桃源谷 Taoyuangu
September 14, 2013 & October 27, 2012
Taoyuangu ridge overlooks the Pacific Ocean in Yilan County with a spectacular view.
桃園谷位於宜蘭縣大溪和大里之間,在面臨太平洋之稜線之上。2012年10月27日初次與朋友登臨,下山路線走5公里的桃源谷大溪步道,天黑路滑。下午三點至七時才完成。 因此有必要於2013年9月14日,個人前往探新路。烈日驕陽下,汗如雨下,但下午風起雲湧,景象變換,嘆為觀止。
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Taoyuangu ridge overlooks the Pacific Ocean in Yilan County with a spectacular view.
I hiked with friends on October 27, 2012 for the first time. We took an extremely slippery trail – paved with andesite slab yet covered with thick moss – downhill to Daxi, Yilan County. The 5km journey took us from 3pm to 7pm with the last one hour and half in darkness. We had dinner at a seafood restaurant in Daxi, and caught the slow train around 9pm.
It was almost midnight when we got home in Taipei. Hard work, but highly worthwhile.
To explore a less strenuous downhill route, I hiked on September 14. It began as an extremely hot day and cooled off in the afternoon as fog came in from the ocean, changing the scenery unexpectedly and rednering it more enticing.
You are welcome to visit “Taoyuangu” in the photo album on this blog