"Post" 郵報:密戰
accessed February 25, 2018
Totally energizing!
A great film directed by Steven Spielberg, apparently with president Donald Trump in mind. The tempo is so pressing that almost leaves the viewer breathless. The music composed by John William impressively adds to the historical weight of the story. Meryl Streep, again, is at her best, refined, moving, and convincing.
Highly recommended.
Chong-Pin Lin February 25, 2018
《郵報:密戰》(英語:The Post,中國大陸譯《華盛頓郵報》,香港譯《戰雲密報》,馬新譯《郵報:密戰》)是一部於2017年上映的美國電影,由史蒂芬·史匹柏執導,莉茲·漢娜(Liz Hannah)與喬許·辛格編劇,並由梅莉·史翠普與湯姆·漢克斯等人主演。