La Cordillera/El Presidente /The Summit
accessed Aug 27, 2018
An unusually interesting film that blends credible acting and talking of international intrigue, personal psychological complexity, philosophical exploration of good and bad,and ambience of Latin American high politics .
* 主角曾在2010年最佳外語片(阿根廷)"謎樣的雙眼"中視飾演退休的法官。他的強項是絲毫不像在演戲。
The lead actor Ricardo Darín who plays the fictitious president Blanco of Argentina is familiar to us from the 2010 Oscar best foreign film "Los Secreto de sus ojos" (謎樣的雙眼). His acting strength is never seeming to act.
* 這部電影於2017年推出,已贏得13項比賽提名。但美國影評筆下並非上選。是否拉丁文化超越了習慣好來烏單線線思維電影的影評家?不得而知。
The film, released in 2017, has gained 13 nominations, but has only received lukewarm receptions in English film reviews.
* 飾演美國總統密派特使的Christian Slater 表演出色,他的台詞一方面冠冕堂皇,另一方面不能公開,令人會心而笑。
The cameo performance by Christian Slater who plays the secret envoy sent by American president to meet with the Argentinian president is unforgettable, pompous and dirty at the same time. So are his lines.
*飾演進退得宜、又深度挖掘的記者西班牙明星Elena Anaya 也一新耳目,令人印象深刻。
The Spanish actress Elena Anaya demonstrates a refreshing style of a journalist, aggressively deep-digging and yet disarmingly sweet. Another unforgettable yet secondary role in the film.
The philosophical question of evil and good that pops up in the journalist's interview with the Argentinian president appears to be half-cooked divergence from the main plot. Yet it may just be central to the underlying foundation of the story. So is the subplot of the president Blanco's psychologically troubled daughter.
林中斌 2018.7.9
Chong-Pin Lin July 9, 2018