Ignore the polls. Trump has a shrew strategy to win back the white house in 2020

accessed March 25, 2019


-- Ian Bremmer, founder and chairman of Eurasia Group, argues in the March 25, 2019 issue of Time magazine that Donald Trump may win the re-election in 2020 by labeling the Democratic candidate as "socialist" because American voters, though supportive of some socialist policies such as taxing the rich more, react strongly against the "socialist" person.

歐亞集團創始人兼主席伊恩‧布雷默(Ian Bremmer)2019325日在時代雜誌發表,指出川普為民主黨候選人貼上社會主義者的標籤可能會為他贏得2020的選舉,因選民雖支持向富人課稅等社會主義性質的政策,但對於「社會主義者」卻相當厭惡。

-- Bremmer mentions Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as examples of Democratic candidates vulnerable to Trump's attack. Bremmer does not mention Elizabeth Warren who has called herself "a Republican in the bones" which to me protects herself against exactly this kind of attack.

布雷默又以民主黨候選人桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)和寇蒂茲(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)在川普的攻勢下顯得無助為例。然而布雷默並沒有提到稱自己骨子裡是共和黨的華倫,我認為這保護了華倫免於川普的攻擊。
Chong-Pin Lin March 23, 2019





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