Republicans have choices in 2020
accessed Oct 4, 2019
Republicans have choices in 2020
---同時, 川普施壓澳洲總理幫他調查競選對手的新聞也爆出。
William Kristol, neo-conservative commentator of note,
-- has come out to say "But surely we know enough to judge that Mr.Trump does not deserve renomination for that office (of the U.S. president) for an additional four years." (Int'l New York Times, October 2, 2019
-- He is the son of Irving Kristol, the once leading torch of the American neo-conservatives, who was at Washington think-tank when I joined AEI 1987-1995.
-- At the same time, the troubles for president Trump seem snowballing. After Ukraine, Australia was also asked to aid Trump queries for purpose of domestic election campaign.
Ching-Pin Lin October 4, 2019