
2016/06/09 BBC中文網


accessed June 09, 2016

拙文“習近平打貪的險路”《聯合報》2016.5.4 提到宣傳部門及安全部門有問題。那是根據香港《前哨雜誌》的訊息。此報導似乎印證了那看法。劉雲山、《環球時報》的胡錫進再次受警告了。

l  據說前中國大使吳健民公開批評環球, 加上其他兩次中共官方批評環球對兩岸、外交、蔡英文單身的議體處理不當,已經三次。

l  中紀委批評中宣部的文字有趣的是像「打了左旗反左旗」,正是「以其人之道還治其人之身」。因為暗中反習近平的勢力用的是「打了習旗反習旗」,例如他們用「習核心」「習大大」的說法挖坑讓習跳進去,但今年三月兩會時,被習制止。

林中斌 2016.6.10




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自由時報 批評林全質疑蔡英文的論述2016.4.13 --2016.6.1



l  蔡向中間調整,綠營質疑。

l  蔡面對藍營批評、綠營質疑、北京施壓。

 林全要ECFA 民進黨給個交代新閣的一大敗筆  林全犧牲享受  蔡政府馬路線  可習 蔡英文誤判了大環境  林全內閣 令人憂心小英政府的國安策略是什麼  

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自由時報 批評林全質疑蔡英文的論述2016.6.9 --2016.6.15

Chinese Taipei 林阿Q OK比起越南,蔡政府的抗議很蔡!頻頻任用前朝官員叫改革海基會莫成一中白手套 OK  

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An Obama Nominee’s Crushed Hopes

Frank Bruni, The New York Times, June 06, 2016


  accessed June 9, 2016

l  美國兩黨內惡鬥。國家倒霉。問題無解。

2014年歐巴馬積極任命Cassandra Butts為巴哈馬大使。但反對黨兩位參議員先後杯葛,而且第二位承認很尊重Cassandra Butts之專業,杯葛只是要歐巴馬感到痛。Cassandra Butts大可去私人企業賺大錢。她沒有。她一共等了835天,在今年6月過世,享年50歲。至今,巴哈馬大使空缺已有1,647天。

林中斌 2016.6.17

 An Obama nominee  

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Building children's brains

Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times, June 03, 2016


 accessed June 3, 2016

l  專家發現嬰兒頭一千天的飲食和營養會影響他日後腦的發育和智力的成長。


林中斌 2016.6.17


Building children

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Educate Your Immune System

Moises Velasquez-Manoff, The New York Times, June 3, 2016


 accessed June 4, 2016

l  近半世紀,在發達國家裏,越來越多的人免疫系統失調,自我攻擊身體裏健康的組織。

l  專家發現,多吃真空包裝食物而且環境一塵不染的芬蘭人得此病的比例遠高過生活鄉土,環境近大自然的俄國Karelia人民。

林中斌 2016.6.17

 Educate your immune system OK  Educate the immune system


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2016/05/27 聯合報 名人堂 林中斌


accessed May 27, 2016

20160527 五二零餘波的解讀 ok  

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Extra-military Emphasis in South China Sea



accessed June 3, 2016


China once again employs it extra military instrument to deal with a military threat.

This time the avenue to South China Sea and the contender is the US.


l     2016. 03. 08 拙作漁船遊艇對軍艦

On March 8, 2016, my oped in United Daily noticed that China was applying fishing boats and yachts to deal with U.S. warships in South China Sea.

l     2016. 04. 30 路透社報導中國訓練漁船民兵

On April 30, 2016, Reuters reported “China trains fishing militia to sail into Disputed Waters”.


l     2016. 05. 30 紐約時報報導中國在西沙永興島發展島礁婚紗旅遊,同時「中國日報」(英文官報)報導三沙市將成陸版馬爾地夫觀光勝地。

On May 30, 2016, International New York Times reported “Sand, surf and sun? China suggests a disputed island.”

At the same time, “China Daily” reported Sansha City will become China’s “Maldives”.




 20160530 開發三沙島礁成陸版馬爾地夫  

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Despite Obama’s Moves, Asian Nations Skeptical of U.S. Commitment

DAVID E. SANGER, International New York Times, MAY 23, 2016


 accessed May 25, 2016 

l     This harbingers a new era in Asia Pacific power balance. South China Sea may gradually become a Chinese lake as the Carribean Sea has been an American Lake. Japan's tilt toward China that has just begun with Abe's appointment of a China hand as the ambassador to Bejing and the recent unreciprocated visit of Japanese foreign minister to Beijing will become more prominent. The Phillipines under president Duterte obviously will move west.

l   May the more enlightened policy advisors to Beijing remind the leaders that it is in the long-term interest of a rising China to peacefully co-develop the resources of the maritime regions of East Asia.

l   The difference is between a Pax Sinica of only one century like Pax Britannica or Pax Americana and a Pax Sinica of two to three centuries.

Chong-Pin Lin May 27, 2016




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公安抓狂 他愛穿中華民國國旗裝晃蕩

2016/06/01 聯合報 陳言喬


accessed June 1, 2016



20160601 多名異議人士被旅遊去了  

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