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How to Stop Trumps Trade War Madness?

The New York Times Aug 15, 2019

accessed Aug 15, 2019


美國華府喬治城大學法學院教授,也是國務院重要諮詢機構和外交事務的出版機構 Council on Foreign Affairs資深研究員的Jennifer Hilman指出美國國會有憲法裡規定的權力限制川普總統輕率的中國貿易戰政策。



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Accessed July 15, 2019


林中斌 2019715


不鑽胯下過,焉登拜將台 (1)

不嚐吳王穢,焉雪越國恥 (2)

不服圮(pi3)上叱,焉建留侯功 (3)


















2. 越王勾踐,敗於吳王夫差,國滅受俘。勾踐以下奴身份伺奉新主,必恭必敬,以消其疑惑。甚至親嚐吳王糞便,協助御醫治癒吳王之疾。吳王終於信任勾踐,縱其歸越。勾踐臥薪嘗膽,十年生聚,十年教訓,舉兵伐吳。夫差兵敗自刎而亡。勾踐一雪滅國之恥。

3. 秦始皇滅六國統一天下。張良為韓國宰相之子,密謀以力士擲重錐刺殺秦始皇,事敗隱姓埋名以避追捕。一日在下邳過橋時,有老者故意拋其鞋於橋下,呵叱張良下橋撿起,又令張良服侍穿上。之後,此圮上老人令張良數日後清晨來橋上。數次晚到之後,張良才早到等候。圮上老人秘傳其兵書,教導之。張良日後運籌帷幄輔佐劉邦建立漢朝數百年之基業。其他功臣遭忌,被斬被關,惟張良全身而退,被封留侯,安享天年,祿傳子孫。



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Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump

Journal of Political Risk  July 18, 2019

Accessed July 19, 2019

Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump

Journal of Political Risk July 18, 2019



-- 這份名單裡大多數是美國軍人、情報專家、之前所謂“藍隊”的反中挺台美國學者、少數的民運和宗教人士。

-- 後者包括好友June Dryer 金德芳教授,35年前在 華府喬治城大學的學生現在名教授Toshi Yoshihara,敬重的臺大教授明居正等。

-- 可以說,美國的中國專家對華政策呈現分裂態勢。尚不能說美國兩黨一致反中。學術界、外交界、企業界不贊成以中國為永久敵人。軍情界及研究軍事、少數民族、宗教問題的學者不贊成川普改變目抗中政策。


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"China is Not an Enemy" 

Washington Post July 3, 2019

Accessed July 4, 2019

"China is Not an Enemy" Washington Post July 3, 2019


The list of signatures at the end of the seven-point petitions is almost "Who is who" of scholars, government officials (both foreign service and defense department officers), and business world consultants in the U.S.

●在下數十年接觸的美方中國問題所有關鍵人物幾乎都在內。官員包括如共和黨的Douglas Paal 民主黨的Richard Bush。軍方的Dennis Blasko, 商界的Ian Bremmer

●明顯不在內的有友台的Kurt Campbell 他在 20183月的Foreign Affairs發起質疑數十年華府已交往為主的中國政策的大辯論。他的博士似乎屬國際關係而非中國研究。還有長年駐北京的洛杉磯時報名記者Jim Mann。當然還有現在為川普總統依重的Michael Pillsbury白邦瑞。三位在下都認識,後二者可稱是好友。


-- Knowledgeable China experts in the U.S. do not support the zero-sum China policy under president Trump.

-- The popular notion in the U.S. that both Republican and Democratic parties are joined by China-bashing may not be blanketedly accurate.


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一項新聞 兩篇報導



Accessed July 26, 2019

一項新聞 兩種報導







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美情報總監下台 川普鐵粉接班


Accessed July 30, 2019

兩點觀察 Two observations




The Trump team has exhibited its cognitive dissonance in foreign policy with the professional soldiers and intelligence officers being the more realistic and even more hawkish on one side and the President himself being the less realistic and sometimes the less hawkish on the other side.

For example, the professionals have observed that North Korea will not abandon its nuclear weapons while Trump has indicated that North Korea will do so.

Dr. Michael Pillsbury indicated on July 25 that President Trump did not view China as enemy as many of advisors did. Pillsbury revealed that Trump just was concerned that China might replace the U.S. as the world's leader.



20190730 美情報總監下台 川普鐵粉接班.jpg

20190730 眼中釘下月離職 川普擇定新情報首長.jpg

20190728 阻陸崛起 美不惜退出貿易談判.jpg



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Trump Struggles to Achieve 3 Percent Economic Goal as Growth Slows

Washington Post July 26, 2019

Accessed July 28, 2019

美國第二季度GDP 成長2.1%, 由第一季度3.1%下降。這是美國商務部美國時間週五7/26公佈的。

-- 川普要維持2019成長3%現在不確定了。

-- 他原先怪歐巴馬是唯一未達成3%的總統。現在他語氣緩和下來。



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The Coming Economic CrashAnd How to Stop It

Elizabeth Warren

Accessed July 24, 2019

2008金融危機之前,美國現任參議員華倫當時是哈佛大學教授, 曾在 2003, 2004, 2005 警告經濟危機將要到來。





-- 家庭債務上升

-- 公司債務上升

-- 製造業衰退






至少這是個勇敢的賭博。到明年年底,若經濟仍然旺盛 ,她的選舉將垮的很慘; 若經濟果如她所說,她聲勢將大增。


The Coming Economic Crash — And How to Stop It

Jul 22, 2019

By Elizabeth Warren


I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis, but the people in power wouldn’t listen. Now I’m seeing serious warning signs in the economy again — and I’m calling on regulators and Congress to act before another crisis costs America’s families their homes, jobs, and savings.

I’ve spent most of my career getting to the bottom of what’s happening to working families in America. And when I saw the seeds of the 2008 crisis growing, I rang the alarm as loud as I could.

In 2003, I called out subprime lenders for tricking unsuspecting families — especially families of color — into refinancing into overpriced subprime mortgages. In 2004 and 2005, I warned that families were getting deeper into debt and hanging on only by borrowing against their homes, which put them in a vulnerable position if costs rose or a family member lost a job. In2006, I flagged that foreclosure rates were starting to go up, but that the mortgage lenders were still churning out loans because they had passed on the risk of defaults to investors in the form of mortgage-backed securities. Those trends — shady subprime lending, rising household debt, a mortgage market where lenders didn’t bear the risk of their loans — set the stage for the 2008 crisis.

But the people with the power to stop the crisis didn’t listen — not enough of them anyway. Not the banks, not Alan Greenspan or other federal regulators, not Congress. And when the crisis hit in 2008, working families lost it all while the big banks that broke the economy got a fat taxpayer bailout.

When I look at the economy today, I see a lot to worry about again. I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble.

Our Precarious Economy

Household debt. A generation of stagnant wages and rising costs for basics like housing, child care, and education have forced American families to take on more debt than ever before. The student debt load has “more than doubled since the financial crisis. American credit card debt matches its 2008 peak. Auto loan debt is the highest it has ever been since we started tracking it nearly 20 years ago, and a record 7 million Americans are behind on their auto loans — many of which have similar abusive characteristics as pre-crash subprime mortgages. 71 million American adults — more than 30% of the adults in the country — already have debts in collection. Families may be able to afford these debt payments now, but an increase in interest rates or a slowdown in income could plunge families over a cliff.

Corporate debt. Corporations are also deeply in debt. Leveraged lending — lending to companies that are already seriously in debt — has jumped by40% since Trump took office, spreading “systemic risk” throughout our financial system. These high-risk loans now make up a quarter of all American business loans, and they look a lot like the pre-2008 subprime mortgages: poorly-underwritten loans with minimal protections that are then packaged and sold to investors. I’ve warned regulators about my concerns — which experts share — but their tepid response shows they haven’t learned the lessons of the last crisis.

Manufacturing recession. Despite Trump’s promises of a manufacturing “renaissance,” the country is now in a manufacturing recession. The Federal Reserve just reported that the manufacturing sector had a second straight quarter of decline, falling below Wall Street’s expectations. And for the first time ever, the average hourly wage for manufacturing workers has dropped below the national average.

The country’s economic foundation is fragile. A single shock could bring it all down. And the Trump Administration’s reckless behavior is increasing the odds of just such a shock.

The administration may breach the debt ceiling in September, leading to economic turmoil that top economists say would be “more catastrophic” than the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Trump’s trade war with China threatens American manufacturing and has already hurt American companies that investors think of as “industry bellwethers,” while feedingan all-time economic slowdown in China that could have dramatic ripple effects on the American economy. And Trump is goading the U.K. toward a no-deal Brexit, which even his own administration acknowledges would have “immediate and significant spillover effects” to our economy.

The financial markets agree that there is a serious risk of downturn in the near future. The U.S. Treasury yield curve — a barometer for market confidence — normally slopes upwards because investors demand higher yields for bonds with longer maturities. But this March, it inverted for the first time since 2007, signaling that investors are so worried that things are going to get worse that they’d rather lock in lower rates for the future today than risk long-term rates going even lower. The curve has inverted before each and every recession in the past half century — with only one false signal.

And experts agree. In a recent survey of nearly 300 business economists, three-quarters expect a recession by the end of 2021 — with more than half thinking it’ll come by the end of 2020.

Stopping the Next Downturn

The good news is that we have the chance to head off a crisis — just like we had a chance to head off the 2008 crisis — if we take bold action now to address the underlying problems in the economy:

Reduce household debt: To put our economy — and our families — on firmer ground, it is essential to reduce household debt both by raising people’s wages and by bringing down their costs. That is the heart of my economic agenda. We can raise incomes by increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, strengthening unions, ensuring that women of color get the wages they deserve, and empowering workers to elect at least 40% of board members at big American corporations. We can reduce costs and slash household debt by cancelling up to $50,000 in student loan debt for 95% of people who have it, bringing down the cost of rent, providing universal affordable child care and early education for all our kids ages 0–5, and making tuition free at every public technical school, two-year college, and four-year college.

Monitor and reduce leveraged corporate lending: In response to the 2008 crisis, Congress created the Financial Stability Oversight Council — made up of the heads of the financial regulatory agencies — to monitor risks that cut across different markets. The risks of leveraged lending are exactly the kind of thing FSOC is supposed to monitor, but the Trump-era FSOC is falling down on the job. It should meet specifically to discuss these risks and announce a plan for addressing them. Federal regulators should also enforce leveraged lending guidance that is intended to stop banks from issuing these risky loans in the first place.

Strengthen manufacturing: We need policies that reverse the manufacturing job losses of the past twenty years by investing in manufacturing instead of undercutting it. My Green Manufacturing Planwill mobilize our industrial base by making a $2 trillion investment in American green research, manufacturing, and exporting over the next decade. This will create more than a million high-quality jobs and help address the existential threat of climate change.

Limit potential shocks to the economy: With a vulnerable economy, we should be reducing the odds of potential shocks that could push us into a downturn. The Trump Administration should stop pushing for a no-deal Brexit and start planning for how to insulate the American economy if that occurs. It should replace the trade-war-by-tweet with China with a coherent strategy — working with our allies — to respond to China’s trade tactics. We need to invest in strengthening critical American industries, instead of undercutting American companies. And we should take the prospect of breaching the debt ceiling off the table forever by either eliminating it or by automatically raising the ceiling to accommodate spending and revenue decisions authorized by Congress.

Warning lights are flashing. Whether it’s this year or next year, the odds of another economic downturn are high — and growing. Congress and regulators should act immediately to tamp down these threats before it’s too late.



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夫人將軍 (Madame General)

Accessed July 22, 2019

夫人將軍 (Madame General)
《經濟學人》 2019.7.6 27&28
●1973年美軍只有4.2% 女性;2017年比例增加至18.4%

林中斌 試摘譯 2019.7.22

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22強國譴責中國 促關新疆集中營


Accessed July 14, 2019

22強國譴責中國 促關新疆集中營



-- 是重要事件,引發後續對立事件(713日,37國聯合發表相反看法的聯合信,亦要求聯合國納入記錄)

-- 此重要事件為自由時報712日紙本報導,其他台灣大報紙本似乎忽略。

-- 自由時報之標題不無反中挺美之語氣,但內容7段中兩段似乎相反。其一轉載挺中環球時報申訴要點。其二報導先前譴責中國的土耳其總統最近挺中言論。



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The Hidden Troubles of the F-35

exclusively obtained documents show evidence of a program grappling with serious technical problems

Defense News June 17, 2019

Accessed July 15, 2019


The Hidden Troubles of the F-35 exclusively obtained documents show evidence of a program grappling with serious technical problems

國防新聞(Defense News) 2019.6.17 132/33:

"過去幾年,美國防部主管指出對F35戰機各種關切,先是技術問題,然後是價格和維 修成本太高。

但是實際狀況更糟。最近國防新聞所獲資料現示:戰機有嚴重缺陷(category 1-A deficiencies),如果不修正駕駛安全都不保...駕駛艙壓力突變引起耳朵和鼻竇尖銳的刺痛...頭盔及夜視照相機的瑕疵增加降落在航母的困難..."




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Supersonic Speeds Could Cause Big Problems for the F-35's Stealth Coating

Defense News June 17, 2019

Accessed July 15, 2019

Supersonic Speeds Could Cause Big Problems for the F-35's Stealth Coating

國防新聞(Defense News) 2019.6.1720:




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"Xi's History Points to a Hardline on Hong Kong"

The New York Times July 5, 2019

Accessed July 10, 2019

"Xi's History Points to a Hardline on Hong Kong"

By Steven Lee Myens

New York Times July 5, 2019

Recent statements from China's official and semi-official sources and past statements of Xi including one in 1989 when he was in Fujian point to the probable unfolding events:

1. Mobilization of "a vast network of" pro-Beijing "supporters in Hong Kong" to counter and contain the mass movement.

2. Failing the measure above, Being may launch a pinpointed para-military operation on the leaders of the Hong Kong mass demonstrations, employing non-bloody instruments of war of paralysis.

3. Failing even that, the para-military forces will take over Hong Kong with the PLA stationed outside.

Cold-blooded analysis apart, one prays for the most peaceful and at least the least violent solution awaiting at the end of tunnel of uncertainty.


Chong-Pin Lin

July 10, 2019


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Jeffrey Sachs, " China is not the source of our problems-- corporate greed is"

CNN May 27, 2019

Accessed June 3, 2019


Wise, sanguine, and clear-sighted.
Excellent analysis that transcends the confine of ego, time, and space.
This manifests the real greatness of America: the national ability to self-reflect.

Chong-Pin Lin May 28, 2019
敬請賜正 2019.5.28

●China is being made a scapegoat for rising inequality in the United States. 

●We should understand that China is merely trying to make up for lost time after a very long period of geopolitical setbacks and related economic failures.

●In 1839, Britain attacked China because it refused to allow British traders to continue providing Chinese people with addictive opium. Britain prevailed,

●Toward the end of the 19th century, China lost a war to the newly industrializing Japan, and was subjected to yet more one-sided demands by Europe and the United States for trade. These humiliations led to another rebellion, followed by yet another defeat, at the hands of foreign powers.

●China has roughly followed the same development strategy as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore before it. From an economic standpoint, it is not doing anything particularly unusual for a country that is playing catch up.The constant US refrain that China "steals" technologies is highly simplistic.

●Countries that are lagging behind upgrade their technologies in many ways, through study, imitation, purchases, mergers, foreign investments, extensive use of off-patent knowledge and, yes, copying. 

●And with any fast-changing technologies, there are always running battles over intellectual property. That's true even among US companies today -- this kind of competition is simply a part of the global economic system. Technology leaders know they shouldn't count on keeping their lead through protection, but through continued innovation.

●The United States relentlessly adopted British technologies in the early 19th century. And when any country wants to close a technology gap, it recruits know-how from abroad. The US ballistic missile program, as it is well known, was built with the help of former Nazi rocket scientists recruited to the United States after World War II.

●If China were a less populous Asian country, say like South Korea, with a little more than 50 million people, it would simply be hailed by the United States as a great development success story. 

●Trade with China provides the United States with low-cost consumer goods and increasingly high-quality products. It also causes job losses in sectors such as manufacturing that compete directly with China. That is how trade works. To accuse China of unfairness in this is wrong -- plenty of American companies have reaped the benefits of manufacturing in China or exporting goods there. And US consumers enjoy higher living standards as a result of China's low-cost goods.

●Yet under American capitalism, which has long strayed from the cooperative spirit of the New Deal era, today's winners flat-out reject sharing their winnings. As a result of this lack of sharing, American politics are fraught with conflicts over trade. Greed comprehensively dominates Washington policies.

●The real battle is not with China but with America's own giant companies, many of which are raking in fortunes while failing to pay their own workers decent wages.

●Trump is lashing out against China, ostensibly believing that it will once again bow to a Western power. It is willfully trying to crush successful companies like Huawei by changing the rules of international trade abruptly and unilaterally.

●A trade war with China won't solve our economic problems. Instead we need homegrown solutions: affordable health care, better schools, modernized infrastructure, higher minimum wages and a crackdown on corporate greed.





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accessed May 20, 2019

林中斌 2019.5.19















20190519 美中貿易戰的背後.jpg

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accessed April 8, 2019

●2014318, 林中斌,"民主病了!" 聯合報 A15
124,布萊爾(前英國首相)Tony Blair, "民主已死?Is Democracy Dead?" 紐約時報 New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/…/…/tony-blair-is-democracy-dead.html)













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"While China rose, a distracted America atrophied."

 Accessed Dec 24 , 2018

20181126China has won the Global war on terror Ok.jpg

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Accessed Dec 03 , 2018


-- 聽說普丁決定與中國長期合作。因為其內部研究結論是對抗不符合俄羅斯長遠的利益。

-- 貝加爾湖淡水前幾年已公佈提供給中國。可灌溉黃土高原,減輕穀類種植缺水的問題。

-- 中俄在低調商討莫斯科歸還滿清被帝俄所佔領的領土。因此唐努烏梁海是否為中國領土目前高度敏感。中國法院回答人民:此屬國家機密無法回答。


林中斌 2018.12.2



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“Electronic Manufacturing: The Great Chain of China”

Economist October 13,2018 pp61&62

accessed October 29, 2018

20181013 The great chain of China1.jpg20181013 The great chain of China2.jpg20181013 The great chain of China3.jpg

‧世界上一半手機在中國生產,中國工廠安裝世界上2/5的半導體,頻果最大的的200家供應商之中,357家在中國,只有63家在美國 (Of the production facilities operated by Apple’s top 200 suppliers, 357 are in China. Just 63 are in America.)



林中斌 試摘譯 2018.10.29

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"Trump Considers Firing Air Force Chief Over Space Force Pushback"/

"What are your thoughts on US president Donald Trump's proposed Space Force"

Foreign Policy October 04, 2018


accessed October 22, 2018



●共和黨Neb.參議員Deb Fisher"我想從國防部直接聽到他們如何建立太空軍的計畫,以及從哪裡找得到太空部的人員。"(尚未得到)

●共和黨Texax參議員John Cornyn"傳統上,太空任務是空軍負責。至今我尚未聽到令我信服的說法解釋為何我們要成立另一軍種。"

2018.08.27 Defcense News 

"What are your thoughts on US president Donald Trump's proposed Space Force"


20180827 What are your thoughts on US president Donald Trump%5Cs proposed Space Force.jpg

林中斌 試摘譯 敬請賜教 2018.10.22

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