目前分類:心靈探索/Spiritual Exploration (73)

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Give, if you know what’s good for you


International New York Times, Dec 24, 2015


 accessed Jan 18, 2016


20151226 Give, if you know what  


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  • 每天自己找三件感恩的事。這是進入快樂的習題。這是詠給·明就仁波切從瀕死經驗裡找到的心得。

林中斌 2015.12.11


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Incense Flower
Aug 19, 2015



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新紀元  新價值

The Renaissance of Spiritualism
 New Age   New Value





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Incense Flowers Spotlighted 
April 7, 2015



After reading the Huayan Sutra, and reciting the sutra and the mantras of Bodhisatvas and the Medicine Budha, I began meditation only to open my eyes to find the incense flower in front of me. These are views from various angles.

 Chong-Pin Lin April 6, 2015


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 香花 Incense Flowers
March 15, 2015



An interesting form of incense flower appeared which I don't remember ever seeing after reading the Huayan Sutra and praying to Vajrisatva for cleaning my soul while reminding myself to be on guard against my ego from which greed, pride, desire, arrogance, and jealousy stem. Chong-Pin Lin March 15,2015.



林中斌 2015315



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 Incense Flowers Spotlighted
March 9, 2015


        Finally, I have got time to set up the velvet backdrop, the lighting device, and the camera on tripod for these incense flowers that have stood over time since October 2014.                       Chong-Pin Lin    March 9, 2015



     終於有時間拉背景、打燈光、設腳架為從去年十月屹立至今的香花拍美術照。                                                                                           林中斌  201539





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Willow Branch Incense Flowers
    March 8, 2015


久違了,楊柳枝香花! 請見20141231日恭念神咒迴給印尼海嘯亡靈所出現的一群香花。以及1986626-28日在華府恭念觀音菩薩經咒迴向給他人所現的香花。




                  林中斌,201538 (先父33周年忌日)


       Long time no see, willow branch incense flowers! One appeared on December 31, 2004 when I prayed for the tsunami victims. Many of them came on June 26-28 in Washngton DC when I prayed for others with Guanyin (Kuanyin) Bodhisatva sutras and mantras.


    This morning, I finished reading the second of the 80 books on the Huanyan Sutra before I began reciting sutras and mantras in my daily practice with a happy thought about positively responding to negative anonymous internet messages.


    "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love."(Saint Francis' Prayer) The rationale is this those who send out negative internet massages anonymously in fact project outward their internal despair/hatred/conflict, as they live in such an environment devoid of kindness, warmth, and gentleness. If we could respond with courtesy, humility, and respect, they might have a glimpse of the light from heaven while sufffering in hell on earth.


       Why not seize upon such an opportunity to make the day more worthwhile? 


Chong-Pin Lin March 8, 2015


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  • "兵部官政,數由前定。.......
  • 借問陽年何日止,七旬加二是歸期。其人數盡,定在十月。"
  • 我九歲時,先父在香港花重金,為全家各位獲批"鐵板神算"
  • 我的部份最準的是 "兵部官政,數由前定。"其他各項大致不差。但也有離譜的,尤其是妻女部份完全不對。事實上,超遲的婚姻,和超完美的妻子,完全打破原先格局。
  • 十多年前,一位修行有得的中學好友,善意告知我將壽盡於七十一、二。
  • 之後他授我某法,我十多年感恩奉行不輟,同時並進其他內心的工程。
  • 今年陽曆1221日,上上星期天,是72歲陰曆10月最後一天。
  • 特此敬告諸位好友,限期已過。
  • 某位高人不久前對我說過,60歲後人生,已不照原來命盤推進。今生所為,已逐漸發揮作用。
  • 人生心得,不敢獨享,敬請好友們卓參。
  • More than 10 years ago, a Buddhist friend told me that my life would end around 71 or 72. When I was nine, my dad spent much money to get my fortune told and written down. It said that this boy would be called back "home" in the 10th moon of his 72nd year.
  • That date was crossed on December 20.

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 香花 Incense Flowers
December 31, 2014


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A Shooter, His Victim and Race
Nicholas Kristof , International New York Times , DEC. 13, 2014



  • Why is a white woman whose jaw was shattered by the bullet from the gun of a black boy 24 years ago trying to free him from prison where he is doomed to stay all his life? From the darkest corner of human existence beams the brightest light of human spirit.


  • Chong-Pin Lin  a week before Christmas Eve, 2014


  • 為何一位白種婦女-- 她的下巴24年前被子彈擊碎-- 現在全力營救當時槍擊她而被判終身監禁的黑男孩? 從人類最黑暗的角落閃出靈性的光輝!!!!


  • 林中斌 20141217 聖誕夜前一周



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 香花 Incense Flowers
November 13 & 18, 2014

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這是11分鐘的摘錄。有關研究氣脈醫學,心靈科學等新的趨勢。參與者有潘念中醫師(屍體解剖1000),李嗣涔晨台大前校長,樓宇偉博士(MIT太空系former GE manager),若水女士(曾做修女、尼姑、南懷瑾弟子,翻譯"再見娑婆""斷輪迴"等等),主持人廖文瑜女士("佛國之旅"作者)以及在下林中斌。 


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魅力雜誌 201410月號

他曾任瑞典國防部長、財政部長。有許多發明。曾設法把戰艦從陸地上運送5英里到另一海域,以奇襲打敗丹麥海軍。中晚年通靈,稱去過天堂見到許多非洲黑人因為上帝喜歡它們的純樸善良。不容於瑞典教會,流亡英國,逝於異鄉。1908年,瑞典國王請戰艦自英國迎其屍骨回瑞典,隆重國葬。是他提到人類未來美好的"新紀元" (the New Age)。此文作者廣樹成老師有哈佛大學碩士學位,藏有史威登堡全部31本著作,為國內權威。

林中斌    20141017

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鄭振煌  20141005





林中斌 2014106

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Love People, Not Pleasure
Arthur C. Brooks  New York Times July 18, 2014

阿拉曼是十世紀西班牙柯多巴地區的國王,統治50年後, 回憶說: “這輩子,我享盡權力榮華。當我細數真正快樂地日子後,算出共有14天。”


2004年,兩位經濟學家對16,000位美國成年男女做私密問卷調查:請問過去一年您有多少位性伴侶,您覺得快樂嗎?” 兩位學者統計後發現:最快樂的伴侶數目是一。


此篇作者是美國華府中央偏右智庫“美國企業研究所”總裁,原芝加哥大學研究慈善事業的教授Arthur Brooks。該所中央偏右(保守),曾是資本主義、新保守主義的重鎮,一向支持台灣。我曾於1987-1995任該所專任學者/亞洲研究部副主任。

                                            林中斌  2004725


ABD AL-RAHMAN III was an emir and caliph of Córdoba in 10th-century Spain. He was an absolute ruler who lived in complete luxury. Here’s how he assessed his life: “I have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot: They amount to 14.”


In 2004, two economists looked into whether more sexual variety led to greater well-being. They looked at data from about 16,000 adult Americans who were asked confidentially how many sex partners they had had in the preceding year, and about their happiness. Across men and women alike, the data show that the optimal number of partners is one.


This excellent article was written by the president of American Enterprise Institute, a center-right think tank in Washington D.C., one time a bastion of capitalism and neo-conservatism. Arthur Brooks was previously a Chicago University professor doing research on philanthropy. I served as resident scholar and associate director of the Asian Studies Program at AEI between 1987 and 1995.

                                                                                    Chong-Pin Lin, July 25, 2014

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Capitalism and the Dalai Lama
Arthur C. Brooks
The New York Times April 14, 2014


這是達賴喇嘛被美國華府主張資本主義的智庫邀請去演講的文章。作者正是 “美國企業研究院”(American Enterprise Institute)的院長(Arthur Brooks)本人。我在1987-1995年間任此智庫 “亞洲研究部”的副主任(Associate Director)及專任學者(Resident Scholar)。約在2010年左右,此院長將接任,由前院長(Chris DeMuth)帶來台灣,我們見過面。他曾是大學教授,專門研究慈善事業。                                                                                                                          林中斌   2014530

This interesting piece is about how Dalai Lama got invited to speak at American Enterprise Institute, the bastions of capitalism in the U.S.  AEI, where I worked from 1987 to 1995, is a center-right think tank in Washington D.C.   I was Resident Scholar and Associate Director of the Asian Studies program. Arthur Brooks, the current President of AEI is the author of this article who was a professor known for his research on philanthropy before coming to AEI.  I met him in Taipei around 2010 when the previous president Chris DeMuth introduced us just before Brooks took over.                                             

                                                                                                     Chong-Pin Lin    May 30, 2014


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                                                                                                          林中斌 2014512

Even if the speech setting was fabricated, the contents of the speech/article merits our admiration.

                                                                            Chong-Pin Lin May 12, 2014

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