目前分類:作業範本/ Model paper (51)

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葉州倫 零次方

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朱思潔 孫子與三略之比較

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曹景翔 孫子與毛澤東比較閱讀

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陳亦偉 孫子兵法與李際均「軍事戰略思


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蘇冠群 能者勝出

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黃引珊 賽珍珠印象

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黃引珊 Gobbler

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Joseph Y. Lin  The changing
face of Chinese military
generals: evolving promotion



林中斌 2010.4.18

This paper published in a reputable international defense journal was a term paper submitted in my class “Chinese Military Theory and Practice" in the spring of 2009 at Tamkang University by Joseph Lin who took my class. He is an executive in financial services sector. Joseph took my suggested paper topic; did a thorough and in-depth research; and came up with some important observations.

Chong-Pin Lin April 18, 2010

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韓岡明 大國崛起


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黃引珊 不盈保泰

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林怡舟 孫吳比較 - 將相合

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