20111031台美中關係研究、中共軍事發展、International English News Analysis當週講義

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20111017台美中關係研究、中共軍事發展、International English News Analysis當週講義

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Not So Dire Straits

How the Finlandization of Taiwan

Benefits U.S. Security

Bruce Gilley




Bruce Gilley, "Not So Dire Straits-How the Finlandization of Taiwan

Benefits U.S. Security", Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2010, Vol.89 No.1, pp.44-60

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The Geography of Chinese Power - How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea?

Robert D. Kaplan


Robert D. Kaplan, "The Geography of Chinese Power-How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea? " Foreign Affairs, May/June 2010, No.3 Vol.89, pp22-41

     The English geographer Sir Halford Mackinder ended his famous 1904 article, "The Geographical Pivot of History," with a disturbing reference to China. After explaining why Eurasia was the geostrategic fulcrum of world power, he posited that the Chinese, should they expand their power well beyond their borders, "might constitute the yellow peril to the world's freedom just because they would add an oceanic frontage to the resources of the great continent, an advantage as yet denied to the Russian tenant of the pivot region." Leaving aside the sentiment's racism, which was common for the era, as well as the hysterics sparked by the rise of a non-Western power at any time, Mackinder had a point: whereas Russia, that other Eurasian giant, basically was, and is still, a land power with an oceanic front blocked by ice, China, owing to a 9,000-mile temperate coastline with many good natural harbors, is both a land power and a sea power. (Mackinder actually feared that China might one day conquer Russia.) China's virtual reach extends from Central Asia, with all its mineral and hydrocarbon wealth, to the main shipping lanes of the Pacific Ocean. Later, inDemocratic Ideals and Reality, Mackinder predicted that along with the United States and the United Kingdom, China would eventually guide the world by "building for a quarter of humanity a new civilization, neither quite Eastern nor quite Western."

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20111010台美中關係研究、中共軍事發展、International English News Analysis當週講義

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地點:東吳大學 第一教研大樓一樓普仁講堂


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 20111003台美中關係研究、中共軍事發展、International English News Analysis當週講義

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Henry Wade Jr.-The Tao of War

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