香花 Incense Flowers
November 13 & 18, 2014
November 13 & 18, 2014
六個半月來,無論在家或旅行,每天早課前恭讀一小段。終於把難念的楞伽經打完一個通關。那天早上,心中無比愉快。於是開始念下一本在排隊的書:Gary Renard, "Love Has Forgotten No One".五天後,在西班牙古都早上,讀到其中一段,內心甚有回響。"如何看待傷害你的人,決定你如何看待自己:肉體還是靈體。前者會死亡,後者永恆不壞。
"(So says Ascended Master Pursah)"How you see them, or think of them who have hurt you, will determine how you think of yourself, and ultimately what you believe you are: a body or spirit. And what would you rather be? Something temporary that is doomed to die or something permanent that cannot die? And which experience you'll have is determined by how you think of others!" (Quoted from Ascended Master Pursah in Gary Renard's third book, publsihed 2013)