
全球地震和火山爆發趨勢/Global Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Trends



In recent years, earthquakes tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters seem to bombard our senses ever more frequently than before.  The U.S. government-sponsored research institutions provide reliable and comprehensive data, but their data have challenged their conservative statements.  Official institutions financed by government, may have a responsibility to calm down public anxieties.  But for rational and pragmatic minds, the truth --however unpleasant-- warrants really close examinations:

全球地震爆發趨勢/Global Earthquake Trends



The U.S. Geological Survey until lately has claimed that the frequency of global earthquakes has not increased.  The data provided by the USGS presented, however, a different picture.


「美國國家地質調查局(The U.S. Geological Survey, USGS) 地球物理學家斯坦 (Ross Stein)說:『不過,長期的資料顯示,全球地震活動並沒有出現激增,大地震也沒有增加。自1964年開始有持續紀錄以來,全球大地震的數量基本保持不變:據美國國家地質調查局的資料,記錄在案的裏氏7.0級及以上地震每年平均有17。』」(Gautam Naik,「全球為何頻發大地震」,華爾街日報2011 03 28日, accessed  May 1, 2011)


“Ross Stein, a geophysicist who is also at USGS, said ‘But long-term data reveal no large increase in global seismic activity, even for big quakes. Since consistent   record-keeping began in 1964, the number of big temblors seen globally has stayed   fairly constant: An average of 17 quakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher has been recorded each year, according to the USGS.’ ”

(Gautam Naik, “Quakes Echo World-Wide”, The Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2011 accessed May 2, 2011)



        I have computed the global trends of earthquakes from the USGS data and found that the trends challenge the USGS official statements as quoted above.  Please see the following two charts, “World Earthquakes Magnitude 2 to 10 1973-2011" and” World Earthquakes Magnitude 7 to 10 1973-2011":

全球火山爆發趨勢/ Volcanic Eruption Trends

(Smithsonian Institute)的美國「國家史密森自然歷史博物館」。它是多年收集全球火山活動資料的權威機構。屬於它的「全球火山研究計劃」對於全球火山爆發是否變多,持極保守的看法,聲稱歷年來火山爆發數不超過70次。

The Smithsonian National Museum of National History of the Smithsonian Institute is one of the most authoritative institutes for monitoring global volcanic activities.  According to the Global Volcanism Program of Smithsonian National Museum of National History, the annual numbers of volcanic eruptions around the world over the years did not increase and the number of eruptions remained less than 70 times per year.


「國家史密森自然歷史博物館」的「全球火山研究計劃」看法之一是:「1960年之後世界火山活動的報告比較全面,所以我們把40年來(僅至2000)的數據製圖。圖中顯示全球每年活動火山之數目在50次和70次之間擺盪,而平均下來相當穩定並沒有變多。」。 (“Has Volcanic Activity Been Increasing?”,

Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian National Museum of National History accessed May 2, 2011)


In “Has Volcanic Activity Been Increasing? “, the Global Volcanism Program of Smithsonian National Museum of National History stated, “Finally, we plot below the record since reasonably comprehensive reporting of global volcanism began in the 1960s.  Note that the number of confirmed erupting volcanoes has leveled off between 50 and 70 per year through the past four decades, and a linear regression line through the data indicates that volcanism has been virtually constant.” (“Has Volcanic Activity Been Increasing?”, Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian National Museum of National History accessed May 2, 2011)


Apparently, the statements above did not incorporate the data after year 2000. Actually, in the period 2004-2008, for five year, the annual number of volcanic eruptions exceeded 70, computed according to the data provided by the Smithsonian National Museum of National History.  Please see the following chart "World Annual Volcanic Eruptions 1900-2010":





Perhaps as government-funded research institutions, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Smithsonian National Museum of National History, have a duty to avoid arousing public panic, which is quite understandable.



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