
Dmitri Shostakovich: Jazz Suite, Waltz No. 2

Youtube, Feb 10, 2016

accessed Feb 10, 2016

 l  This piece of music, hauntingly beautiful to me, seems to convey a short-lived happiness to be indulged with abandon as the large condition is that of despair and desparation. Only a composer who lived in the shadow of persecution and condemnation by Stalin could have written it.

l  Chong-Pin Lin Feb.10, 2016

l  在絕望中把握短暫快樂的時光盡情歡笑。只有一生受史大林迫害的偉大作曲家蕭士達考衛奇寫的出來。許多電影用它作配樂,情節早已淡去,此旋律在心中恆久不散。

l  林中斌 2016210


Dmitri Shostakovich - Jazz Suite Waltz No 2.jpg


Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz 2 Russian Waltz - Happy New Year 2016!


l  A romantic version of visual splender imitating the film "Anna Karenina". The forthcoming tragedy in ending is temporarily obliviated by the dazzling presence of the moment. Such is the impermanence of life. Enjoy and savor.

l  Chong-Pin Lin February 10, 2016

l  這是華麗視覺下的版本,模仿電影"安娜卡拉琳娜"的風格。悲劇的結局暫時被炫目的此刻所沖淡於無形。生命的無常。盡情體會!

l  林中斌 2016210


Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz 2 Russian Waltz - Happy New Year 2016!.jpg


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