羊年大吉  Happy 2015!

"溫暖的夕陽,把彩光像金粉般的灑在我們身上。八月,北歐波羅的海上,柔風輕拂我們臉頰。逛七國,停八港,歷經16天,我們的遊輪正駛向終站 - 丹麥的哥本哈根。 "

"We were bathed in the warm, golden glow of the late afternoon sunshine on top deck of the Princess Cruise heading toward Copenhagen from Stockholm in August as the 16-day, 7-country, and 8-port-stop Baltic Sea sail was drawing to a close."


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 Sunset over Hsintien 江波落日

"Sunset over southwestern hills: Similar but never the same."

Chong-Pin Lin January 19, 2014 Xindian/
新店 林中斌 二零一四年一月十九日

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Stop checking email so often
Kostadin Kushlev and Elizabeth W. Dunn, New York Times
Jan.12 2015



"Research has found :One is happier if checking one's email within three times a day."

林中斌 2015年01月12

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 Cheap Oil Could Boost Xi Jinping
Ian Bremer, TIME, Jan.26 2015

林中斌 2015年0126

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 The Age of Miracle
Michael Elliott, Time, Jan.20 2015


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Islam's problem with blasphemy

Mustafa Akyol, Nwe York Times, Jan.15 2015
林中斌 2015年1月15日

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林中斌╱贏得自由 失去安全 

聯合報 2015.1.13 A15



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Quotes on Freedom and Democracy
"沒有比自由更美妙的,但是學習如何運用自由, 沒有比它更難的。"

"Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom."

Democracy in America, Alexix de Tocqueville
▉美國第二任總統,亞當斯,曾說: "民主總來無法持久。它馬上把自己消耗掉、摧殘掉。從來沒有一個民主不自殺的。"

John Adams, America's second president, once pronounced that "democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did ot commit suicide"

 "What's gone wrong with democracy", The Economist, March 1, 2014
林中斌   2015.1.14

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 Whats gone wrong with democracy

The Economist, March 1, 2014


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