
Preventing a War Over Taiwan

Kenneth Lieberthal, “Preventing War over Taiwan” Foreign Affairs March/April 2005 pp.53-63
Abstract (Summary)

One of the greatest dangers to international security today is the possibility of a military confrontation between China and Taiwan that leads to a war between China and the US. Such a war would be not only tragic but unnecessary, since it would result in a failure of imagination and diplomacy - fought because a place that has long declared itself independent was attacked for doing so again. Neither Beijing nor Taipei wants a war, but both sides have adopted policies that run an unacceptably high risk of bloodshed over the next several years. The Bush administration should therefore take steps now to reduce the prospect of conflict across the Taiwan Strait. Understanding what those steps should be, however, requires getting past the rhetorical constructs that have dominated discussion to date. Given the relatively brief window of opportunity during which a stable framework agreement can be reached, the Bush administration should move quickly.


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