財訊 2007年5月1日

林中斌 2014.12.12


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 China's Checkmate: S-400 Looms Large Over Taiwan
WENDELL MINNICK, Defense News, Dec. 6, 2014

Lin Chong-Pin, former deputy minister of national defense who also served as the first vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, said the S-400 is “another increment of a growing package of ‘game changers,’ which began emerging a decade ago.”
Taiwan’s military advantages over China began eroding in the early 1990s. As a consequence, China’s strategy “evolved from a war of annihilation to a war of paralysis as the battle scenario on Taiwan.”
Now, Lin said, even a military operation on Taiwan based on a “war of paralysis ranks low among Beijing’s options, as Beijing has available so many other what I call ‘extra-military instruments’ — economic, media-related, diplomatic, psychological — to eventually ‘integrate’ Taiwan into China’s fold.”

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 大數據 預警犯罪 提早防範
黃引珊, 聯合報 2014128A17

林中斌  2014.12.12

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 Civil Liberties in Peril Down Under
Raymond Bonner, International New York Times, NOV. 28, 2014

Liberal democracies in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand have lost their moral high ground.                                       
Chong-Pin Lin December 12, 2014

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 西班牙古城科多巴Cordoba, Spain
November 16, 2014

2014.8.4  http://blog.yam.com/CPLin/article/76642254)科多巴一度是歐洲數學、醫學等學術的中心。被稱為"光彩之城"。全歐洲派人來留學。在其全盛時代,基督教、回教、猶太教和平共處。回教國王重用賢德的猶太人為宰相

     Cordoba was the first  Muslim capital  in the Iberia Peninsula conquered by the Moors in 711AD. Once called the "shiny city,it was the center of science, math, and medicine in Europe, where students from all Europe came to study.King Abd Al-Rahman III, 891-961AD, was the most powerful ruler in Spain at the time who made himself the caliph, the highest religious authority in Spain as well. He is well known for saying at the end of his 50-yar rule that "I have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot: They amount to 14."
   During the heydays of Cordoba, it saw peaceful co-existence of the Muslims, the Catholics, and the Jews. The Moorish king even trusted a wise Jewsih as his prime minister.

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 格拉納達,西班牙 Granada (Alhambra), Spain
November 19-21, 2014

這是西班牙南部充滿歷史文化的山城。也是易守難攻雄偉的堡壘和細膩優美的宮殿。吉他作曲家Francisco Tárrega曾寫過蕩氣迴腸的"阿爾漢布拉宮回憶"
Recuerdos de la Alhambra":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzjEw7XuKsA
眼見此仙境般的景色,才想起其曲中的情調,果然如此!!正是文字表達有所不及。此宮殿超出凡世之美,令人感嘆無窮。詩人寫道: "雖然宮牆早已荒廢破敗,人們仍然珍惜對它的記憶,那是夢與藝術最後的家園。當世界最後的夜鶯一息尚存,它會在阿爾漢布拉宮光榮的殘垣中吟唱永別之歌。"西班牙文的英譯如下:"Though the shadows of these walls have long since gone, the memory of them will live on as the final refuge of dreams and art. And when the last nightingale to breath on this earth will build its nest and sing its farewell song among the glorious ruins of the Alhambra." (poem dedicated to the Alhambra by F. Villaespesa).

This is an unbelievably beautiful city on top of a montain that evokes the image of a paradise.Granada means pomegranate. Indeed, it is a city full of fruit trees:pomegranate, persimmon, orange etc. Alhambra means "the red fort" in Arabic,it is also the name of a Moorish king,Muhammed ibn al-Ahmar ibn Nasr. the founder of the Nasrid dynasty (1238-1492). The muslim aristocrats, driven out of Sevilla and Cordoba in 1237, arrived in Granada. They constructed the castle palace, Alhambra and ruled until January 2, 1492 when the Catholic monarchs king Ferdinand and queen Isabella conquered the city and unified Spain. The Alhambra palaces is an artistic and architectural masterpiece. It fully demosntrates the superior muslim civilization at the time. Peaceful, spiritual, scientific, sophisitcated all in one. The Christian constructions added on to the older muslim ones paled in comparison. Our Spanish guide lamented that all the muslim fountains are quiet like whispering while the Christian ones are noisy like toilet water rushing out. The famous guitar piece"Recuerdos de la Alhambra" composed by Francisco Tárrega is an especially memorable tribute to the poetic beauty of the placehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzjEw7XuKsA

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