
The life of ‘the first modern general’

Thomas E. Ricks, International New York Times

accessed June 21, 2016

謝爾曼是美國內戰北軍戰勝的主要角色。他一再繞到敵人側翼再攻擊以致勝,有別於北軍主帥即他的好友格蘭特 (U.S. Grant) 的正面攻擊傷亡慘重的笨方法。




他數度傳聞拒絕競選總統。他的名言:「如果被徵召,我不競選;如果選上,我不就職。」這叫作「謝爾曼聲明」(The Shermanesque statement)


他過世時,與他敵對的南軍將領 (General Joseph E. Johnstan),為他抬棺。18912月冬季天氣寒冷下雨。朋友建議他戴帽子,Johnstan拒絕說:「如果我跟謝爾曼易位,他一定不會戴帽子為我抬棺。」Johnstan因此得肺炎,一個月後過世。

Sherman's birth family was Presbyterian and he was originally baptized as such. His foster family, including his future wife Ellen, were devout Catholics, and Sherman was re-baptized and later married in the Catholic rite. According to this son Thomas, who became a Catholic priest, Sherman attended the Catholic Church until the outbreak of the Civil War, but not thereafter. In 1888, Sherman wrote publicly that "my immediate family are strongly Catholic. I am not and cannot be." A memoirist reports that Sherman told him in 1887 that "my family is strongly Roman Catholic, but I am not." Sherman was buried at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri.

Funeral procession in New York

On 19 February, a funeral service was held at his home, followed by a military procession. General Joseph E. Johnston, the Confederate officer who had commanded the resistance to Sherman's troops in Georgia and the Carolinas, served as a pallbearer in New York City. It was a bitterly cold day and a friend of Johnston, fearing that the general might become ill, asked him to put on his hat. Johnston famously replied: "If I were in [Sherman's] place, and he were standing in mine, he would not put on his hat." Johnston did catch a serious cold and died one month later of pneumonia.

General Sherman's body was then transported to St. Louis, where another service was conducted on 21 February 1891 at a local Catholic church. His son, Thomas Ewing Sherman, a Jesuit priest, presided over his father's funeral mass. Sherman is buried in Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis.


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