體例特點: 美國防部中國軍力報告2009年
Format Characteristics: Pentagon: Military Power of the PRC 2009
林中斌2009.4.6 Chong-Pin Lin April 6, 2009
如何呈現研究的結果? 如何最有效的鋪陳你的心得? 如何使匆忙的長官迅速獲得你的研究成果? 如何使有心的讀者深入的了解你的苦心累集的資料和獨特的創見?
林中斌 2013.8.18
How do you effectively present the fruit of your research? How do you get the attention of your extremely busy superiors, yet at the same time allow in-depth reading possible for others?
This is what we can learn from “Pentagon: Military Power of the PRC 2009” some of the answers to the questions raised above.
Chong-Pin Lin August 18, 2013
1. 一頁「給長官的摘要」置於報告最前面。
One page "executive summary" is placed at the beginning of the report.
2. 隨後有一頁「目錄」 (不多不少: 充分利用空間)。
One page "Table of Contents" follows.
3. 再後有一頁「圖表 (目錄)」(不多不少)。
One page "Figures" comes in the third.
4. 再後有一頁「簡稱詞彙 (目錄)」(不多不少:用兩欄但維持一頁)。
One page "Glossary of Acronyms" then follows.
5. 再後有兩頁重點「中國演進的軍力」
Highlights of the report, or major findings of the report, are presented in two pages.
-It begins with a short introduction without the title as such.
-It contains seven bullet points each followed by a boldfaced heading.
-The headings are then followed by paragraphs of almost equal length.
6. 再後是報告的章節。Then come the chapters.
7. 每章(pp.1,20)之下有節(p.1,20)、小節(pp.3,25)、次小節(p.26)三個主要層次。
Chapters (pp.1, 20) contain sections (p.1, 20), subsections (pp.3,25), and even sub-sub-sections (p.26).
- Bullet points may appear at the section level (pp.2), the subsection level (pp.31-33), or at the sub-sub-section level(p.26).
- 每個「子彈點」後通常跟著粗字標題(p.16)。
-Each bullet point typically starts with a boldfaced title (p.16).
8. 若有某項事物需要進一步解釋,用方盒子插入本文。在方盒子內詳細探討,而不致於使本文之進展節外生枝,或繞一大圈。
Insert a box in the text for any item that requires elaboration so that the major flow of the text is not blocked, or detoured.
- 不要濫用排序數字。.
- 引言勿需標出「前言」。
- 「子彈點」可彈性出現在各層次。
- Do not overuse sequential numerals
- Introduction of a chapter or a statement does not require a heading "introduction"
- Bullet points may appear at any level of the text structure.
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Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2009 PDF檔: