








    This is a speech delivered by Chong-Pin Lin on August 17, 2012 in Seoul, South Korea. It was a part of session 1 “China’s Rise and the Future of Northeast Asia” in the conference entitled “2nd Conference of the Asia Security Initiative. The one day conference was held in Lotte Hotel World in the morning and The National Assembly Memorial Hall in the afternoon. Participants from 16 countries attended the occasion, including the host South Korea, Japan, the U.S., the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan Republic of China, India, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia, Australia, the Netherlands, and Austria.

Video's Link 1 :
Video's Link 2 :

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 Response to my United Daily Oped on Obama


This is an August 15, 2012 response from a friend across the Pacificafter he read my August 13 oped on Obama  in United Daily. Very
observant and worth reading.




Hi, Chong-Pin,

    Well, now that the Olympics are over, the only remaining major spectator "sport" in town -- here, I mean -- is the presidential election campaign. (Baseball isn't as popular as it once was, though I suppose people will care which team wins the World Series.)

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 20120813 林中斌:既柔又狠…勿低估歐巴馬


2012.08.13 02:26 am



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20120803 林中斌:兩岸一國預留空間未來討論國名

2012-08-03 13:02:41



中評社台北83日電(記者 王宗銘)大陸全國政協主席賈慶林日前在第八屆兩岸經貿文化論壇表示,“一個中國框架的核心是大陸和台灣同屬一個國家,兩岸關係不是國與國的關係”。台灣淡江大學國際事務及戰略所教授林中斌今天上午接受中評社訪問時表示,“兩岸同屬一國”這一次是新的說法,第一個可能是預留空間在未來兩岸可以共同討論一個國名,另一個可能是民進黨所批評的,比“兩岸同屬一中”的空間更為狹窄,而他認為第一個可能比較大、也比較像。

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20120723 If I had a lot of money

By Elizabeth Dunn/Michael Norton23/07/2012 00:00:00
     How much money do you need to be happy? Think about it. What’s your number? Many of us aren’t satisfied with how much we have now. That’s why we’re constantly angling for a raise at work, befriending aged relatives and springing, despite long odds, for lottery scratch tickets.
    The notion that money can’t buy happiness has been around a long time. But it turns out there is a measurable connection between income and happiness; not surprisingly, people with a comfortable living standard are happier than people living in poverty.

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林中斌:中日韓在談FTA 釣島不會真衝突 20120711 accessed July 30, 2012

中評社台北711日電(記者 王宗銘) 淡江大學國際事務及戰略所教授林中斌今天上午接受中評社訪問時表 示,中國大陸海軍從10日起進行東海實彈演習, 漁政船與漁船針對釣魚台出動頻繁,但在鷹派人士叫陣兩天後, 官媒卻刻意淡化處理。這是東海演習其中的一部分,也是對抗形勢上拉高、放任鷹派、 北京政府行動低調兼採外交抗議避免真正衝突的兩面手法。

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20120730 兩岸一國 林中斌:習近平對台政策序曲



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 20120709 佳片推薦

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馮英志 胡錦濤的對美政策智庫

Download Link:



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 20120703 林中斌:台灣的內閣會議

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