目前分類:心靈探索/Spiritual Exploration (73)

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                                       林中斌   2014512

I sincerely prayed for strength to conquer my ego and thereby to make contribution to the others. 

                                                                      Chong-Pin Lin  May 12, 2014

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 February 12, 2014 Alice Chang, Hsintien  2014212日張家珮,新店

Having undergone much pressure at work, Alice resumed praying and reciting sutras. After this, she could face pressure with composure.





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Nicholas Kristof, "At 90, this doctor is still calling"
International New York Times Feb.7, 2014, p.7

We in journalism tend to cover airplane crashes, corrupt officials and loathsome criminals with gusto, but let’s take a break and applaud a hero.

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 MY MORNING PRAYER     January 28, 2014     晨禱  2014年1月28日


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聯合報 2013.11.05

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佛陀的教誨    Buddha’s Teaching


    During the spring festival of 2013, my wife and I stayed at the AMANFAYUN  Anman Fayun resort in Hangzhou. In the library, I found the following quote in an photo album entitled “China” by Roland and Sabrina Michaud (Paris: Flammarion, 2008). A quote caught my attention:


Be your own light, your own refuge. Believe only what you try out yourself. Don’t accept authority simply because it comes from some great man or is written in a sacred book, for truth is different for each of us.   

The Buddha (Fifth century BCE)”

















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20130506 密宗神父

文稿完成2006.7.10      修訂 2006.10.4/2013.5.6


 今年(2013)春天,讀到橡實文化剛出版的翻譯新書《源場》(359),發現我所擔憂的關於禔叟神父(Father Francis Tiso)研究西藏密宗虹光身部份早已於2011年由出版的原文書公諸於世。原文書曾於20119月上紐約時報暢銷書榜,至20127月已有2百萬讀者:

David Wilcox, The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophesies (New York: Dutton Publisher 2011)     

 林中斌 201356

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20130506 方祖涵:眾所未知的野獸泰森


聯合報 2013.05.06

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20130330 教宗首度為少女、穆斯林洗腳


聯合報╱編譯馮克芸/綜合報導 2013.03.30




   2013328日,新任教宗方濟打破教廷傳統,為女性和回教徒犯人洗腳並俯身親吻之。這呼應了月前227日在紐約時報上國際關係大師 保羅˙甘迺迪所寫的短文。


在短文中,他公開承認,他是西方非教會成立的、主要大學中唯一仍實際力行的天主教徒國際關係教授。他每周三為窮人、吸毒者、無家可歸者服務中餐。他寫道: 「你能愛你披頭散髮、骯髒、一無所有的鄰居如你愛你自己一樣? 這才是宗教的真髓,其他都是『腳註』。」

林中斌 201241


On March 28, 2013, the newly elected Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of two young female prisoners, one of them a Muslim, in a break with tradition. That echoed what Professor Paul Kennedy (see inset) of the The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1987) fame wrote on New York Times/International Herald Tribune on February 27, 2013.

Two years after the publication of his book, the once superpower the former Soviet Union collapsed, and two decades after, the other super power United States began its gradual decline.

Professor Kennedy at Yale University admitted that he was the only professor of international relations at a major western liberal university who was a practicing Catholic. Every Wednesday for many years, he had worked at the soup kitchen for the downtrodden neighbors. He wrote, “Do you love your dirty hairy, smelly, dispossessed neighbor as yourself, and will reach out to help?  Loving your God, and loving your known and unknown neighbors as yourself, is the core. Everything else is footnotes.”

Chong-Pin Lin April 1, 2013


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 專訪 林中斌

文稿完成2003.11.6      修訂 2006.8.30


二零零三年底,《聯合報》新闢心靈版。主編黃靖雅聽說我多年來以科學角度研究靈學的興趣,找我邀稿。因為字數限制,我只能以跳越時空、蜻蜓點水的方式,縱貫廿世紀,橫馳中外,簡述幾件令人意外的發展。這樣的穿梭連接多屬個人的淺見,未見於他處,疏漏之處尚待指正。簡縮版標題為「念力」,登在《聯合報》20031221E2。以下是較長的原稿,而且帶了腳註。  林中斌 2006/8/30

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20120723 If I had a lot of money

By Elizabeth Dunn/Michael Norton23/07/2012 00:00:00
     How much money do you need to be happy? Think about it. What’s your number? Many of us aren’t satisfied with how much we have now. That’s why we’re constantly angling for a raise at work, befriending aged relatives and springing, despite long odds, for lottery scratch tickets.
    The notion that money can’t buy happiness has been around a long time. But it turns out there is a measurable connection between income and happiness; not surprisingly, people with a comfortable living standard are happier than people living in poverty.

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Dharamshala, India /March 18, 2011


Chong-Pin Lin

(Taipei/January 31, 2012)

Meeting Dalai Lama at his residence was a precious opportunity.  I posed three questions to him, which prompted his enthusiastic and enlightening comments recorded at the time, transcribed later, and presented below.

The three questions were respectively on the future of Buddhism in China, on certain mysterious phenomena of incense ash resisting falling while forming patterns, and on karma from violent actions initiated by kindness.


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