accessed Oct 17, 2020
愛情列車長 (Time for Love / KOLEJ NA MIŁOŚĆ) 佳片推薦
■I was totally surprised to find the most pleasantly enjoyable film I have seen in decades since I saw the 2004 award-winning Polish film"Vinci"(盜走達芬奇).
■"Best" means sophisticated, witty, warm-hearted, intelligent, and philosophical with choicy music, and an intriguing plot.
■The contrast between the showy American blonde beauty and the smart/sensitive polish beauty is fascinating.
■An impromptu percussion ensemble with one tuba, jointly played by the train passengers during a tedious waiting when the train suddenly stopped in a cold wintry night is totally entertaining.
■A solo dance by the Polish drinks-serving girl in the cramped corridor on the train is fabulous.
■The story contains numerous pre-set clues to be picked up later. All loose ends end up tied.
■I cannot recommend more enthusiastically enough to those who dislike violence, negative energy, and animalistic appeal.
■The titles in English, Chinese and perhaps even Polish are misleadingly stupid. They fail to do justice to the rather richly-layered film.