On December 1, 2012, I was invited to give a keynote speech at an international conference held in Taipei organized by Business and Professional Women International on a theme of “green economy”. In preparation for my presentation, I updated my previous graphs on frequency trends of earthquakes (source: U.S. Geological Survey), and volcanic eruptions (source: Smithsonian Institute) from my book Global Shift: Exploring Roots of Rising Disasters published in December 2011. I checked the latest data on global average temperature trend, and those on the solar cycles (Cycle 24). I added the April 2012 Japanese astronomer’s observation on weakened solar activities and the prospect of a mini-ice age in addition to the three previous forecasts made by astronomers from Russia, the Netherlands, and the U.S.
My opening remarks will be followed by the power-point presentation without the verbal comments.
Chong-Pin Lin December 3, 2012
2012年12月1日,中斌被國際婦女會議邀請作主題演講。題目是 “全球轉變:災變昇起下的希望曙光”。內容有些剛更新的資料:地震頻率在2008年達頂峰後持續下降;火山爆發頻率也如此;世界平均溫度在1998和2010年達高原後,約略下降;2010年4月日本天文學家也預測小冰河期的來臨,是5年內第4個國家的天文學者發表類似的看法。
林中斌 2012年12月3日
By Chong-Pin Lin
Asia Pacific Conference, Business and Professional Women International
December 1, 2012, Grand Hotel, Taipei
In 20 days, it will be December 21, 2012, the day where the Mayan astronomical calendar mysteriously ends.
Will that be the end of the world?
Will horrendous calamities descend upon us as depicted in the film “2012?
President Lu, distinguished BPW speakers and leaders, ladies and gentlemen, my answer is :
No and No.
You may say that this is a safe bet. If there was going to be the end of the world, I would not be around to admit my mistake.
In fact, among others reasons, the geomagnetic poles of the earth never flipped like that in a matter of hours or days in its history.
It took hundreds if not thousands of years to complete the process.
Now, you may wonder what qualifications entitle me, known to be a student of strategic studies and international affairs, to addressing issues like this?
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My previous incarnation as a geologist decades before I got involved in the government is one.
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A second one is the research I conducted for writing my book, which took two years– almost as long as my PhD dissertation. The book was published at the end of December last year. Its title was “Global Shift: Exploring the Roots of the Rising Disasters”.
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This picture shows the trip taken by the geomagnetic north pole around 420,000 years ago. Even the geomagnetic pole moved across the Equator and back after hundreds or even thousands of years, it did not flip.
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The second question, out of a total of ten, is:
If the world does not end on December 21, 2012, will the world be inundated by water from melting ice in the Arctic by 2100, and will the world become an oven?
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3.解壓縮檔案後,打開”20121201 Global Shift Rising Disasters & Dawning Hope”的檔案夾, 以瀏覽照片的方式觀看投影片即可。