Chinas Bad Crowd
Ian Bremmer , Time , JAN. 22 , 2015

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 Americas new aristocracy
The Economist , JAN. 24 , 2015


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 Two Views:Either China's Buying Up the World ... Or the Elite Are Rushing To the Exits
The International Economy , Fall 2014

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 Global Total Debt Scorecard
The International Economy , Fall 2014

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 Ending Greeces Nightmare
Paul Krugman , The New York Times , JAN. 27 , 2015

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 North Korea Dabbles in reform
Andrei Lankov , The New York Times , JAN. 22 , 2015

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 The Devotion Leap
David Brooks , The New York Times , JAN. 24 , 2015

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林中斌語中評:美對中方沒槓桿 北京不吞回

中評社 2015.1.17
林中斌 2015年1月23日

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羊年大吉  Happy 2015!

"溫暖的夕陽,把彩光像金粉般的灑在我們身上。八月,北歐波羅的海上,柔風輕拂我們臉頰。逛七國,停八港,歷經16天,我們的遊輪正駛向終站 - 丹麥的哥本哈根。 "

"We were bathed in the warm, golden glow of the late afternoon sunshine on top deck of the Princess Cruise heading toward Copenhagen from Stockholm in August as the 16-day, 7-country, and 8-port-stop Baltic Sea sail was drawing to a close."


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 Sunset over Hsintien 江波落日

"Sunset over southwestern hills: Similar but never the same."

Chong-Pin Lin January 19, 2014 Xindian/
新店 林中斌 二零一四年一月十九日

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