Nanyuan: U D N Founder's Memorial Resort
2013年9月19 & 20日
住宿貴客有各國政要名流,但台灣政治領袖 – 李登輝、陳水扁、宋楚瑜、馬英九等無此機會。
歡迎進入本部落格相簿光臨 "南園":
Nanyuan is a resort managed by "The One" today. The building was constructed by Wang Tiwu (unverified transliteration), the founder of the United Daily News in the 1980s. The painstaking design, the valuable timber, and the superb fenhshui (geomancy) constitute a southern Fujian style architecture that is one of a kind.
It was originally for housing returning journalists from abroad. It contained individually designed units for all of Mr. Wang’s children save one who was managing more than one hundred stations internationally and seldom came home.
Visiting dignitaries who had stayed include Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, Washington Post Chairwoman Katherine Graham, Bill Clinton and the like. However, Taiwanese political figures such as Lee Tenghui, James Soong, Chen Shuibian, and Ma Yingjeou have never been invited.
You are welcome to visit “Nanyuan” in the photo album on this blog: