
體例特點: 美國防部軍力報告2009

Format Characteristics: Pentagon

: Military Power of the PRC 2009


林中斌 2009.4.6 Chong-Pin Lin April 6, 2009

1. 一頁「給長官的摘要」置於報告最前面。

One page "executive summary" is placed at the beginning of the report.

2. 隨後有一頁「目錄」 (不多不少: 充分利用空間)
One page "Table of Contents" follows.

3. 再後有一頁「圖表 (目錄)(不多不少)
One page "Figures" comes in the third.

4. 再後有一頁「簡稱詞彙 (目錄)(不多不少:用兩欄但維持一頁)
One page "Glossary of Acronyms" then follows.

5. 再後有兩頁重點「中國演進的軍力」




Highlights of the report, or major findings of the report, are presented in two pages.

-It begins with a short introduction without the title as such.

-It contains seven bullet points each followed by a boldfaced heading.

-The headings are then followed by paragraphs of almost equal length.

6. 再後是報告的章節。Then come the chapters.

7. 每章(pp.1,20)之下有節(p.1,20)、小節(pp.3,25)、次小節(p.26)三個主要層次。
Chapters (pp.1, 20) contain sections (p.1, 20), subsections (pp.3,25), and even sub-sub-sections (p.26).

- Bullet points may appear at the section level (pp.2), the subsection level (pp.31-33), or at the sub-sub-section level(p.26).

- 每個「子彈點」後通常跟著粗字標題(p.16)

-Each bullet point typically starts with a boldfaced title (p.16).

8. 若有某項事物需要進一步解釋,用方盒子插入本文。在方盒子內詳細探討,而不致於使本文之進展節外生枝,或繞一大圈。
Insert a box in the text for any item that requires elaboration so that the major flow of the text is not blocked, or detoured.


- 不要濫用排序數字。.

- 引言勿需標出「前言」。

- 「子彈點」可彈性出現在各層次。


- Do not overuse sequential numerals

- Introduction of a chapter or a statement does not require a heading "introduction"

- Bullet points may appear at any level of the text structure.



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