Shijiazhuang:A Tour of Culture
2014年5月13日至16日,受邀赴在河北省會的河北Shijiazhuang:A Tour of Culture
林中斌 2014年5月30日
From May 13 to 16, I made a trip to Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital of Hebei Provincewas. I was invited to deliver a lecture at Hebei Normal University by a 90-year old, legendary patriot poet Professor Xia Chuancai. He was jailed 4 times in life, twice by the Chinese Communists who persecuted him for 23 years, during which time he attempted suicide twice. He has published 40 books, some in the Yanjing collections at Harvard University.
Chong-Pin Lin 30 May 2014
Sunrise at Shijiazhuang May 14, 2014
Meeting Professor Xia Chuancai 8:30am May 14, 2014
My lecture 9:30-11am to graduate students of law and international relations at Hebei Normal University
My opening comments
Q & A after the talk
A visit of the student art exhibition
Dinner with Professor Xia after our visit at his home. Some of his life stories which he had never mentioned to his students who were in our company moved us to tears.
His two-volume tome, Encyclopedia of Ancient Chinese Book of Poetry which had just been published after ten years of work. These are his gift to me.
Sample page of the Encyclopedia of Ancient Chinese Book of Poetry
Sample page of his collected poems. This was written when he was jailed in Inner Mongolia where tempeature dropped to 38 degrees Centigade and he swallowed glasses broken by his handcuffs to attempt suicide.
View from an ancient temple first built durng the East Han Dynasty. 柏林禪寺,禪宗重鎮。
2013年淨慧禪師圓寂後舍利子上千顆。Some among the nore than thousand pieces of relics after Master jinghui was cremated in 2013.
趙州橋,圪立已1400多年,是世界最老的橋。The oldest bridge -- Zhaozhou Bridge -- in the world which was constructed in the 7th century durng the Sui Dynasty.
趙州橋。Zhaozhou Bridge.
My extremely respectful and friendly escorts and me in front of the Zhaozhou Bridge.
龍興寺。 Longxing Temple.
龍興寺。 Longxing Temple.