摩洛哥 Morocco/ Dade's Valley

October 20, 2016


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摩洛哥 Morocco/ From Scoura

October 21, 2016

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摩洛哥 Morocco/ Hiking from the Imlil Center

October 24, 2016


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Superstition ain’t the way

The Economist, Sept 3, 2016


accessed Sept 3, 2016

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Two Religious Pillars Meet

 Kirsten Salyer, Times, Sept. 22, 2016


accessed Oct. 3, 2016

  • 達賴與Tutu主教對話
  1. 內心快樂的秘訣:勿想自己太多
  2. 快樂的八支柱
    • (看得長遠,謙虛,幽默,接收)
    • (寬恕,感恩,慈悲,慷慨)
  • Advice for finding inner joy. The secret? Not thinking too much about yourself.
  • And they outline eight pillars of joy, divided by mind (prospective, humility, humor, acceptance) and heart (forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, generosity).


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America’s Unseen Social Crisis: Men Without Work

 Nicholas Eberstadt, Times, Oct. 3, 2016


accessed Oct. 3, 2016


  • 作者是中斌在「美國企業研究院」的同事及好友。是他鼓勵我投稿到紐約時報“China: Nuclear Wild Card ”, The New York Times, July 27, 1988
  • 這篇點到美國社會問題之一:失業的男性,非常嚴重。
  • 美國國力稍退重要原因是社會失序,遠比經濟遲緩、軍費削減更值得注意

林中斌 2016.10.03

  • Eberstadt was my colleague at AEI who encouraged me to publish my first oped in the U.S


Chong-Pin Lin Oct .03 2016




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佛新生 嗑藥的比抽菸的多

聯合新聞網 2016/09/20


   accessed Oct 3, 2016





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England’s Forgotten Muslim History

Jerrt Brotton, New York Times, Sept. 17, 2016


accessed Sept 19, 2016

  • 這是一篇很有意義的歷史回顧。伊莉莎白一世因為要對抗歐陸法國,西班牙,與回教奧圖曼帝國交往,影響深遠,包括「東印度公司」的成立等等。



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8年來陸工資年增10.6% 全球第一



   accessed Oct 3, 2016




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Why It’s Safe to Scrap America’s ICBM

 William J. Perry, New York Times, Oct. 1, 2016


accessed Oct 3, 2016


  • 美前國防部部長裴利建議銷毀美國州際彈導飛彈,因為它們耗錢,危險,無必要

林中斌 Oct. 03. 2016

  • Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. William Perry suggest that the U.S. should scrap its ICBMs as they are costly to maintain, dangerous and not necessary.

Chong-Pin Lin Oct. 03. 2016




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