China Summit 2013

The Chinese Dream: red capitalism, green cities, blue skies?

December 5th 2013 • Sofitel Wanda, Beijing, China


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US has two main concerns over arms sales to Taiwan: ex official

Staff Reporter 2013-11-05 15:57 (GMT+8)


Lin Chong-pin at a book launch on Dec. 5, 2009. (Photo/China Times)

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中共欲深化改革 林中斌:習李主導

中央廣播電台  2013.11.12 


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星洲日報 2013.11.10


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聯合報 2013.11.13 A3

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我當時解釋東亞海事緊張用了三個觀念,但中評社記者混淆其中之二。三個觀念是: 總體而言為「鬥而不破」。令緊張上升因素為「對外強硬,對內固權」。控制緊張不令爆發戰爭是「大國間經濟互相依賴」。(林中斌 2013年11月7日)

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聯合報 2013.11.05

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台學者:解放軍更“微笑好學” 代化超想像
環球時報 2013.11.04

大陸媒體首次不稱我為 "前台灣防務部門副首長""前台灣大陸政策部門副首長" 而稱我為 前"副國防部長" 及前 "陸委會副主委。可能是延續 張志軍王郁琦互稱官銜 的作法,向"一國兩府" 移動。環球時報誤稱我為淡江大學教授,但開會時我已更正:2012年退休。(林中斌 2013年11月7日)


It was an interview conducted in Shanghai November 2 by Global Times owned by Renmin Ribao (PRC official mouthpiece) on my views on the evolving PLA, and cross-strait relations. For the first time for me, PRC newspapers referred to me using my former proper governmental titles such as "Taiwan's former Deputy Defense Minister" instead of "the former deputy head of Taiwan department on defense matters".(Chong-Pin Lin Nov. 7 2013)

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中國核潛艦部隊 林中斌:針對美而來
自由時報 2013.10.30

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