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毛澤東選集 論持久戰


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毛澤東選集 抗日游擊戰爭的戰略問題


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毛澤東選集 中國革命戰爭的戰略問題



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European Union Committee 7th Report of Session 2009-10





Download link:  http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld200910/ldselect/ldeucom/76/76i.pdf

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標題: Don't Break the Engagement.

作者: Economy, Elizabeth, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, May/Jun2004, 83, 刊號 3

Don't Break the Engagement


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AFTER ALMOST three years of calm, the American debate over China policy is set to heat up again. Like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush came into office pushing for a tougher approach to Beijing. And like his predecessor, Bush soon changed his tune. But if the Clinton administration's shift reflected a deep-rooted embrace of the logic of engagement, the Bush administration's shift has appeared more tactical, reflecting a realist appreciation for alliances of convenience during times of crisis. Now that the initial and most urgent phases of the war on terrorism have passed, China policy is likely to find its way back onto the agenda of hard-liners who consider the country a strategic competitor. They are likely to be joined by those who think that tough talk about trade deficits and China's human rights violations makes for good campaign politics. With the bilateral trade deficit now at $120 billion, Beijing's reported backsliding on human rights, and its heavy-handed diplomacy with Hong Kong and Taiwan, 2004 could be a banner year for the critics of engagement. Yet a return to China bashing and to a strategy of containment would be a mistake. The past 30 years have demonstrated that engagement works--if not exactly in the way its advocates predicted



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標題: China's Search for Stability With America.

作者: Wang Jisi, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Sep/Oct2005, 84, 刊號 5


China's Search for Stability With America


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AFTER 9/11

THE UNITED STATES is currently the only country with the capacity and the ambition to exercise global primacy, and it will remain so for a long time to come. This means that the United States is the country that can exert the greatest strategic pressure on China. Although in recent years Beijing has refrained from identifying Washington as an adversary or criticizing its "hegemonism"--a pejorative Chinese code word for U.S. dominance--many Chinese still view the United States as a major threat to their nation's security and domestic stability.

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標題: China's New Diplomacy.
作者: Medeiros, Evan S., Fravel, M. Taylor, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Nov/Dec2003, 82, 刊號


China's New Diplomacy



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THIS SUMMER, as the nuclear crisis in North Korea intensified, most eyes were focused on the adversaries in Washington and Pyongyang.

Less noticed, but no less important, was the role of a third player: Beijing. China, long reticent on matters of foreign policy, had boldly stepped into the fray, suspending crucial oil shipments to North Korea, sending high-level envoys to Pyongyang, and shifting troops around the Sino-Korean border. It was China that arranged the tripartite talks held in Beijing in April. And China has not let up the pressure since.


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標題: China Takes Off.

作者: Hale, David, Hughes Hale, Lyric, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Nov/Dec2003, 82, 刊號 6




China Takes Off




FEW NATIONS have changed as fast--or as dramatically--as China has since the 1970s. The world's most populous nation has radically liberalized its economy and gone from producing low-quality and simple exports to sophisticated high-technology goods, while nurturing a vibrant private sector and attracting nearly $500 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI). The country has turned into a formidable exporting machine: China's total exports grew eightfold--to over $380 billion--between 1990 and 2003; and its exports in the electronics industry now account for 30 percent of Asia's total in that sector. China's share of global exports will reach 6 percent in 2003, compared to 3.9 percent in 2000. Last year, China accounted for 16 percent of the growth in the world economy, ranking second only to the United States.



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標題: The New New World Order.

作者: Drezner, Daniel W., Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2007, 86, 刊號 2HTML 全文


The New New World Order


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THROUGHOUT THE twentieth century, the list of the world's great powers was predictably short: the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan, and northwestern Europe. The twenty-first century will be different. China and India are emerging as economic and political heavyweights: China holds over a trillion dollars in hard currency reserves, India's high-tech sector is growing by leaps and bounds, and both countries, already recognized nuclear powers, are developing blue-water navies. The National Intelligence Council, a U.S. government think tank, projects that by 2025, China and India will have the world's second- and fourth-largest economies, respectively. Such growth is opening the way for a multipolar era in world politics.

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Suggestions to My College Students

Chong-Pin Lin 林中斌

Revision: December 13, 2008  (Original: September 30, 2005)

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Trouble in Taiwan.

Swaine, Michael D.


Foreign Affairs; Mar/Apr2004, Vol. 83 Issue 2, p39-49, 11p, 1 bw



      ON DECEMBER 9, 2003, in the presence of visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, President George W. Bush broke significant new ground in

      U.S. relations with China and Taiwan. Having pledged in April 200l to do "whatever it takes" to help Taiwan defend itself, Bush changed tack, reaffirming U.S. support for maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Of even greater significance, he rebuked Taiwan's president, Chen Shui-bian, stating that "the comments and actions made by the leader of Taiwan indicate that he may be willing to make decisions unilaterally to change the status quo, which we oppose."

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錢其琛 外交學院學報 2002卷第3pp.1-6


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丁松泉 聯合早報 20020315



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China's Charm Offensive

Joshua Kurlantzick
                  Carnegie Endowment Policy Brief NO.47, June 2006

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China's Space Odyssey: What

the Antisatellite Test Reveals

About Decision-Making in



Bates Gill and Martin Kleiber

 Since China's destruction of one of its weather satellites with a ballistic missile this past January, experts around the world have puzzled over the move's purpose. One widespread view is that the antisatellite (ASAT) test was a shot across the bow of U.S. military power. Beijing's strategists have argued for years that it needs to develop asymmetric capabilities in order to close the widening gap between the United States' military might and China's own and prepare for a possible conflict in the Taiwan Strait. With the United States now depending so heavily on assets in space for real-time communications, battlefield awareness, weapons targeting, intelligence gathering, and reconnaissance, the Chinese rocket launch may have been an attempt to show Washington how Beijing can overcome its handicap in a relatively simple way.

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Sino–US and Cross-Strait

Relations under

the Post-‘11 September’ Strategic Settings


(* Jiemian Yang is a Senior Fellow and Vice President of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies)

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    Sino–US relations and cross-Strait relations are always interrelated and so is the US policy towards cross-Strait relations. The United States has taken its global strategic and fundamental national interests as points of departure. The Bush Administration has undergone a cycle of being tough towards China and titling towards Taiwan Ž rst and then readjusting towards the middle ground. There are many reasons to explain this change and
the events of 11 September stand out very prominently. This change once again proves that once the US put strategic consideration Ž rst it will take all the necessary steps to ensure that the Taiwan issue should not be a damaging and/or diverting factor. However, there still exist fundamental differences over the Taiwan issue and the Bush Administration’s
military-to-military relations with and arms sales to Taiwan are matters of great concern

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