香花 September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015 二零一五年九月廿八日晨
- Reading Chapter 25 Huayan Sutra before my prayers, I was stricken by what it says: Bodhisatva, when enjoying good life in this world due to his/her good karma derived from tremendous achievement in past lives, nonetheless always offers what he/she has to other sentient beings in this world besides offering what he/she has to all Buddhas in othe worlds.
- 恭讀華嚴經第廿五卷, 時迴向品第廿五之三: 隨順堅固一切善根迴向。菩薩即使投胎做帝王仍不忘迴向一切他所有給人民、眾生、諸佛。那包括美食、上味、衣服、房舍、車乘、種種名花、上等香、安樂床、摩尼燈等等。之後上香、念經、靜坐。香花來臨。