
中評社  2015.02.12

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Conflict and Ego
David Brooks , International New York Times , FEB. 6, 2015

作者是紐約時報名專欄作家。他每次上網看讀者對他評論的反應,總是讀到惡毒、污辱的批評。他發現唯一能做的是遵循 古訓:「愛你的敵人。」然後反而可以從批評中學到有益的事物。
他說:人能靜心,才能清楚看世界,才能主導情勢。 也就是要從有敵意的對方的遊戲中跳出來。避免我們自己也陷落到對方的格局和水平。
林中斌   2015213
How to deal with insults? “The best way is to respond is to quiet our disgust and guiet our instincts. It is to step out of their game. It is to reassert the primacy of our game.”
Chong-Pin Lin  February 13, 2015

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 Baltic Sea Cruise August 2014
波羅地海遊輪之旅 20148

Here are photos taken from Oslo (Norway), Talin (Estonia), Marnemünde & Schwerin (Germany), Helsinki & Porvoo (Finland), and Stocknolm (Sweden) . Photos taken in St. Petersburg (Russia) and Copenhagen (Denmark) are posted in separate photo albums.



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Meeting on Peak of Seven-star Mountain

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 The Case for Liberal Optimism
John Micklethwait, The Economist,  JAN. 31, 2015

林中斌 2015.2.6
The editor of the Economist summarizes his observations of the world, and especially that of western democracies, after his nine years’ stay just before his departure from the job.
Chong-Pin Lin Feb.6, 2015

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 How Do We Increase Empathy?
Nicholas Kristof, International New York Times,  JAN. 29, 2015



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 A New Level of Refugee Suffering
ANGELINA JOLIE, International New York Times,  JAN. 27, 2015

林中斌 2015.2.2
To read this is to reduce our own problems to their proper perspectives and to be grateful to the blessings we have received.

Chong-Pin Lin Feb.2, 2015

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 Why is terror Islamist?


柏克萊大學政治系教授 費施研究結果 :"回教國家平均10萬人中每年有2.4件謀殺案,非回教國家平均10萬人中每年有7.5件謀殺案。
目前,基督教國家人口占全世界1/3, 擁有全世界2/3的財產,和9/10的軍力。 回教徒在政治上所受的挫折和羞辱或可解釋它們的恐怖活動。"

林中斌 簡譯 2015.2.4
"Muslim countries average 2.4 murders per annum per 100,000 people, compared to 7.5 in non-Muslim countries.
 And the frustration and humiliation that Muslims now feel as a result can help explain terrorism.
Currently, people in Christian countries make up one-third of the world’s population, while holding two-thirds of its wealth and nine-tenths of its military might." (UC Berkeley professor M. Steven Fish, Washington Post Jan 27, 2015)

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 Europes Greek Test
Paul Krugman, International New York Times,  JAN. 30, 2015

Greece has actually made great progress in regaining competivenesswages and costs have fallen dramatically.
希臘其實已經大幅的增加它的競爭力:工資和成本都戲劇化的下跌。 (諾貝爾經濟得主如是說)

林中斌簡譯 2015.2.3


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20140814/15 St. Petersburg 聖彼得堡
Seeing St. Petersburg is understanding the pride of Russians and that of Vladimir Putin.


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