中央社記者 蔡素蓉 台北29日電 2014/07/29


更正:「亞洲週刊」應為「前哨月刊」(馮亦言,“江澤民「南巡」杯葛習近平整軍”20146月號 pp. 10-16)
林中斌 2014731

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A Chinese Gold Standard?
Kwasi Kwarteng  JULY 24, 2014



林中斌 201481

This is a farsighted view on how China may replace the U.S. as the new economic leader of the world by implementing a Chinese gold standard, just as how the U.S. replaced Britain’s global economic leadership in the 20th century. The author, being a British parliamentarian, expresses a favorable view of China’s future which should be above criticism for being China’s propaganda.

Chong-Pin Lin  August 1, 2014

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No Time to Think

林中斌 201481
People in modern society keep themselves unnecessarily “super busy”, “crazy busy”, and “insanely busy” in order to avoid facing themselves in quietness, because they are afraid. The price they pay for this is high: loss of creativity, loss of empathy, and loss of genuine joy.

Chong-Pin Lin  August 2, 2014

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An Idiots Guide to Inequality
Nicholas Kristof  JULY 23, 2014

法國經濟學家Thomas Piketty劃時代的巨作《廿一世紀的資本》是頭號暢銷書。全書共685頁,一般人看完26頁便擱下了。作者紀思道為我們消化厚書,簡化成五個重點,以節省我們的時間。
林中斌 201481
Few people have time to read through the 685 pages of Thomas Pikettys best seller,”Capital in the 21st Century. Nicholas Kristof did it for us and summarized the whole book into five main themes to save us time.
Chong-Pin Lin  August 1, 2014


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FutureChina Global Forum 2014 was held at Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore, July 17-18. I spoke in the Closing Plenary, gave interviews to 焦點(Singaporean TV)聯合早報(Singaprean newspaper)and 財新(from Beiing), and had dinner with high school classmate Albert Yen, his wife Grace, and my special assistant Eli Huang(黃引珊).

                                                                                 Chong-Pin Lin   July 25, 2014

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Beijing on Taiwan and Beyond
Chong-Pin Lin
Panel presentation at FutureChina Global Forum 2014,
July 18, 2014, Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore

Assignments from moderator:
“The moderator (Claude Smadja) turns to Chong-Pin Lin about the charm offensive deployed by Beijing towards Taiwan in the recent period and his assessment of the visit of Zhang Zhijun on the island. How does he view the warming up of ties with Taiwan in the overall context of China’s present international strategy (about 10 min)


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Love People, Not Pleasure
Arthur C. Brooks  New York Times July 18, 2014

阿拉曼是十世紀西班牙柯多巴地區的國王,統治50年後, 回憶說: “這輩子,我享盡權力榮華。當我細數真正快樂地日子後,算出共有14天。”


2004年,兩位經濟學家對16,000位美國成年男女做私密問卷調查:請問過去一年您有多少位性伴侶,您覺得快樂嗎?” 兩位學者統計後發現:最快樂的伴侶數目是一。


此篇作者是美國華府中央偏右智庫“美國企業研究所”總裁,原芝加哥大學研究慈善事業的教授Arthur Brooks。該所中央偏右(保守),曾是資本主義、新保守主義的重鎮,一向支持台灣。我曾於1987-1995任該所專任學者/亞洲研究部副主任。

                                            林中斌  2004725


ABD AL-RAHMAN III was an emir and caliph of Córdoba in 10th-century Spain. He was an absolute ruler who lived in complete luxury. Here’s how he assessed his life: “I have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot: They amount to 14.”


In 2004, two economists looked into whether more sexual variety led to greater well-being. They looked at data from about 16,000 adult Americans who were asked confidentially how many sex partners they had had in the preceding year, and about their happiness. Across men and women alike, the data show that the optimal number of partners is one.


This excellent article was written by the president of American Enterprise Institute, a center-right think tank in Washington D.C., one time a bastion of capitalism and neo-conservatism. Arthur Brooks was previously a Chicago University professor doing research on philanthropy. I served as resident scholar and associate director of the Asian Studies Program at AEI between 1987 and 1995.

                                                                                    Chong-Pin Lin, July 25, 2014

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Japan’s Break with Peace
Norihiro Kato   New York Times  July 17, 2014

英文 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/17/opinion/norihiro-kato-japans-break-with-peace.html
 中文 http://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20140718/c18kato/zh-hant/

早稻田大學榮譽教授加藤典洋,批評安倍偏向軍國路線的政策,引起地區不穩定。加藤教授清楚的解釋,安倍繞過國會和人民公投,以內閣決議方式修改了憲法第9條。從此可以對外用兵。 多數日本人民雖然反對軍國路線,但支持安倍政府! 加藤教授比喻1914年的英、德、法三國(大國、崛起國、沒落國)很像2014年的美、中、日。此篇英文及中文版皆附於下。
                                          林中斌  20014725
Professor Kato of Waseda University criticized Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for circumventing the Parliament to “gut” the Artcile 9 “peace clause” in the Constitution. He observed that a majority of Japanese people opposed Abe’s militarist policy but supported Abe administration. He made an astute comparison between 1914 and 2014. Then, England, Germany, and France were the great power, the rising power, and the fading power respectively. Today, a parallel is seen in the U.S., China, and Japan.
                                                                          Chong-Pin Lin July 25, 2014


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宋建沖編發  中國公務員理財  2014-07-19

我的感言:胡耀邦的悲劇是只有改革的矛 (“旗幟鮮明”),沒有防身的盾 (“只做半個領袖,自己成了反對派”)。習切記在心,絕不重蹈覆測。中共宣傳機構(劉雲山)並非習的人馬(“做全黨領袖必須平衡,不要做半個領袖”)。要了解習真正的想法?(“要聽習的聲音可以有一個管道:中央黨校學習時報。政治資訊要從多角度去判斷。”)
                                             林中斌 2004725


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林中斌/北京對台 不蹈覆轍
【聯合報╱林中斌】 2014.07.08

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