2/5 預測馬克宏當選法國總統
● 2012年2月拙作"習近平的七個超越"中第七項終於得到國際回響。記得某紐約時報記者當時訪問我,對此點完全無動於衷。
● 2017年2月5日,已經看好Macron 可能救法國免於民粹右翼之難。當時我的法國鄰居說: "誰? Macron? 我不認為他有機會!"
林中斌 2017.5.8
● On February 5, 2017, I was lucky enough to opine that Macron could save France from falling into the hands of , xenophobic right-wing populism.
● At the time, my French neighbor responded to me: "Macron? Who? Oh no, I don't think that he has a chance!"
Chong-Pin Lin May 8, 2017