Taipei Takes Wary View After Chat

The Wall Street Journal, DEC 5, 2016

 accessed Dec. 5, 2016

  • In the short term, said Lin Chong-pin, a former deputy defense minister, “Taiwan deserves to be happy about this.” Yet he too has reservations, arguing that Mr. Trump’s “America First” rhetoric casts doubt on the sincerity of his outreach to Taiwan. 

    “Will Taiwan help improve the U.S. domestically? Yes, by buying weapons,” he said. “Will the U.S. come to Taiwan’s rescue when the People’s Liberation Army attacks Taiwan? Of course not.”

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New life in the center

New York Times, NOV 30, 2016

accessed Dec. 08, 2016

  • 美國因政黨惡鬥而嚴重分裂的國會出現中間,溫和,跨黨派的連線,已有80人。這就是美國民主「帝國」不會像前蘇聯帝國、奧匈帝國、奧圖曼帝國,甚至大明帝國一般迅速崩解衰落的原因。美國有自我檢討,自我修正的能力。

林中斌 2016.12.08

  • A moderate, centrist coalition “No Labels” has emerged in the bitterly spilt U.S. congress plagued by ferocious partisan politics. This signifies the valuable feature of U.S. society, ability to self-reflect and self-correct, which will save the stagnant American empire from drastic or even sudden decline demonstrated by the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Ming Empire.

Chong-Pin Lin Dec. 08. 2016

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2016.12.3&4 雨中登七星山及素食早午餐



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Air Force Not Able to Fly Enough Flights to Train Pilots

New York Times, NOV 29, 2016

accessed Nov. 29, 2016

  • Another report of compromised U.S. military readiness. Shortage of budget and manpower is the issue.
  • 又是一個美軍戰力下滑的挑戰。這次是空軍。

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Talks to heal Catholic rift in China gain momentum

New York Times, NOV 29, 2016

accessed Nov. 29, 2016

  • 中梵外交磨合仍在發展中。201612月西北Changzhi主教任命同時得北京及梵諦岡認可。

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Businesses could test presidential limits

New York Times, NOV 23, 2016

accessed Nov. 23, 2016

  • 川普的中國金主?「中國銀行」是川普大樓的住戶,也是川普一棟曼哈頓大樓的貸款者。

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Her ageGlad you asked

New York Times, DEC 2, 2016

accessed Dec. 2, 2016

  • 89歲的瑜珈老師的故事。她8歲時跟姑媽去參觀國標舞學校瑜珈教室表示要學。姑媽說:「這不是遊戲,不適合女孩,沒有淑女的樣子。」她於是開始瑜珈的人生。

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The last Kennedy of a generation tells her story

New York Times, NOV 21, 2016

accessed Nov. 21, 2016

  • 甘迺迪家庭雖富有,家教甚嚴。
  • 晚上7:15,媽媽要考小孩當天國際新聞。
  • 偷吃餅乾要被反鎖在衣櫥裏。
  • 不准抱怨。
  • 不准在人前顯露悲傷。林中斌 2016.12.08

林中斌 2016.12.08

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From Italy, strategies for U.S. survival

International New York Times, NOV 22, 2016

accessed Nov 28, 2016

● 意大利已有過“川普經驗”:巨富當政,行為隨意。

● 意大利政治人物愈以行為不檢攻擊Berlusconi,他愈旺。

● 只有以實質的政見挑戰Berlusconi,才能遏止他。

林中斌 2016.11.28

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US Navy's most advanced destroyer USS Zumwalt breaks down again

Sky News, NOV 23, 2016

accessed Nov 23, 2016

This is not an isolated incident. US aircraft carriers Eisenhower and Bush lately were having delay in repair and compelled lengthening of touring due to budget cut and insufficient service manpower.

● 美國最先進驅逐艦10月才服役。11月23日報導,它已拋錨。

● 這不是獨立事件。美國航空母艦Eisenhower和Bush本來2017年1月要交接巡航,但後者維修延宕,無法如期交接,造成惡性循環。

● 美國最新、最貴航母Ford,系統測試未過關,延至2017年服役。

林中斌 2016.11.23

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