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20120102 Balancing the East, Upgrading the West

This article by Zbigniew Brzezinski provides yet another evidence that the trend of a “rising accommodation school” in the U.S. toward China, which I began sketching by early 2005, is coming to the fore.


Chong-Pin Lin  April 10, 2012



林中斌  二○一二年四月十日


Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Balancing the East, Upgrading the West: U.S. Grand Strategy in an Age of Upheaval” Foreign Affairs January-February 2012 pp.97-104

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20120100前哨 太子黨四大家族正式結盟

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This is an excellent article based on valuable interviews with Hu Dehua, the son of Hu Yaobang, and sources from western diplomats/officials. It reveals what has been missed in other media reports in Chinese.   Chong-Pin Lin April 10, 2012

20120329 The Revenge of Wen


The ouster of Chongqing boss Bo Xilai was 30 years in the making -- a long, sordid tale of elite families and factions vying for the soul of the Chinese Communist Party.

BY JOHN GARNAUT Foreign Policy March 29, 2012


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20120329 中華人民共和國外交專題、中國戰略理論與應用、中共外交政策當週講(Assignment Reading)


Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/9glyy7

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Joshua Kurlantzick, “China’s Charm
Implications of Chinese Soft Power”

Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xtn8ti
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Second step: To click where indicated Click here to start download from sendspacce


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Chong-Pin Lin, “Beijing’s New Grand Strategy: Dominating East Asia without Fighting”

Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/kkw5hs
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20120320 張忠謀:念大學 要學到謀生技能

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北大原來從未邀請過校友在開學典禮上講話,2008年開學典禮,北大邀請了新東方教育科技集團董事長兼總裁俞敏洪 老師講話,這是俞老師的一種榮幸,更是新東方的一種榮譽。


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少 久 多 敗



原載中央日報(海外版)1984.12.20   p.11

文稿完成1984.11.14     修訂 2006.8.30

前言:一九八四年夏天,我在喬治城大學以博士生身分開始教書。教的是「中國戰略理論和應用」Chinese Military Theory and Practice。這門課是我論文的一部分,也是自己獨創的,在全美國各大學中別無分號。同時,一位新結識的中醫朋友,教我許多可貴的觀念。那年耶誕節前,趁學校放假的空檔,寫下以下學習的心得。


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20100131 Heartland Return for

Chinese Leader





    MUSCATINE, Iowa—This small city on the Mississippi River has long boasted that Mark Twain briefly called it home in 1854. Now, residents realize they have a more unusual bragging point: Muscatine played a minor but memorable role in the ascent of Xi Jinping, the man expected to become China's top leader this fall.


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20120216  習近平是誰


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Getting Beyond Taiwan?

Chinese Foreign Policy and PLA Modernization

Dowanload link:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7GUQTtcorbzWW1rRlljMG44Zk0/edit

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Chong-Pin Lin

Revised February 23, 2011

Download Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vpaDL9YI3-uAyH1DaYE5ASjRtrZZy8FcAyHomYCrf6k/edit

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The Wisdom of Retrenchment:
America Must Cut Back to Move Forward


Foreign Affairs, November/December 2011


    In the wake of the Cold War, U.S. foreign policy underwent a profound transformation. Unrestrained by superpower competition, the United States' ambitions spilled over their former limits. Washington increased its military spending far faster than any of its rivals, expanded NATO, and started dispatching forces around the world on humanitarian missions while letting key allies drift away. These trends accelerated after 9/11, as the United States went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, ramped up its counterterrorism operations around the world, sped up its missile defense program, and set up new bases in distant lands.

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Not So Dire Straits

How the Finlandization of Taiwan

Benefits U.S. Security

Bruce Gilley




Bruce Gilley, "Not So Dire Straits-How the Finlandization of Taiwan

Benefits U.S. Security", Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2010, Vol.89 No.1, pp.44-60

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The Geography of Chinese Power - How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea?

Robert D. Kaplan


Robert D. Kaplan, "The Geography of Chinese Power-How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea? " Foreign Affairs, May/June 2010, No.3 Vol.89, pp22-41

     The English geographer Sir Halford Mackinder ended his famous 1904 article, "The Geographical Pivot of History," with a disturbing reference to China. After explaining why Eurasia was the geostrategic fulcrum of world power, he posited that the Chinese, should they expand their power well beyond their borders, "might constitute the yellow peril to the world's freedom just because they would add an oceanic frontage to the resources of the great continent, an advantage as yet denied to the Russian tenant of the pivot region." Leaving aside the sentiment's racism, which was common for the era, as well as the hysterics sparked by the rise of a non-Western power at any time, Mackinder had a point: whereas Russia, that other Eurasian giant, basically was, and is still, a land power with an oceanic front blocked by ice, China, owing to a 9,000-mile temperate coastline with many good natural harbors, is both a land power and a sea power. (Mackinder actually feared that China might one day conquer Russia.) China's virtual reach extends from Central Asia, with all its mineral and hydrocarbon wealth, to the main shipping lanes of the Pacific Ocean. Later, inDemocratic Ideals and Reality, Mackinder predicted that along with the United States and the United Kingdom, China would eventually guide the world by "building for a quarter of humanity a new civilization, neither quite Eastern nor quite Western."

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Suggestions to My College Students

Chong-Pin Lin 林中斌

Revision: December 13, 2008 (Original: September 30, 2005)

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Lo Kuan Chung, "K'ung-ming's Verbal Warfare" Three Kingdoms China's Epic Drama (New York:Pantheon Books,1976)pp. 153-163

Lo Kuan Chung, "As Predicted, Lord Kuan Obliges Ts'ao Ts'ao" Three Kingdoms China's Epic Drama (New York:Pantheon Books,1976)pp. 196-200

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毛澤東選集 目前形勢和我們的任務



Download link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7GUQTtcorbzVm9CNDhCYUZqSXM





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Clausewitz in Wonderland

By Tony Corn

Policy Review Hoover Institution September 2006

Tony Corn teaches European Studies at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute. The opinions expressed in this essay are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. government.

Amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics.” In the five years since the 9/11 events, the old military adage has undergone a “transformation” of its own: Amateurs, to be sure, continue to talk about strategy, but real professionals increasingly talk about — anthropology.


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