
鋼鐵英雄 電影推薦

● 堅守博愛慈悲的信念,縱使被所有人認為不合時宜,縱使暗夜被毒打,縱使被長官同僚霸凌,仍不退縮,堅持到最後,贏得所有人的尊敬。

● 真人真事改編,我從開演20分鐘就開始掉淚,把林先生的手帕都哭溼了。在這混亂的世界,謝謝 Mel Gibson 導了這部片,讓我們看到耶穌真正的教導!

Alice Chang 和 Chong-Pin Lin 2016.12.26

Hacksaw Ridge is based on a true story. The protagonist of the film insisted on his firm belief of love and compassion, refused to carry a weapon, and entered the US Army during the height of WWII. Despite the bullying of his colleagues, the insults from his superiors, and the multiple obstacles he had to overcome to stay in the service, he went to a ferocious battle in Okinawa. While everyone withdrawed from the messy battlefield, he stayed behind, and single handedly rescued 75 wounded comrades to safety as an unarmed medic. He courageously demonstrated the true teaching of Jesus Christ as a Seven Day Adventist.



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    林中斌 部落格 / Blog Chong-Pin Lin

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