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蕭邦:最像貓的作曲家 The Pianist Jeremy Denk on the Joys of Chopin, Our Most Catlike Composer

The New York Times, August 04, 2017     


accessed August 7, 2017


林中斌 2017.7.23

●為什麼李斯特像狗? 他熱情、友善、太急於討好。
●美國當今名鋼琴家和音樂散文家 Jeremy Denk 如是說。

林中斌 2017.8.7

Chopin was sensitive like a cat.

 Liszt …had many virtues but was never as subtle or tasteful as Chopin: He was an enthusiastic, friendly dog, often too eager to please.

The quintessential Chopin gesture is to mark a bass note staccato while instructing you to put down the pedal. Why would you play short and then let the sound linger?...It creates a different timbre, and a different meaning:a release that remains. The foundation, the deepest note, is left as light, pillowy:a perfect analogue to cat’s paw, the sense of grace that lifts from below.                                                                                                                                       

Excerpted by Chong-Pin Lin August 7, 2017





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Cubana by Len Williams



accessed Apr 8, 2017


林中斌 2017.4.8

This lively yet sentimental music is inspired by the Cuban folk melody composed in the form of a dance which I have listened to over decades. Each time, it touches me and echoes in me for hours.

 Chong-Pin Lin April 8, 2017

Cubana by Len Williams.JPG


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2017.2.17 心靈復興與聲音美學



● 這是樓宇偉博士的通知邀請函。


● 陳先生自美國University of Pennsylvania 畢業後從事企業多年,但一生欣賞古典音樂、學製提琴古箏、鑽研acoustics、親身體驗世界各大音樂廳、學佛、隻身入西藏求道、著有英文小說The Hutong Boy(見圖)

● 樓宇偉博士MIT太空博士、曾任GE manager、回國後在漢翔服務數十年、內觀修行(遠赴緬甸)數十年、讀遍英文靈學書籍資料。是在下之"善知識"老師。

● 以下是在下部落格音樂部份的項目,敬請賜教。

1.For Alice




林中斌 2017.2.10

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11-Year-Old Composes First Opera

TIME, NOV 26, 2016


This 11-year-old composer is about to debut her first opera.


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  • 喬治亞是宗教清唱(Gregorian chant)的發源地。這團男聲合唱的合音和獨唱的輕聲頭腔共鳴遠超過預期,也超過華人唱自己歌謠的水準。令人感動又佩服。
  • 感謝賈將軍兆坤提供。

林中斌 2016.11.16


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Narciso Yepes - Romance - Jeux interdits – Guitare

Youtube, Feb 14, 2016


accessed Feb 14, 2016


l  The most popular piece of music in Spain, the land of chivalry, magic and passion. Yet far from being ribald, and rowdy, it is elegant, and elevating. It's composer is anonymous, its source unknown, and its name, previously lacking, now borrowed from the 1952 French film "Jeux Interdits" that used it as the theme song. The player, grand master Narciso Yepes, reportedly composed the guitar music at age 9. But he himself denied it. Another theory was that Fernando Sor composed it in the early 19th century, which later was overhtrown. It origin has remained a mystery to this day. Yepes' playing, with sensitive handling of each sentence, is superb, and worthy of repeated listening and savoring.

l  Chong-Pin Lin Feb. 14, 2016

l  這是西班亞最常聽到的旋律,大街小巷,從早到晚,都會飄來。此音樂雖普受歡迎,卻毫不低俗。高雅、含蓄、清純。是最美而持久的情操。來源不詳,作曲者無名。表演者是西班牙古典吉他大師。他的琴藝我從1960年代後期便開始欣賞嚮往,如今將近半世紀。

l  林中斌 2016214

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Dmitri Shostakovich: Jazz Suite, Waltz No. 2

Youtube, Feb 10, 2016

accessed Feb 10, 2016

 l  This piece of music, hauntingly beautiful to me, seems to convey a short-lived happiness to be indulged with abandon as the large condition is that of despair and desparation. Only a composer who lived in the shadow of persecution and condemnation by Stalin could have written it.

l  Chong-Pin Lin Feb.10, 2016

l  在絕望中把握短暫快樂的時光盡情歡笑。只有一生受史大林迫害的偉大作曲家蕭士達考衛奇寫的出來。許多電影用它作配樂,情節早已淡去,此旋律在心中恆久不散。

l  林中斌 2016210


Dmitri Shostakovich - Jazz Suite Waltz No 2.jpg


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For Alice

這是為 內人所譜的旋律。從1993寫下第一、二句,直到20149月才完成。此曲是我送給她的生日(2014928)禮物。
感謝黃引珊敦促,Sherry Chen 教授演奏。
林中斌  20141003

For Alice
This is a short piece that I wrote for my wife Alice Chang. It took from 1993 when we began dating to September 2014 to complete. For her birthday on September 28, 2014, I presented the piece as my gift to her.  Many thanks to Eli Huang’s for her encouragement, and to Professor Sherry Chen for her piano rendition.
Chong-Pin Lin   October 3, 2014

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Youtube連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Avhms0uqc
2009年范‧克萊本國際鋼琴大賽金牌得主 辻井伸行
2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition gold medalist  Nobuyuki Tsujii


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Homeless Boy Wows Judges on Korea's Got Talent
A video of a homeless Korean boy who loves to sing. 無家可歸的韓國小孩唱歌時像天使墜落人間.....

Youtube連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4CBLVNG2Q4


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Classical Classroom, Episode 23: Bach's materials - the world inside an Invention with Kurt Stallmann
 by Houston Public Media 
音樂愛好者:這是我所聽過最清楚、最有趣的對巴哈經典短曲的解讀。解讀者是台灣作曲家陳士惠教授的老公。(見下圖陳士惠和Professor Kurt Stallmann)

For music lovers, this is the best explanation of Bach's  short, masterpiece.。(Professor Shih-Hui Chen and  her husband Professor Kurt Stallmann)
                                      Chong-Pin Lin    May 30, 2014



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Landfill Harmonic Amazing and Inspirational

                                                  林中斌   2014年6月27日



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Intermezzo with Arik,
Alma Deutscher, 3 Jan 2014


                                                             林中斌  2014年519
An eight-year old in Israel plays piano, and violin on her own lovely compositions!!!!
Genius is a proof of God, according to Albert Einstein.
Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), was a renowned violinist and a musical genius. When Albert Einstein reportedly heard him play a few days before Menuhin reached his 13th birthday, Einstein reportedly followed him backstage after the concert and told him, “Now I know there is a God in heaven.”

                                                                                                          Chong-Pin Lin 19 May 2014

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