三昧 香花
Incense Flower & Samadhi
June 19, 2015
accessed June 26, 2015
今晨4:30起床,4:50讀華嚴經卷十四賢首品十二之一。賢首菩薩回答文殊菩薩之偈中不斷提到 "三昧"。其意為"止息雜念使心神平靜"。剛好昨日讀紐約時報報導 :印度總理莫迪將於6月21日星期日早晨7時號召3萬5千政府官員、學生、公民在德里舉行集體瑜珈活動,要打破世界紀錄。同時提到莫迪每天做瑜珈並進入"三昧"。去年秋天訪美忙碌的9日行程,他遵照瑜珈規定絕食。此舉令歐巴馬著實佩服莫迪的精力過人。自5:00至6:00,依此心念誦經咒及靜坐,並見此香花。
I was up at 4:30 this morning,read "Huayan Sutra" from 4:50 - 5:00,and from 5:00 - 6:00 recite mantras,sutras , prayed and meditated to find the incense flower appearing. I was thinking of what Huayan Sutra mentioned: samadhi which I read yesterday in a New York Times article about Indian prime minister practicing yoga daily to attain the "samadhi". Modi is calling for a 35,000 mass yoda exercise at 7am Sunday June 21. He maintained his fast during a busy 9-day visit in the U.S. last fall and really impressed with his abundant energy U.S. president Obama .
林中斌 2015.6.19