
2016/11/10 經濟日報

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林中斌:川普幕僚反共 基本對台友好

2016/11/10 中央社


  • 話雖如此,川普總統如何與他任命的共合黨外交/戰略精英與前官員相互調適,共同合作將是件雙方重大的挑戰。
  • 這些人基本上反俄、仇中,當然也友台。
  • 川普已表示要改善與中俄的關係。對北京經濟貿易制裁的言論在競選後期淡化了。一位前共合黨外交戰略官員S先生2016.1月告訴我他不喜歡川普便是一例。

林中斌 2016.11.10

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Anxiety is fear of being unneeded

 Dalai Lama and Arthur Brooks, The New York Times, NOV 4, 2016

accessed NOV 10, 2016

達賴喇嘛 美國華府 中央偏右的智庫"美國企業研究院"院長Arthur Brooks 合寫這篇評論,登在2016114日紐約時報。

  • 他們問:為何美國事移民者的天堂,而美國人自己充滿焦慮/不快樂?
  • 答案是:美國人覺得不被他人需要。
  • 他們進一步說:服務他人(有益眾生)是我們天生的人性。這種天生的人性超出了因服務他人所帶來的名譽、利益、權力以滿足我們的自私和驕傲。他們引述了許多科學和統計地研究,說明服務他人(有益眾生)使得我們快樂而長壽。
  • 美國企業研究院是我1987-1995擔任亞洲研究部副主任和專任學者的地方。也是 "新保守主義"的大本營。一般人會聯想到雷根和老布希總統的政策和由研究院出任的重要官員。這和心靈為上的達賴喇嘛似乎風馬牛不相及。
  • Arthur Brooks曾在芝加哥大學任教,專門研究 "慈善事業"
  • 不只全球政治國際關係圖像在轉變。人類的價值觀也在轉換。世界逐漸邁入新紀元。

林中斌 2016.11.10

His Holiness Dalai Lama and the President of American Enterprise Institute Arthur Brooks coauthored the interesting and enlightening piece published in the November 4, 2016 New York Times.

  • I served in the center-right think tank during 1987-1995 as Associate Director of Asian Studies and Resident Scholar before Author Brooks arrived whom I met in Taipei a few years ago when the outgoing president Chris DeMuth introduced Brooks to friends in Taipei.
  • Why would the bastion of conservatism and even "neo-conservatism" in the U.S., perceived to be connected with American "imperialism", get involved with the world's foremost spiritual leader?
  • What is emerging are new values, new types of national leaders, and new geopolitical configuration. The world is entering a New Age.

Chong-Pin Lin Nov. 10. 2016


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  • 喬治亞是宗教清唱(Gregorian chant)的發源地。這團男聲合唱的合音和獨唱的輕聲頭腔共鳴遠超過預期,也超過華人唱自己歌謠的水準。令人感動又佩服。
  • 感謝賈將軍兆坤提供。

林中斌 2016.11.16


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How Trump Is Good for China

 Eric Li, The New York Times, NOV 15, 2016

accessed NOV 17, 2016


  • The United States has been trying to remake the world in its own image — building an American empire in the name of globalization.
  • The American empire was built at the expense of the American nation.
  • The United States has 4.5 percent of the world’s population and about 20 percent of its gross domestic product, yet accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world’s military expenditures.
  • Mr. Trump is a resolute businessman with little ideological underpinning. Without the shackles of ideology, even the most competitive rivals can make deals.
  • It was a project in costly global policing at the expense of American national interests.

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Single party dominates divided nation

Somers Wis, The New York Times, NOV 14, 2016

accessed NOV 17, 2016


  • With Donald J. Trump’s win, Republicans will soon control the White House, both chambers of Congress, the tilt of the Supreme Court, more state legislative chambers than any time in history, and more governor’s offices than they have held in nearly a century.
  • The American people are severely divided while the government is solidly controlled by a single political party.
  • Dose this augur stability in the society and strength in foreign policy?

Chong-Pin Lin Nov. 17. 2016

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川普是陸著名商標 10年前就註冊

2016/11/16 旺報


  • 川普在中國有78個有效商標。
  • 20164月川普在美國大選競選期間,仍不忘在大陸搶註商標,委任代理公司在廣告、房屋建築、教育、餐飲領域追加註冊商標。
  • 川普寫了50多本書。
  • 川普是唯一擁有專屬桌遊的總統。

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2016/11/08 中國時報


  • 奧蒂嘉將4度連任總統,得票率約為72%。因為尼國經濟過去5年內平均成長5%,他選第一夫人作副手。
  • 這就是個"非自由式民主"(illiberal democracy)的範例:有選舉,也有獨裁的色彩,但治理能力(governance)佳,人民滿意。
                                                                                             林中斌 2016.11.17

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第五年度桃源谷登山/ The fifth annual fall season hiking on Taoyuan Valley Ridge


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林中斌看洪習會 重在意願交集

2016/11/05 旺報  林中斌

  accessed Nov 5, 2016

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