增至86成員 肯亞、巴紐入亞投行 from 旺報 2018.5.3

accessed May 3, 2018

AIIB members:86

(founded 2016 by China)

ADB members:67

(founded 1966 by the US)




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A Trade War the U.S. Is Actually Winning, for Now ~ New York Times April 27, 2018

accessed May 2, 2018

美國的貿易戰居優勢,目前如此 (以後呢? 難說)

● 因為:貿易赤字和強勢貨幣是連體嬰。

佳作推薦!!(Author Lan Cao is a novelist and a professor of international economic law at Chapman University's Dale E. Fowler School of Law in Orange, California. She was born in Saigon in 1961. Two of her novels are "Monkey Bridge", and "The Lotus and the Storm")

林中斌 2018.5.2

● Triffin’s dilemma:Trade deficits and strong currency are connected.

● After 1974, the U.S. has been enjoying a strong currency, which is an “exorbitant privilege”

● A strong dollar makes American exports expensive to the rest of the world. American exports decline, imports increase, and the result is trade deficits.

● China is trying to make Renminbi a global reserve currency (a world’s leading currency). “This is a strategic priority for China, and it is willing to wait.”

● The author is warning Washington with subtlety by stating at the end:“While the president and his supporters raise doubts about open trade, the dollar’s supremacy is closely tied to it. There is nothing guaranteed about that status, or all the benefit that come with it.”


Chong-Pin Lin May 2, 2018

20180420 A trade war the U.S. is actually winning, for now.jpg




A Trade War the U.S. Is Actually Winning, for Now

By Lan Cao

Ms. Cao is a professor of international economic law.

April 26, 2018


The escalating trade war between the United States and China, with the Trump administration considering $100 billion in punitive tariffs in response to China’s $50 billion in retaliatory tariffs, obscures a more important source of conflict: China’s desire to someday establish the yuan as a global reserve currency, on a par with the dollar.

The dollar’s status is inextricably linked to international trade. Because the dollar reigns supreme in the trading system, other countries need to accumulate dollars. Most international trade is conducted using the dollar, even if the United States is not a party to the transaction.

The United States wasn’t always so dominant. After the 1971 decision to end the link between the value of the dollar and gold reserves, the dollar became a currency much like any other. But in 1974, the United States and Saudi Arabia struck an agreement in which the Saudis and the other Gulf states supported the dollar as the primary medium of exchange for oil exports. Thus, oil and other commodities are priced in dollars, so any country that buys oil must build up its dollar reserves to pay for it — mostly by exporting its goods and services so that it can receive dollars as payment.

Once established as a global reserve currency, the dollar has been kept strong by sustained demand for it, and a strong dollar makes American exports expensive to the rest of the world. American exports decline, imports increase, and a result is the trade deficit. Testifying before Congress in 1960, the economist Robert Triffin observed that the dollar’s global reserve status depends on the willingness of the United States to run trade deficits. This relationship, known as Triffin’s Dilemma, doesn’t always hold true (other countries have had reserve currencies and a trade surplus), but the American trade deficit with China, $375.2 billion last year, offers perhaps the best example of how a strong currency and trade deficits are connected.

Still, there are enormous benefits to being able to print paper money and have the world treat it as if it were gold. Other countries need American dollars, and they are willing to pay a premium to hold them. Valery Giscard d’Estaing, finance minister of France from 1962 to 1966, called this an “exorbitant privilege.” Once they have amassed those all-important dollars, countries use them to buy United States Treasury bonds. (China alone held $1.2 trillion dollars of United States government debt at the end of 2017.) This enormous global demand for American debt means that the United States can borrow at relatively low interest rates, financing its budget deficits away.

The “exorbitant privilege” extends to ordinary Americans, who have access to a vast supply of credit and can borrow to buy homes and cars at lower interest rates.

As the trade war rhetoric escalates, some raise the fear that China could sell off its dollar-denominated assets, which could trigger a rise in interest rates, inflation and possibly devaluation of the dollar. Even the threat of a sudden sell-off can stir up trouble in global currency markets. China could also diversify its cash reserves away from the dollar and acquire yen, euro or sterling instruments, or commodities such as gold. Indeed, China has already been accumulating gold, ranking as one of the world’s largest importers of it.

China and the United States are too closely economically intertwined via the dollar to make that a credible fear. United States treasuries are still the world’s safe haven of choice. And selling off American debt would cause the yuan to appreciate, which would put China’s exports at a disadvantage.

Still, China is clearly taking steps to ensure a larger role for its currency. In 2015, the yuan was designated by the International Monetary Fund as one of five elite currencies in the world, along with the dollar, the euro, the pound and the yen. China is putting in place a pilot program with Russia and Angola, in which it can buy oil with yuan instead of with dollars. As the biggest importer of crude oil in the world, China believes it has the purchasing power to push for settlement in yuan. Even Saudi Arabia, a stalwart American ally, is under increasing pressure to accept yuan for its oil trade. If the yuan does become a global reserve currency, China, too, could see its influence and economic power expand even further.


This is a strategic priority for China, and it is willing to wait. Although it is impossible to predict whether or when the dollar will be dethroned, history offers some clues: The pound sterling reigned supreme before the dollar gradually dislodged it. While the president and his supporters raise doubts about open trade, the dollar’s supremacy is closely tied to it. There is nothing guaranteed about that status, or all the benefits that come with it.


Lan Cao is a novelist and a professor of international economic law at Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law in Orange, Calif.


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川普在美國聲勢愈來愈旺。很可能連任。Trump is winning domestically.

accessed May 2, 2018

Most likely he will finish this term and may even get re-elected.




林中斌 2018.5.2


Trump is winning domestically.

Most likely he will finish this term and may even get re-elected.

●Not only the Republican candidates, both male and female, for the coming elections are mimicking the President in campaigning style, but also some Democrats.

-- Philippe Reines, a longterm adviser for Hillary, recently wrote "He (Trump) has no dignity. He leaves not attack unanswered. I spent 15 years recommending ignoring stupidity.... I was wrong."

--Martha McSally, a Republican running for the Arizona Senate seat was proud of having told Washington Politicians to “grow a pair of ovaries”.

(Jeremy Peters, "Borrowing Trump's Sound and Fury" International New York Times April 24, 2018) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/22/us/politics/trump-republican-party.html

● It is almost impossible to unseat president Trump through impeachment, because “Enough of the public and the political class abhor impeachment.”

--“America has ever impeached only two presidents (Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998-99), but in both cases the Senate refused conviction, meaning that both men remained in office”. The threshold in the Senate for approving an impeachment is too high, 2/3 majority.

--Even Andrew Johnson’s political enemies refused to impeach him.

--Even as the Lewinsky situation unfolded, Bill Clinton’s job approval rate went up, not down.

-- Today, trying to impeach and remove Trump could boost his popularity.

(Charles Blow, “America abhors impeachment” INYT April 24, 2018)


● As things stand now, the possibility of President Trump firing the Special Counsel Robert Mueller III and dismantle the latter’s office cannot be ruled out.

(John Tye and Mark Zaid, “Robert Mueller’s Last Resort” INYT April 28, 2018)



Chong-Pin Lin May 2, 2018





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accessed April 30, 2018

-- 1940年在昆明。中日戰爭砲火中。28歲自北平逃難來此的女青年為西南聯大/雲南附屬中學校歌填詞,她二弟作曲。

-- 1941年,女青年恨為女身不能從軍,認識空軍飛行軍官。一個月後,不顧父親反對,下嫁之。擇54日為婚期,紀念191954運動。

-- 1942年,57日嬰兒不足月早產。鄰居姑嫂睥見面如象牙毫無血色的大頭嬰,不禁搖頭。憂其不久於世。

-- 有幸昔之弱嬰,今將渡過75跨向76年。在下也。

-- 當時填詞愛國女青年,先母台大中文系教授張敬(清徽)。飛行軍官先父林文奎。當時作曲青年先二舅南開大學中文系主任張清常。

-- 感謝學姊哈佛大學圖書館先進楊慶儀掘出塵封的校歌提供紀念。

林中斌 2018.4.30




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林中斌 2018.4.18

accessed April 18, 2018


































●隨著兩耳聽力恢復,今年一月突發而前所未有的暈眩症也在二月後自動痊癒。更妙的是,去年四月十一日半夜突發而也前所未有的缺氧症(panic attack 中文翻譯雖並不貼切為「恐慌症」)經過一年忍耐不適持續照舊登山後,如今不斷改進已接近痊癒。


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Let's celebrate!

I can hear again.

accessed April 18, 2018

Let's celebrate!

I can hear again.

Chong-Pin Lin April 18, 2018



林中斌 2018.4.18


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夕陽鐘聲 Evening Bells

accessed April 19, 2018

夕陽鐘聲 Evening Bells


林中斌 2018.4.19

For more than half a century, I have been moved by this melody ever since it came to me in Montreal on a longplay disc of balalaika and voice. This must be from the most beautiful depth of the suffering Russian soul.

Chong-Pin Lin April 19, 2018


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Will China's New Trade/Debt
Diplomacy Strategy Reshape

The World?

accessed April 27, 2018

以下是《 國際經濟》雜誌今年年初邀稿下所提出之淺見。


林中斌 2018.4.27

Will China’s New Trade/Debt Diplomacy Strategy Reshape the World?

Chong-Pin Lin

Word count 492 word limit500 Due date February 16, 2018

Three factors suggest that China’s new strategy may succeed.

First, economy, rather than military might or political ideology, takes command in the 21st century. In democracies, economic performance has long swayed the voters in elections. Since the former Soviet Union, notorious for its anti-democratic governance, collapsed in 1991 due to its unsustainable economy, political leaders of all governments, democratic or otherwise, have equated the economic viability of their countries to their own political future. That explained the 2017 turn-about of British Prime Minister Theresa May from suspension to approval on the Hinkley Point C nuclear reactor project. It was heavily financed by China, which caused a political backlash May must face but eventually overcame. The same applies to Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena on the Hambandota Port project which, launched by his predecessor in cooperation with China, was first suspended in 2015 and then approved in 2017 for a 99-year lease to Beijing for $292 million due to the country’s mounting debt to China. The Port has potentials of becoming a naval base for China, which raised security concerns of India, Japan and the U.S. Given time, economic benefits offered by China to a recipient country may just overtake political and security reservations.

Second, China’s skillful blend of the hard and the soft prongs in foreign policy makes its “debt diplomacy” more effective than expected. With the “Belt Road Initiative” under the way, Beijing’s unsaid goal seems to be dominating “Eurasiafrica”— the landmass cluster of Europe, Asia and Africa -- without war. When China was poor, it was prone to warfighting. As China began to rise, it has become averse to bloody conflict. The People’s Republic fought five wars from its founding in 1949 to 1979 when Deng Xiaoping launched the modernization drive. From 1979 to 2018, China has fought no war except the 1988 clash with Vietnam over the Johnson Reef in the South China Sea.

China’s grand strategy in the new century is to deploy “extra-military” instruments -- such as economic, diplomatic, and cultural ones – on the front, with the rapidly advancing military capabilities on the back, which allows China to quietly expand its influence far and wide while encountering minimum resistance. The extra-military approach transcends ,but not excludes, the military ones. The idea is reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt’s adage, “Hold a big stick and speak softly”.

Third, China’s internal economic obstacles are rooted in flawed policy, which in turn has stemmed from its problematic officialdom. Clean officials tended to be incompetent, while competent officials, corrupt. At the 19th Party Congress in October 2017, China’s President Xi Jinping emerged the strongest leader since Mao Zedong. After five years of persistent and pervasive anti-corruption campaign, Xi has appointed clean and competent officials in key positions. The Harvard educated Liu He, touted as “the brain' behind Xi’s economic overhaul”, has disagreed with Premier Li Keqiang’s conservative approach may succeed in reining in China’s soaring debt without creating a collapse in the market.

Chong-Pin Lin is a former deputy defense minister of Taiwan and co-author of a recent book Sunlight Through the CloudsCracking the Taiwan-U.S.-China Complex in Chinese.

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accessed April 24, 2018


●這個說法呼應了"奇蹟課程"("A Course in Miracles"中基督所強調的 "經由修行寬恕,我們可去除自我,最後回到上帝身邊" (Undo the ego through forgiveness in order to return to God)

● 做人即是修行。

(華嚴經卷五十四 離世間品第三十八之二,頁一五九二 《八十華嚴》佛陀教育基金會出版 20148)




林中斌謹註 2018.4.24

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《你只欠我一個道歉》 Insult

accessed April 24, 2018

★ 這部電影故事引人入勝、論理細膩多面、對於有族群問題的社會極有啟發的意義。難怪在台北上演許久,愈演愈旺。

This captivating film is rich in content, sophisticated in logic, and educating in its relevance to us living in Taiwan.

★ 個體間的小誤會、小失言在有族群問題的社會很容易釀成失控的群體衝突,而上升至國家危機的層次。星星之火足以燎原。即使最初口角的雙方無此深仇大恨,後來已無法制止悲劇像滾雪球般的一發不可收拾。

Trivial misunderstanding and minor unpleasant exchanges between ordinary individuals in a society with ethnic divisions may erupt uncontrollably into a crisis reaching the state level.

★ 寬恕是最重要的美德。僅有愛是不夠的。希特勒不是愛他金髮藍眼血統的同胞嗎?沒有寬恕,中東的衝突仇恨將永無了日。區域的核子衝突很難說不會發生。

Forgiveness is the most important of all virtues. Love by itself is insufficient. Didn’t Adolf Hitler love his Aryan compatriots? Without forgiveness, the Middle East conflict may never end. No one can be certain that a regional nuclear conflict would not one day erupt.

★ 極度推薦。

Highly recommended.


林中斌 2018.4.24

Chong-Pin Lin April 24, 2018



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