Japan and the US :
Watching Him Nervously
accessed Sep 17, 2018
● The Alliance between Japan and America is under unprecedented stress, mainly because of America's president. There are worries in Tokyo that Mr. Trump might strike a deal with North Korea's leader that protects America but leaves Japan exposed to a North Korean attack.
日本擔心川普會跟金正恩達成協議, 保護了美國,卻讓日本暴露在北韓攻擊的危險之下。
●Trump resents spending so much on deployments abroad including on Japan. He is obsessed with America's trade deficits with Japan. Trump has been neglecting Abe while interacting with Kim Jong Un. Trump appears ready to exploit military ties with Japan as bargaining chips in economic affairs.
●Abe is now trying to pursue an independent foreign policy ,separating military and politcal/economic policies
and to improve relations with both Putin and Xi jinping as a balance to the tensions between Tokyo and Washington.
Chong-Pin Lin summary attempted September 17, 2018
林中斌 試摘譯 2018.9.17