中非合作更上層樓”“布局日深 陸承非洲最大投資國

2015/11/27 中國時報    2015/11/22 旺報

http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20151127000522-260102       http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20151122000847-260301  accessed Nov. 30, 2015


「北京對外設『一帶一路』是proposal不是strategy,其實一帶一路之時間預備很久,地理面相很廣」  林中斌 2015.11.30

20151127 中非合作更上層樓20151122 布局日深 陸成非洲最大投資國  

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政冷經熱 訪日遊客陸人最多

2015/11/25 旺報

http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20151125000794-260301  accessed Nov. 30, 2015

「中日還是不免一戰嗎? 北京『超軍事手段』中間旅遊(tourism)是一樣重要之工具。為『不戰而主東亞』鋪路已久」  林中斌 2015.11.30

 20151125 政治經熱 訪日遊客陸人最多  

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陳德銘30日來台 走訪八縣市基層

2015/11/24 聯合報

http://udn.com/news/story/6656/1333798-%E9%81%B8%E8%88%89%E6%95%8F%E6%84%9F%E6%99%82%E5%88%BB%E2%80%A6%E9%99%B3%E5%BE%B7%E9%8A%9830%E6%97%A5%E4%BE%86%E5%8F%B0-%E8%B5%B0%E8%A8%AA8%E7%B8%A3%E5%B8%82   accessed Nov. 30, 2015


北京對台「三中一青」之工作不因國民黨大選失敗而改變。 林中斌 2015.11.30

 20151124 陳德銘30日來台 走訪八縣市基層  

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How to change Putin’s Mind

Leon Aron, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 26, 2015

http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-change-putins-mind-1448399297  accessed Nov. 30, 2015


l  this is an in-depth analysis of how my “toughness abroad gains domestic applause” applies to Russia. However, his policy recommendation for the U.S. may lead to undesirable consequences for both Russia & the U.S. I am doubtful that this measure may succeed. Because the Weat also has domestic problem to solve, and is not without limit in coming up with resources. Chong-Pin Lin Nov.30.2015


 20151126 How to Change Putin  

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China’s most powerful weapon is trade

David Pilling, Financial Times, Nov. 26, 2015

http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/605c3ec4-92c1-11e5-bd82-c1fb87bef7af.html   accessed Nov. 30, 2015


l   trade, or an economic tool, is typically an “extra-military instrument” which characterizes China’s grand strategy of “dominating Asia without war!  Chung-Pin Lin Nov. 30 2015

20151126 China  

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巴黎恐襲之後 臺灣學者呼籲宗教相容



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以下為匈牙利報2015年11月14日刊所登載的一篇匈牙利教授對我的專訪。敬請賜教。 林中斌 20151119


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VOA interview Nov.12.2015

Nov. 12, 2015 VOA interview. I asked how many seconds they needed of me and I would comply. Twenty seconds, she said. I commentedThat is a lot.


Really, twenty seconds?


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