China vs US? 中美貿易戰?
Zou Yue CGTN April 2018
accessed April 23, 2018
China vs US? 中美貿易戰?
Zou Yue CGTN April 2018
* 這段對中美貿易戰精短的評論似乎不偏任何一方。
-- This succinct and lively commentary on the prospect of U.S -China trade war appears to take no side.
* 結果發現是北京環球電視網(CGTV)。
-- It turns out to be from China's Global TV Network.
* 幾乎無暇的英語發音、典型西方式社會科學的兩面並呈的論法、還有引用西方熟知的伊索寓言巧妙的掩蓋了評論的來源。
-- The skillful pro-and-con argument, the almost accent-free English, and the reference to an Aesop fable familiar to the West can easily mask its origin in Beijing.
林中斌 2018.4.23
Chong-Pin Lin April 23, 2018