The Clintons and the Ties That Bind
Michael Scherer, Time , MARCH 5, 2015

林中斌 2015316

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 Obamas Legacy on Trial
Haley Sweetland Edwards, Time , FEB. 26, 2015


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 North Koreas Economy:Spring Release
The Economist , FEB. 28, 2015


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A True Believer Meets Reality
Lexington, The Economist , FEB. 14, 2015


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M503新航線上路暫緩   學者:大陸啟用立場不變
              這是央廣 黃俐婕對在下的訪問。
               習近平處裡周邊爭議有四個原則:1.超級主動 2起手勢強 3.韌性隨後 4.立場不變。
               敬請賜教。                            林中斌    2015311

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 Incense Flowers Spotlighted
March 9, 2015


        Finally, I have got time to set up the velvet backdrop, the lighting device, and the camera on tripod for these incense flowers that have stood over time since October 2014.                       Chong-Pin Lin    March 9, 2015



     終於有時間拉背景、打燈光、設腳架為從去年十月屹立至今的香花拍美術照。                                                                                           林中斌  201539





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Willow Branch Incense Flowers
    March 8, 2015


久違了,楊柳枝香花! 請見20141231日恭念神咒迴給印尼海嘯亡靈所出現的一群香花。以及1986626-28日在華府恭念觀音菩薩經咒迴向給他人所現的香花。




                  林中斌,201538 (先父33周年忌日)


       Long time no see, willow branch incense flowers! One appeared on December 31, 2004 when I prayed for the tsunami victims. Many of them came on June 26-28 in Washngton DC when I prayed for others with Guanyin (Kuanyin) Bodhisatva sutras and mantras.


    This morning, I finished reading the second of the 80 books on the Huanyan Sutra before I began reciting sutras and mantras in my daily practice with a happy thought about positively responding to negative anonymous internet messages.


    "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love."(Saint Francis' Prayer) The rationale is this those who send out negative internet massages anonymously in fact project outward their internal despair/hatred/conflict, as they live in such an environment devoid of kindness, warmth, and gentleness. If we could respond with courtesy, humility, and respect, they might have a glimpse of the light from heaven while sufffering in hell on earth.


       Why not seize upon such an opportunity to make the day more worthwhile? 


Chong-Pin Lin March 8, 2015


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A Letter Concerning Muslim


FEB. 17, 2015   accessed March 6, 2015

     回教早期有提倡容忍的學說,但是後來消失了。他們主張:宗教爭論勿由人來批判,而我們死後,交由上帝決定。基督教,最重要的容忍提倡學者是廣義民約論的洛克("政府二論")他也用同一道理,勸說人們把爭議死後交由上帝裁判。                                            林中斌 201535

       In the early days of Islam history, a school of toleration advocated against conflict on different interpretation of Koran. Let God be the final judge in Heaven after we mortals pass on after our lives.  The “Postponers” failed to survive. A thousand years later, John Locke used the same argument to advise for religious tolerance among men. His lasting influence may explain the more advanced toleration in modern Christian societies.                                              Chong-Pin Lin March 6, 2015   



                     Mustafa Akyol

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