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accessed April 22, 2019

-阿茲海默 等等



林中斌 2019.4.16


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Turkey the next BRI domino to fall

accessed April 22, 2019

●Turkey is scheduled to receive S-400 air-defense missiles from Russia in July and F-35 fighters from the U.S. in November. Both Ankara has purchased.
●Now U.S. senators from both parties are openly asking Turkish president Erdogan to choose between Washington and Moscow, saying that he cannot have both.
●Facing economic difficulties at home, Erdogan needs money. Can the West help him? Not likely.
●China may just come in to rescue him.
●Putin saved Erdogan's life during the 2017 coup in Turkey by calling him to escape 15 minutes before it would be too late. The bromance between the two is much stronger than the relationship between Trump and Erdogan.
●Washington's ultimatum to Erdogan may just push him toward Moscow, a de facto ally of Beijing.
●More than that, in early March, Turkey joined the other 56 Islam countries during a gathering of foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Abu Dhabi in a consensus that praised China for "providing care to its Muslim citizens", despite the fact that Turkish foreign minister Hami Aksoy in February had called the "systemic assimilation" of the Uighurs a "great shame for 
humanity" and urged China to close the camp.

不只如此,在三月初, 土耳其參與其他56個伊斯蘭國家通過一項協議對中國在新疆的"教育營"政策表示讚賞。雖然之前在二月,土耳其外交部長公開譴責北京有系統的"同化"新疆的維吾爾人民為"對人性的巨大汙辱"並呼籲關閉教育營。

Chong-Pin Lin April 16, 2019
林中斌 2019.4.16




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accessed April 8, 2019


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Image of U.S. Leadership Now Poor than China

accessed March 25, 2019

Thanks to Chong-Ming Lin for article recommendation.





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The Big Flip: China's Balance of Payments


accessed April 8, 2019

-- China's current acount 經常帳 1993-2018 had run a surplus until now. (Current account roughly speaking is the sum of its trade balance and net income from foreign investment)
-- 對這事實中國政府才慢慢的覺醒,而連美國負責與北京談判貿易協定的官員似乎都沒有注意到。

"China's government is only slowly waking up to this fact. America's trade negotiators, meanwhile, seem not to have noticed it at all".
-- 倫敦經濟學人雜誌2019.3.16如此說。


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Ignore the polls. Trump has a shrew strategy to win back the white house in 2020

accessed March 25, 2019


-- Ian Bremmer, founder and chairman of Eurasia Group, argues in the March 25, 2019 issue of Time magazine that Donald Trump may win the re-election in 2020 by labeling the Democratic candidate as "socialist" because American voters, though supportive of some socialist policies such as taxing the rich more, react strongly against the "socialist" person.

歐亞集團創始人兼主席伊恩‧布雷默(Ian Bremmer)2019325日在時代雜誌發表,指出川普為民主黨候選人貼上社會主義者的標籤可能會為他贏得2020的選舉,因選民雖支持向富人課稅等社會主義性質的政策,但對於「社會主義者」卻相當厭惡。

-- Bremmer mentions Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as examples of Democratic candidates vulnerable to Trump's attack. Bremmer does not mention Elizabeth Warren who has called herself "a Republican in the bones" which to me protects herself against exactly this kind of attack.

布雷默又以民主黨候選人桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)和寇蒂茲(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)在川普的攻勢下顯得無助為例。然而布雷默並沒有提到稱自己骨子裡是共和黨的華倫,我認為這保護了華倫免於川普的攻擊。
Chong-Pin Lin March 23, 2019




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accessed March 25, 2019

Senator Elizabeth Warren has beaten president Donald Trump in condemning the Christ Church slaughter and looks more presidential than the sitting president.

What Warren targets at such as “hatred”and “bigotry” is exactly the image of Trump in the minds of many.

可以說, 2020年華倫對川普的總統大選對決已經起跑了。
In a way, the 2020 presidential race Warren vs Trump has already taken off.

林中斌 2019.3.17
Chong-Pin Lin March 17, 2019



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Despite debt woes, Africa still sees China as best bet for financing

accessed March 11, 2019

吉布提港的官員Aoubakar Omar Hadi, chairman of the Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority, 感嘆道:

"But many countries, even those heavily indebted to China, still say Beijing offers far better terms than Western banks, and that European nations and the United States fail to match its generosity.

Reuters 全文聯結:https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-africa/despite-debt-woes-africa-still-sees-china-as-best-bet-for-financing-idUSKCN1LF2RM?fbclid=IwAR2zloz68yTUFvrrU4pmbLh36nX8_CHmBeMOpDE97U5ldrGU0d_T1cYRzao


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accessed March 11, 2019

-- 甚至吃素、運動、不抽煙、血壓和膽固醇指數正常的南亞人也會心臟病突發?
-- 因為他們的脂肪傾向存於肝臟、腹腔、肌肉而非皮下。
-- 他們蔬菜、水果、堅果的攝取量不夠。
-- 在美國的南亞人習慣吃家鄉菜與食物的,比也吃西方食物的,心臟病比例高。
林中斌試摘譯 2019.3.4

New York Times 全文聯結:https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/12/well/live/why-do-south-asians-have-such-high-rates-of-heart-disease.html


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accessed March 11, 2019

沙烏地王儲二月從北京回國後,下令全國學校學中文(根據Saudi Gazette 2019222日報導)
王儲二月底訪問巴基斯坦,答應投資$20 billion/美元200億於礦業、農業及其他基本建設。
見習近平,積極安排中國協助沙烏地 Vision 2030計畫。
進一步觀察: A.中國是唯一交好沙烏地、伊朗、以色列的
B. 沙烏地與伊朗兩大金主可能成為中國一
林中斌 整理 敬請賜教 2019.3.6



Saudi Arabia plans to include Chinese language in education curriculum
Saudi Gazette 2019-02-22 20:18:00

BEIJING — A plan to include Chinese language as a curriculum at all stages of education — in schools and universities — across the Kingdom was agreed upon during a meeting between Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, deputy premier, minister of defense and a high-level Chinese delegation.
The proposal aims to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the People’s Republic of China and to deepen the strategic partnership at all levels, Saudi Press Agency said on Friday.
The move seeks to forge a strategic partnership in order to achieve the aspirations of both Saudi and Chinese leaderships and to seize the promising opportunities between their peoples.
The inclusion of the Chinese language in Saudi schools and universities will enhance the cultural diversity of students in the Kingdom and contribute to the achievement of the future national goals in the field of education in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Chinese language’s introduction into the Saudi curricula is an important step toward opening new academic horizons for students at the various educational levels in Saudi Arabia.
Learning Chinese language will serve as bridge between the peoples of the two countries that will contribute to promoting trade and cultural ties. – SPA

連結:http://saudigazette.com.sa/article/559758/SAUDI-ARABIA/Saudi-Arabia-plans-to-include-Chinese-language-in-education-curriculum?fbclid=IwAR1NVAmNhHA8N0XGqCDVOOcGD56DvMw_NcjSH-Asl7RuJT73HPDLfc0VKUM accessed March 5, 2019





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Stealth F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Has Some Serious Problems: Report

accessed Feb 18, 2019


-- F-35 戰機的壽命將要比預先規劃的大為縮短,因為機件問題太多。
--為海軍所特製的F-35 戰機壽命將為2,100小時,比起預期的8,000小時大為縮減。
--代理國防部長Patrick Shanahan F-35 戰機"曾有許多機會改進到比目前更好的成果"。意涵是實際狀況令他失望。

Thanks to Professor Lily Yu for providing the following article.



f35b experience2.jpg

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Accessed Feb 18, 2019


Senator Elizabeth Warren may be the one to save America's soul from sinking and the entire world from Armageddon.




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China Offer to halve cost of Malaysia’s rail project—scources

accessed Feb 18, 2019


-- 92歲的馬哈迪再度當選後,反對前任與北京簽約的鐵路計劃。但親自跑北京解釋 "你不希望我們破產吧!"
---同時令華裔副國防部長向亞洲週刊說:馬來西亞支持 一帶一路。
-- 一月底馬哈迪正式宣佈取消東岸鐵路計劃。
-- 北京迅速回應價格減半。
-- 馬哈迪習近平高手對招!!
林中斌 2019.2.1

--Being adroitly adapted to the rising resistance against and accusation on its "debt-trap diplomacy".



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accessed Feb 18, 2019


時代雜誌 2019.2.18 9


20190218 On historic trip pope Francis tries to bridge gulfs.jpg


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“China launches more rockets than US, Russia in 2018”

Li Ruohan, Global Times Dec 28, 2018 pp3

Accessed Jan 21 , 2019




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“Putin: A Leader made for the Russian Federation”

Ruslan Pukhov, Defense News Dec.10, 2018

Accessed Jan 21 , 2019

From Defense News Dec.10, 2018
國防新聞 20181210
-- According to a Russian security expert in Moscow, Putin, though portrayed in the West as "an architect of an anti-Western approach" , is "far more liberal and pro-Western than most of the Russian public or majority of the Russian elites."
-- He also writes that " In the general public opinion in Russia...even Moscow were to capitulate on all key foreign policy fronts, there would be no tangible easing of U.S. sanctions."


-- Look at what former US security officials say about Putin. Sure enough:


"Putin is a bully" (Leon Paneta, former secretary of defense)

"Putin...operates ...opportunistically ...but has a vision based on fear..."(H.R.McMaster, former national security advisor)

"Putin is afraid of his middle class coming out in the streets.(Mike Morels, former acting director of the CIA)





The main Russian event of 2018 was President Vladimir Putin’s re-election for another six-year term. In view of the nature of the Putin regime, the re-election itself came as no surprise. But it has also demonstrated that there is still no alternative to Putin as the Russian national leader — the president continues to enjoy broad grassroot support and has the unanimous backing of the Russian elites.

As a result, Russia’s domestic and foreign policy course is set to remain unchanged for many years to come; no one is in any doubt that one way or another, Putin will remain in charge even after his current presidential term runs out in 2024. In fact, most Russians perceive that continuity and stability of Putin’s course as his main achievement because he has been instrumental in the steady improvement of the Russian economy, prosperity, and law and order. Putin has basically put into practice the famous strategy formulated by the early 20th century Russian Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin: “Give me 20 years of calm and you won’t recognize Russia.”

In that sense, by voting for Putin, the Russian electorate votes primarily for a continued “calm” that is fundamental to the country’s modernization. The success of that modernization, the rapid growth in Russian prosperity and the impressive improvement in the Russian infrastructure were amply demonstrated by the success of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Putin and his administration still remain a powerful engine of Russia’s Western-style modernization. In that sense, we can only admire the president’s determination to maintain the country’s pro-Western course — which is especially impressive given the ongoing foreign policy confrontation with the West.

In the West itself, Putin is portrayed as an architect of an anti-Western approach, a leader of the global anti-Western forces and a man determined to undermine Western democracy. It is clear, however, that in the Russian context, Putin is far more liberal and pro-Western than most of the Russian public or the majority of the Russian elites.

According to opinion surveys and election results, most Russians are far less liberal and far more populist, or socialist-minded, on economic issues than their president. They also advocate a far more forceful and conservative domestic and foreign policy course. In that sense, Putin embodies Alexander Puskhin’s 200-year-old dictum that “the government are the only Europeans in this country.”

The authoritarian nature of Putin’s rule enables the Russian government to pursue a sensible and responsible financial policy, taking unpopular measures — such as the recent rise in the retirement age — when the situation calls for it. As a result, Russia’s macroeconomic indicators remain sound, despite the growing pressure of U.S. sanctions.

In his domestic policy and on matters of defense, Putin is likely to carry on with the cautious approach that aims to minimize the costs of the confrontation with the West. A case in point is the draft federal budget for 2019-2021, which includes real-term defense spending cuts. (Based on our own estimates, defense spending will remain flat thanks to various budgetary chicanery, but there will certainly be no increase.)

Russia will continue to pursue a cautious and conservative program of bolstering its military capability, with an emphasis on gradual technological modernization — including a continued buildup of forces stationed along the border with Ukraine in order to give Moscow more instruments for intervening in the course of the Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, Moscow will desist from any tangible military buildup in the European (northwestern) theater, despite the mutually belligerent rhetoric by NATO and Russia, and the growing U.S. military presence in Europe.

Judging from the new State Armament Program for 2018-2027, which Putin signed off in December 2017, many of the most ambitious and expensive aerospace and naval weapons programs have effectively been pushed back to the mid-2020s or even beyond 2027.

In Syria, Putin will keep trying to convert the military success of the Russian intervention into political and diplomatic gains, but he will be hampered by the growing Syrian involvement of the United States. Unlike Moscow, Washington has no constructive agenda in Syria, which gives the Americans a greater freedom of maneuver.

The growing U.S. pressure in recent years, including the constant ramping up of anti-Russian sanctions, has led the Russian political elite to believe that there are no tangible prospects for any political normalization with the United States anytime soon, and that the sanctions are here to stay. It is now the general opinion in Russia that even if Moscow were to capitulate on all the key foreign policy fronts, there would be no tangible easing of U.S. sanctions — and the sanctions themselves would be vindicated as an effective instrument of pressure.

As a result, the Russian public opinion is increasingly determined to endure a long-term confrontation with the West and with the United States in particular. Long-term stability of the Russian economy and society will be crucial if Russia is to emerge relatively unscathed from that confrontation.

In fact, Russia can probably survive 10 to 15 years of such confrontation without too much damage to itself. It is believed, however, that the West will gradually become weary of that confrontation in the absence of any ideological underpinnings for it. That Western weariness — as well as the changing global balance of power, reinforced by the growing Sino-U.S. confrontation — will eventually open up a window of opportunity for Moscow to achieve a normalization with the West without relinquishing any of its key holdings (such as Crimea and the Russian sphere of influence in the former Soviet republics).

In the eyes of the Russian people, Vladimir Putin is the ideal leader to steer their country during such a period of confrontation.

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“American Companies Need Chinese Consumers”

Weijian Shan, New York Times January 7, 2019

Accessed Jan 21 , 2019



-- China accounts for about $52 billion in sales for Apple, and its third largest market. 

-- Others with big bets on China include Intel (24% of sales), Micron Technology (51%), and Texas Instruments (44%).

-- The perception of China as the "factory of the world" is badly out of date...

-- Exports have dropped from 36% of China's gross domestic product in 2006 to 20% in 2018.

-- General Motors sells more car in China than in North America.

-- And the threat of trade war with the U.S. is real (for China). But the long-term outlook has not changed. The Chinese consumer market will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace.





In a rare bit of bad news for its investors, Apple last week laid the blame for lower than expected revenue on its performance in China. The news sent Apple’s stock price plunging, and investors also ditched other companies with significant exposure in China. The scale of the damage, both to Apple’s bottom line and to the broader market, underscores how critically important China — and Chinese consumers — have become for American companies.

China accounts for about $52 billion in sales for Apple, and is its third-largest market. Apple is not the only technology company that relies on sales in China. For Qualcomm, a chip maker whose technology is used in many Apple smartphones, the figure is $15 billion, or about 65 percent of its total sales, according to an estimate by FactSet. Others with big bets on China include Intel (24 percent of sales), Micron Technology (51 percent), and Texas Instruments (44 percent).

These numbers make it very clear that the perception of China as the “factory of the world,” flooding global markets with cheap goods, is badly out of date. Exports and capital investments such as buildings and roads are no longer the main engines of China’s growth. Exports have dropped from 36 percent of China’s gross domestic product in 2006 to 20 percent in 2018. Going after China’s exports with tariffs, as the Trump administration is attempting, is, to a certain extent, fighting yesterday’s war.

In recent years, China’s economy has shifted to one that is much more dependent on domestic household consumption — ordinary Chinese people buying things for themselves and their families. In China over the last decade, the growth in private consumption has outpaced overall economic growth rate. In 2018, G.D.P. in China grew by 6.5 percent, and household consumption accounted for about four-fifths of that growth.

China is now the fastest-growing consumer market in the world, with private consumption amounting to about $5 trillion, more than 10 percent of the world’s total. Competition for Chinese consumers’ hard-earned renminbi has become intense.

Consider the smartphone market. As recently as 2016, Apple was China’s leading maker of handsets. But by the third quarter of 2018, China’s dominant telecommunications company, Huawei, was on top, with 23 percent of the market. The Chinese smartphone makers Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi occupy the next three spots, while Apple ranked fifth, with 9 percent. South Korea’s Samsung, the global leader in smartphone sales, has all but disappeared from China, having failed to recover from the fiasco over its dangerously overheating Galaxy Note 7 batteries.

Even industries where American consumers once reigned supreme are now increasingly shifting toward China. General Motors, for example, sells more cars in China than in North America. For global filmmakers, box office sales in 2018 totaled about $9 billion in China, compared with almost $12 billion for North America in 2018.

My company made a decision more than a decade ago not to invest in China’s export sector. Costs for Chinese manufacturers are rising, and prices for their exports are flat or falling. Instead, I feel strongly that there is much greater potential for companies — inside and outside China — that cater to the Chinese consumer market.

Yes, China’s economic growth has begun to slow, and there has been a decrease in investments as Beijing has moved to tighten credit. And the threat of a trade war with the United States is real. But my long-term outlook has not changed. The Chinese consumer market will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace, and it will continue to be a market that any global company must pay serious attention to if it wants to remain competitive.

So where does this leave companies like Apple that find themselves caught in the middle of the trade war? They must hope, first of all, for a swift conclusion to the latest round of trade negotiations between China and the United States, which began in Beijing on Monday. The best possible outcome is a deal that will encourage China to open its economy further, commit to shrinking its bloated state-owned sector and ease barriers to further foreign investment and trade.

Tariffs were supposed to hurt China by hitting its exports to the United States. That hasn’t happened. Should it persist, the trade war will, of course, hurt Chinese companies, just as it has already hurt so many American companies. But if the conflict eventually drags down Chinese consumer demand, businesses all over the world will be the losers.

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“Why 2018 was the best year ever”

Nicholas Kristof, New York Times January 9, 2019 pp.11

Accessed Jan 21 , 2019

-- 2018是人類歷史上最好的一年。
-- 世界的人口活得更常了,過得更好了。
-- 全球媒體都一樣,報導戰爭、殺戮、飢荒,但不聚焦於人類的進步。
-- 美國是例外,平均壽命下降。而全世界別處都在上升。



The world is, as everyone knows, going to hell, but there’s still the nervous thrill of waiting to see precisely which dark force will take us down. Will the economy collapse first, the ice sheets melt first, or chaos and war envelop us first?

So here’s my antidote to that gloom: Let me try to make the case that 2018 was actually the best year in human history.

Each day on average, about another 295,000 people around the world gained access to electricity for the first time, according to Max Roser of Oxford University and his Our World in Data website. Every day, another 305,000 were able to access clean drinking water for the first time. And each day an additional 620,000 people were able to get online for the first time.

Never before has such a large portion of humanity been literate, enjoyed a middle-class cushion, lived such long lives, had access to family planning or been confident that their children would survive. Let’s hit pause on our fears and frustrations and share a nanosecond of celebration at this backdrop of progress.


On a dirt road in rural Angola a few years ago, I met a woman named Delfina Fernandes who had lost 10 children, out of 15; she had endured perhaps the greatest blow any parent can, and she had suffered it 10 times.

Yet such child deaths are becoming far less common. Only about 4 percent of children worldwide now die by the age of 5. That’s still horrifying, but it’s down from 19 percent in 1960 and 7 percent in 2003.


Indeed, children today in Mexico or Brazil are less likely to die by the age of 5 than American children were as recently as 1970.

The big news that won’t make a headline and won’t appear on television is that 15,000 children died around the world in the last 24 hours. But in the 1990s, it was 30,000 kids dying each day.

Perhaps it seems Pollyannish or tasteless to trumpet progress at a time when there is so much butchery, misrule and threat hanging over us. But I cover the butchery and misrule every other day of the year, and I do this annual column about progress to try to place those tragedies in perspective.


One reason for this column is that journalism is supposed to inform people about the world, and it turns out that most Americans (and citizens of other countries, too) are spectacularly misinformed.

For example, nine out of 10 Americans say in polls that global poverty is worsening or staying the same, when in fact the most important trend in the world is arguably a huge reduction in poverty. Until about the 1950s, a majority of humans had always lived in “extreme poverty,” defined as less than about $2 a person per day. When I was a university student in the early 1980s, 44 percent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty.

Now, fewer than 10 percent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty, as adjusted for inflation.

Likewise, Americans estimate that 35 percent of the world’s children have been vaccinated. In fact, 86 percent of all 1-year-olds have been vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.

“Everyone seems to get the world devastatingly wrong,” Dr. Hans Rosling, a brilliant scholar of international health, wrote in “Factfulness,” published in 2018, after his death. “Every group of people I ask thinks the world is more frightening, more violent and more hopeless — in short, more dramatic — than it really is.”

I suspect that this misperception reflects in part how we in journalism cover news. We cover wars, massacres and famines but are less focused on progress.

In the last year, I’ve covered atrocities against the Rohingya in Myanmar, starvation in Yemen, climate change in Bangladesh, refugees and child marriage at home, and some of the world’s worst poverty, in Central African Republic. All those stories deserve more attention, not less. But I never wrote columns or newsletters about three nations that registered astounding progress against authoritarianism and poor governance in 2018, Armenia, Ethiopia and Malaysia.


It is of course true that there are huge challenges ahead. The gains against global poverty and disease seem to be slowing, and climate change is an enormous threat to poor nations in particular. And the United States is an outlier, where life expectancy is falling, not rising as in most of the world. 

So there’s plenty to fret about. But a failure to acknowledge global progress can leave people feeling hopeless and ready to give up. In fact, the gains should show us what is possible and spur greater efforts to improve opportunity worldwide.

Every other day of the year, go ahead and gnash your teeth about President Trump or Nancy Pelosi, but take a break today (remember, just for a nanosecond!) to recognize that arguably the most important thing in the world now is not Trumpian bombast. Rather, it may be the way the world’s poorest and most desperate inhabitants are enjoying improved literacy and well-being, leading to a day when no mom will again lose 10 children.


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Alan Rappeport and Glenn Thrush,

“Trump’s Economic advisers biker over trade war”

New York Times November 14,2018

Accessed Nov 26, 2018



Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, accused Peter Navarro, a top trade adviser, of doing the president “a great disservice” by making hawkish comments about trade talks with China.



川普非為信念不顧代價而鬥爭的冷戰武士。川普非甘迺迪總統般不惜(pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. ....)一切為自由民主奮鬥。




全文聯結- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/13/us/politics/trump-trade-war-economic-advisers.html

20181115 Trump%5Cs economic advisers bicker over trade warOK.jpg

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Mustafa Akyol “True Islam does not kill blasphemies”

New York Times November 21, 2018

Accessed Nov 26, 2018




The Quran has 6,236 verses, none of which tell the faithful to stifle blasphemy by force.



Model Muslin are “there who walk humbly on the earth, and who, reply, ‘peace’.” (2:63)


Muslin when hear people who ridicule “God’s revelations,” they should just “not sit with them.” [4:140]



20181122 Ture Islam does not kill blasphemersOK.jpg

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