Brutal new poll shows 3 in 10 Republicans support Trump impeachment push

accessed Oct 11, 2019


甚至一向支持川普的 Fox News 也公佈民調:51%美國人支持彈劾川普並把他移出白宮把他移出。


Brutal new poll shows 3 in 10 Republicans support Trump impeachment push

The Week October 8, 2019


After Fox News released poll that made Trump mad, Barr reportedly met with Rupert Murdoch

The Week October 11, 2019



-- 甚至一向支持川普的 Fox News 也公佈民調:51%美國人支持彈劾川普並把他移出白宮把他移出。

-- Fox News 最近也有電視主持人Shep Smith和分析家Judge Andrew Napolitano在川普7/25打電話施壓烏克蘭總統協助調查政敵拜登後開始批評他。

-- 川普推特說(1010):不管他是脽,民調的主持人混蛋。 但是Fox News的確不比以前美好時代的表現了。


林中斌 摘譯 20191011


"A 58 percent majority of Americans say House Democrats were right to begin an impeachment inquiry of President Trump, and a 49 percent plurality say the House should vote to remove him from office, according to a Washington Post-Schar School poll released Tuesday (October 8)morning. "

"28 percent of Republicans said they support the House impeachment investigation a 21-point jump from a Washington Post/ABC News poll in July"

"Fox News released a poll showing that 51 percent of voters are in favor of impeaching Trump and removing him from office, The New York Times reports."

Many Fox News hosts are pro-Trump, like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, but there are also people like anchor Shep Smith and senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, who have been critical of Trump and his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."

"Their denunciations coupled with the brutal poll resulted in a Trump tweet storm on Thursday (October 10, 2019)morning. "Whoever their Pollster is, they suck," Trump said. "But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days." "


Chong-Pin Lin excerpted

October 11, 2019

Brutal new poll shows 3 in 10 Republicans support Trump impeachment push

October 11, 2019

October 8, 2019


Mark Wilson/Getty Images


A 58 percent majority of Americans say House Democrats were right to begin an impeachment inquiry of President Trump, and a 49 percent plurality say the House should vote to remove him from office, according to a Washington Post-Schar School poll released Tuesday (October 8)morning. Support for impeachment has jumped significantly across the board since the White House released a transcript of Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in late September.

There is a clear partisan split in the results, but 28 percent of Republicans said they support the House impeachment investigation — a 21-point jump from a Washington Post/ABC News poll in July — and 18 percent of Republicans want the House to "vote to remove Trump from office." Meanwhile, 86 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independents support the impeachment investigation; 78 percent of Democrats and 49 percent of independents want the House to vote to evict Trump from the White House. There's also a generation gap — 40 percent of Republicans age 18-39 back the impeachment investigation versus 23 percent of those 40-64 and 13 percent of Republicans 65 and older.

The Post and George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government conducted the poll by phone Oct. 1-6 among 1,007 U.S. adults, and the margin or sampling error for the entire survey is ±3.5 percentage points. The results were nearly identical for U.S. adults and registered voters. On FiveThirtyEight's aggregate of impeachment polling, which did not include this new poll, 46.5 percent support the impeachment inquiry and 44.7 percent do not. Peter Weber


Attorney General William Barr and media mogul Rupert Murdoch had a private meeting on Wednesday night, not long after Fox News released a poll showing that 51 percent of voters are in favor of impeaching Trump and removing him from office, The New York Times reports.

A person familiar with the matter told the Times the pair met at Murdoch's home in New York. It's unclear if they were joined by others, or what exactly they talked about. Many Fox News hosts are pro-Trump, like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, but there are also people like anchor Shep Smith and senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, who have been critical of Trump and his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Their denunciations coupled with the brutal poll resulted in a Trump tweet storm on Thursday morning. "Whoever their Pollster is, they suck," Trump said. "But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days." Catherine Garcia


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