Accessed Dec 03 , 2018
《國際經濟》總編輯及創辦人大衛˙斯密克(David M. Smick)在2015年春天向數十位國際觀察家邀300-500字的英文稿回答以下的問題:
二次大戰之後所成立的國際經濟和金融機構,包括國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)、世界銀行(World Bank)、國際清算銀行(Bank of International Settlements)、各地區的發展銀行,其目的在於提供全球合作的平台。但是這些機構現在陷入可信賴度的危機。像七大工業組織(G-7) 和二十國集團(G-20)之類的組織對於全球金融市場來說也看來愈來愈無關緊要。
舉歐洲為例。對付希臘的經濟危機,歐洲聯盟委員會(EU Commission)、歐洲中央銀行(European Central Bank)、歐盟理事會(EU Council)、歐盟理事會(EU Parliament)、歐洲議會(EU Commission)以及財務部長的歐洲集團(Eurogroup of finance ministers)都連帶遭受了名譽損失。由於國際貨幣基金組織參與了處理希臘危機的「三頭馬車」(還包括歐洲聯盟委員會、歐洲中央銀行),對於希臘勞工家庭來說,「三頭馬車」與無情的樽節成為同義字。
在世界的另一邊,有些分析師相信中國新成立的亞洲基礎建設投資銀行 (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)有潛力成為世界銀行強勁的競爭者。
中國對美國其他參與「亞投行」的盟友—德國、法國、義大利、澳洲、南韓 –- 也在經濟上下了類似的功夫。
北京遵循了孫子兵法所說的「不戰而屈人之兵,善之善者也」。所以,廿一世紀中國的大戰略是「不戰而主東亞」甚至「不戰而主歐亞」。北京所用的方針是「超軍事手段優先」。「超軍事手段」包括沒有硝煙也不流血的工具例如經濟、文化、外交、媒體等等。如果華府繼續遵循西方兵法家克勞塞維茨所說的「戰爭就是是暴力推到極致」-- 也就是說沒有暴力就不算戰爭,沒有戰爭就沒有勝利,華府將來還會面臨事先沒想到的挑戰,而被動因應。
今年7月中,世界銀行行長金墉(Jim Yong Kim)訪問北京拜訪亞投行秘書長金立群商討合作的可能性。這應該是未來的趨勢。
Economy takes command
This is the emerging reality of the world
Chong-Pin Lin
Word count of text: 505
Date: July 23, 2015
Economy takes command. Though not yet obvious, this is the emerging reality in the world. Since the millennium, economic interdependence among nations has reached a magnitude unprecedented in human history. Several implications follow.
First, the military tool has become inhibitingly costly and growingly counterproductive among major powers. In the new century, hitting a rival, one feels the pain oneself, and stabbing him, one bleeds. Second, non-bloody tools in international relations become more viable than bloody ones. Among the former, economy has risen in importance. Third, a clash between a rising power and an established power is no longer inevitable. The Thucidides traps loses its validity. Fourth, cooperation will gradually tops contention for the long-term self-interest of each nation. Fifth, wars occur within one nation, between unequal powers, but no longer among major powers.
In short, among major powers, an indirect approach in statecraft wins and a direct and confrontational approach loses.
Failure to heed these new trends has led to recent geostrategic setbacks of Washington as it has so far predicated its global strategy on the primacy of the military force, and on its supremacy maintenance at all cost. Washington’s frustration during the emergence of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank devised by Beijing was a case in point. In March 2015, Britain betrayed its most trusting ally the U.S. by joining AIIB – the integrity and intention of which Washington had questioned --taking other American allies along with it like falling dominoes.
In December 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron led the historically largest oversea trade mission to Beijing, and announced, “Britain will act as China's strongest advocate in the west”. By then, China had invested in his country during the previous 18 months more than what China did in the previous 30 years. In March 2015, Cameron merely lived up to his words which resulted from Beijing’s accelerated economic endeavor targeted at London.
China had applied similar economic tactics to woo other U.S. allies that ended up joining the AIIB -- Germany, France, Italy, Australia and South Korea.
Beijing has observed the adage of Sun Zi that “winning without fighting” is the best way to achieve victory, therefore China’s grand strategy is dominating East Asia or even Eurasia without war but with “extra-military instruments” such as economy, culture, diplomacy, and media. If Washington continues to follow the teaching of Clausewtiz that “war is an act of violence pushed to its utmost bounds”, it may become increasingly reactionary to challenges of unexpected nature.
Washington’s long inaction to reform the inadequate World Bank actually provided Beijing both the moral and the practical justification to establish the AIIB. Yet when Chinese President Xi Jinping first announced the formation of the bank in October 2013, Washington paid scant attention. In contrast, Britain’s Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne rushed to Beijing in two weeks.
In mid-July this year, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim visited Beijing and talked with AIIB Secretary General Jin Liqun to explore options for cooperation. This should be the way to go in the future.
Dr. Chong-Pin Lin, a former Deputy Defense Minister of Taiwan, now teaches at its National Defense University