空軍的戰力。

2018.10.17美國Pensacola News Journal報導: 受損戰機數目不詳。


1.2018.10.15 英國金融時報

2.2018.10.17 Pensacola News Journal

1.2018.10.15 英國金融時報


US Air Force's F-22, F-35 stealth fighters devastated by mother nature and freak accidents

Alex Lockie


November 22, 2018


Oct. 15, 2018, 12:05 PM

As many as 17 of these limited-run $140 million top fighter jets could be beyond repair. Reuters


The US Air Force sustained a massive blow to its fleet of stealth fighters in October as a powerful hurricane possibly destroyed several F-22s and as an F-35 crash grounded the entire fleet of Joint Strike Fighters.

As many as 17 F-22 Raptors may have been destroyed in Hurricane Michael, though the Air Force now says the damage wasn't as bad as previously thought.

F-35s have started to take back to the skies, but others remain grounded amid a fleetwide inspection.

Even if all F-35s and F-22s turn out fine, the losses at Tyndall Air Force Base, where stealth fighter training takes place, represent a huge setback to US air dominance on par with losing a big battle.

The US Air Force sustained a massive blow to its fleet of stealth fighters in October as a powerful hurricane possibly destroyed several F-22s and as an F-35 crash grounded the entire fleet of Joint Strike Fighters.

An investigation into an F-35B crash in September led the Pentagon to ground all F-35s until it could determine whether there was a defect in the fuel lines.

Then last week Hurricane Michael, the most powerful storm of its kind to hit Florida in about 50 years, devastated Tyndall Air Force Base, all but wiping it off the map.

"Tyndall has been destroyed," Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida told The Panama City News Herald on Sunday.

"The older buildings will have to be razed and rebuilt," he added. "The newer structures on the base that have survived the monster storm will need substantial repairs."

Initial reports indicated that up to 17 F-22s might have been damaged beyond repair. That number represents about 10% of all existing F-22s, which the US relies on for air dominance against top-tier enemies.

Pentagon photos showed that destruction at the base affected every aircraft hangar, including one holding F-22s that was severely damaged.

But Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said in a joint statement on Sunday that the damage "was less than we feared" and that "preliminary indications are promising."

It remains unclear exactly how many F-22s, if any, were damaged in the storm. But with Tyndall in ruins and the military families living there displaced indefinitely, the fighter training program at that critical base appears to have suffered a serious blow.

"It will take time to recover but we've been through this before and our Airmen are up to the challenge," Wilson's statement said. "Tyndall leadership will continue working hard to get information to airmen and families and all those displaced. We will be working detailed plans in the days ahead to tackle and overcome the challenges. We will get through this together."

Meanwhile, the F-35B downing in September most likely caused the US Navy's USS Essex to enter the Persian Gulf, where white-hot tensions with Iran have frequently produced military threats and harassment without working fighters. All F-35s aboard the Essex are up and running, the Marine Corps Times reported on Friday.

Already, F-35s around the globe have taken back to the skies after passing inspection. The Joint Program Office in charge of F-35 integration did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for an exact quote of how many remain grounded.

In another unrelated freak accident, a Belgian air force mechanic accidentally unloaded an F-16 fighter's Vulcan cannon into another F-16, which immediately burned to an irreparable crisp.

Lasting damage at Tyndall

Two F-22 Raptors from the 95th Fighter Squadron, 325th Fighter Wing, from Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, training with two Royal Norwegian air force F-35A Lightning II aircraft. US Air Force

Taken in total, the US has suffered grievous blows to its top-of-the-line fighters' readiness, particularly with losses at Tyndall that could set the F-22 community back considerably even if a single jet hasn't been damaged or destroyed.

Without the hangars in working order, and with much of the base's personnel displaced, Tyndall's role as a critical training hub for pilots the US needs for air-to-air battles and protecting high-value air assets can't continue there, though part of Tyndall's functions could most likely be taken on by nearby Eglin or other air bases.

But September and October have seen the US Air Force hit by freak accidents and severe weather causing damage that seems to have crippled the force more than enemy fire has in decades.

More: Tyndall Air Force Base F-22 Raptor F-35 Lightning II Military


2.2018.10.17 Pensacola News Journal



Fate of Tyndall Air Force Base F-22 Raptors still unknown post-Hurricane Michael

Melissa Nelson Gabriel, Pensacola News Journal

Published 6:00 a.m. CT Oct. 17, 2018


accessed November 22, 2018


The US Department of Defense released video showing extensive damage at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. The base took a direct hit by Hurricane Michael, causing damage that one official described as "catastrophic." (Oct. 14) AP


(Photo: David Goldman, AP)


While Florida's political leaders urged the Trump administration on Tuesday to prioritize rebuilding hurricane-decimated Tyndall Air Force Base, the fate of billions of dollars worth of stealth fighter jets at the base remained unknown.

Experts have said up to 22 of the F-22 Raptors, which cost an estimated $330 million each, could have been left behind in hangars as Hurricane Michael tore through the region. The base, which is home to 55 of the world's most-advanced fighter jets, flew 33 of the planes away from the storm to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

"Currently we do not know the extent of any damage to the F-22s left behind due to maintenance or safety reasons, but more information will be available once crews are able to access the hangars and assess the aircraft," said U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, whose district includes nearby Eglin Air Force Base.

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Florida, said he could not disclose the number of aircraft left behind at Tyndall. Like Gaetz, Nelson has said the jets were left behind because they were undergoing maintenance and were not in condition to be flown.

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New American Nazis:

Inside the White Supremacist Movement That Fueled Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Accessed Dec 03 , 2018





America’s perpetual warfare abroad has led to an increase in white supremacist violence at home. That’s one of the key findings in Frontline PBS and ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson’s new investigation, “Documenting Hate: New American Nazis,” which premieres Tuesday evening on PBS. The documentary reveals the deep ties between the military and white supremacy, as Thompson examines the Pittsburgh shooting and the rise of violent hate groups such as Atomwaffen. Thompson interviews historian Kathleen Belew, who says there has always been a correlation in the U.S. between the aftermath of war and the rise of white supremacist violence. “If you look for instance at the surges in Ku Klux Klan membership, they align more consistently with the return of veterans from combat and the aftermath of war than they do with anti-immigration, populism, economic hardship or any of the other factors that historians have typically used to explain them,” she notes. We speak with A.C. Thompson in Boston. His investigation premieres Tuesday on PBS stations and online.

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Stockmarkets, " Red October"

Economist November 3, 2018

Accessed Dec 03 , 2018



-- 美國對中國進口貨物提高關稅已引發國內物價上升。( " Import tarriffs are pushing up the cost of other inputs " )

-- 美中貿易戰拉下全世界的經濟成長。恢復世界經濟要更靠中國,美國已無能為力。


林中斌試摘譯 2018.12.3



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Philip P.Pan, "The land that failed to fail"

New York Times November 23,2018


Accessed Dec 03 , 2018











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20181124 The land that failed to fail2.jpg

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"The Chinese Dream"


New York Times November 27,2018

Accessed Dec 03 , 2018







20181127 The Chinese Dream.jpg

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"The Perfect Dictatorship:

China in the 21st Century -

Book Talk by Stein Ringen"

accessed Nov 19, 2018

●An Oxford scholar of Norwegian origin has found that China is a hard dictatorship, or even a totalitarian political system characterized by pragmatism.

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林中斌 "美軍將撤離阿富汗"

《聯合報》 2018117,A13



交稿日期:20181107(b) 刊登日期:20181116 本文字數:1107(編輯加7) 目標字數:1100


十月卅一日,美軍駐阿富汗司令米勒(Austin S. Miller)上將公開承認軍事努力失敗了。


之前,九月十一日,即將卸任的美軍駐阿富汗前任司令尼科爾森(John Nicholson)中將激動的發表告別演說:「現在是結束阿富汗戰爭的時候了!」他主張馬上開始和談。他在阿國卅一月,是在地時間最長的美軍司令。他增加阿國特種部隊兵力一倍、空軍兩倍,但是對贏得戰爭愈形懷疑。當時繼任的特種部隊司令米勒上將,普遍看好,認為將擊敗神學士。



去年四月,剛上任的川普總統命令美軍在阿國扔下人類有史以來最大的非核子炸彈。目的是在年底以前,摧毀敵對的勢力。去年七月,川普總統宣佈「新南亞戰略」包括派遣更多美軍入阿國。更早在一六年初,美軍的無人飛機發射的飛彈擊斃神學士的領袖Mullah Akhtar Mansour


十月十二日,美國派特使Zalmay Khalilzad由華府赴中東卡達首都多哈與神學士領袖見面。後者透露他們談美國將結束佔領阿國的議題。而美方拒證實有此會面,是否羞於承認原來美國決心擊垮的神學士現在反而居優勢,原來威武進軍阿國的美軍將面臨撤退的窘境?不得而知。

之前在七月,美國國務院負責中南亞洲事務的副助卿Alice Wells已經在多哈與神學士領袖和談。早於一三年,在美國背後推動之下,神學士在多哈設立辦公室以便與美方接觸。但美方支持的阿國政府激烈抗議 (你美國怎麼可以私自跟我們的敵人商議?),辦公室關閉。即使如此,神學士非正式代表仍然留多哈活動。


九月七日《紐約時報》登載前白宮阿富汗事務顧問Douglas Lute的呼籲要跟神學士和談。他說我們十七年前進軍阿國打垮窩藏發動九一一事件主謀賓拉登的塔里班是基於國家利益,今日「我們直接與神學士談判尋求政治解決方案也是鞏固我們國家利益。」在國家利益的前提下,美國前後所做可以相反。










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accessed Nov 19, 2018

2016年澳洲窮困的「北境」(北領地,Northern Territory),把有美軍駐紮的達爾文港租給中國。


●澳洲國防部長Dennis Richardson,不理國會之批評依然照計畫實施。




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更新時間 2018111220:10



中國要在萬那杜建基地 澳洲國安受威脅

莫里森(Scott Morrison8日在北部海岸城市湯斯維爾(Townsville)向澳洲官兵發表演說,除了宣布「走近太平洋」(step-up to the Pacific)的22億美元援外計畫,還預計15日宣布澳洲軍隊將成立巡弋小組,前往太平洋島國以培訓當地步兵戰鬥、維和、災難應變等技能。莫里森說:「澳洲在南太和西太平洋有長期利益,包括戰略安全、穩定經濟及主權政治。」

澳洲開始大動作固守視為「後院」的太平洋地區,主要是澳洲紙媒《雪梨晨鋒報》(Sydney Morning Herald)今年4月指出,中國計畫在萬那杜(Vanuatu)建立軍事基地,成為中國海軍的海外常駐基地,儘管此傳聞遭萬那杜和中國否認,目前也沒有相關談判的資料,但已引起澳洲強烈關注,因為該基地若建成,距離澳洲海岸線僅2500公里,有可能成為國安威脅。

中國大撒幣 搶台灣邦交國已非主要目的



聯手美國擋中國華為 王毅:盼消除「互信赤字」

澳洲並非現在才出手防堵中國侵入「後院」,7月澳洲決定與索羅門群島和巴紐簽署海底纜線協議,就是防止中國通訊公司「華為」搶下訂單,同時與美國聯手擋下華為在巴紐境內建設網路線。李約翰(John Lee)在給美國有線電視台(CNN)的投書內寫道:「澳洲清楚知道無法把中國排拒在南太平洋之外,但能警告這些發展中島國,接受中國的恩惠會付出慘重代價。」

澳洲智庫洛伊研究院(Lowy Institute)南太平洋外交專家普萊克(Jonathan Pryke)告訴《路透》:「澳洲是針對中國的行為做出回應,澳洲需要更多作為介入太平洋事務。」而在莫里森宣布提供太平洋島國金援計畫的同天,澳洲外長佩恩(Marise Payne)訪問中國,並與中國外長王毅進行外交與戰略對話。王毅表明,希望澳洲正確理解並把握中國的發展機會,努力消除雙方「互信赤字」。


維多利亞省參加一帶一路 專家:此舉恐違憲

不過佩恩出訪前1天,即7日澳洲財政部長佛萊登伯格(Josh Frydenberg)表態,反對總部位於香港的能源企業「長江和記實業」(CK Group)以13億澳元買下澳洲最大瓦斯管線公司「澳洲管線信託集團」(APA Group)。對於澳洲政府表明立場,佩恩仍稱,澳洲對於中國投資持開放態度,王毅則表示歡迎。此外,王毅也歡迎包括澳洲在內更多國家參與中國的「一帶一路」計畫。

紐西蘭是目前唯一參與「一帶一路」計畫的太平洋國家,澳洲並未決定,但澳洲東南部的維多利亞省(Victoria)與中國簽署加入「一帶一路」的備忘錄,成為第1個參加此計畫的澳洲省分,不過澳洲智庫「澳洲戰略政策研究所」(ASPI)執行長詹寧斯(Peter Jennings)告訴《衛報》,維多利亞省的行為已經越權,因為澳洲聯邦政府並未決定加入「一帶一路」。

詹寧斯直言,這項備忘錄會被看作中國「政治介入」的不當手段,「他們沒有從澳洲聯邦政府得到想要的答覆……所以從別的目標下手」。澳洲國立大學(ANU)國安學院院長麥卡夫(Rory Medcalf)坦言,維多利亞省簽署的這項協議恐怕觸及違憲「邊緣」。維多利亞省長安德魯斯(Daniel Andrews)堅稱,「一帶一路」有利於當地經貿發展。





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Gardiner Harris,"Trump has only sticks, No carrots"

New York Time Nov 11, 2018

accessed Nov 19, 2018



●學者Robert Pope對過去100年經濟制裁研究發現90%失敗。


20181112 Trump has only sticks no carrots-1.jpg

20181112 Trump has only sticks no carrots-2.jpg

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2018/11/14 來源:澳洲財經見聞

accessed Nov 19, 2018




  而正在這個關鍵時刻,伊朗央行作為應對措施,數周前緊 急計劃從德國調取3億歐元現鈔,並用飛機運回國,將提供給無法使用信用卡的伊朗人使用,而早在3月,伊朗已經在為自己的石油出口而尋找另一條「貨幣化」的出路,宣布計劃要發行自己的數字貨幣以繞開美元交易,並將原油等戰略資源作為實物抵押。

  伊朗計劃取出存在德國的3億歐元現金並空運回國/ 圖片來源AFIRING




  據伊媒(Press TV)日前稱,伊朗央行旗下的外匯牌價網站Sanarate已經將人民幣列為三大主要換匯貨幣,讓美元不得在伊朗的經濟商業中運作,這就意味著,伊朗經濟活動將擴大人民幣的國際使用量,伊朗經濟去美元化正走出重要的關鍵一步。




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