
 Evan Thomas, The New York Times, DEC 20, 2016


accessed Dec 24, 2016

● 川普不信任美國政府部門,尤其不信任說他當選有俄羅斯駭客幫忙的中情局。

● 川普會組織自己的中情局,就像當時不信任”中情局”和” 聯邦調查局”的尼克森成立自己相當於中情局的小組織。

● 這個小組織由中情局出來的人構成,搞出許多法外的勾當,包括水門事件。

● 水門事件事件被政府內部的人“深喉嚨”向媒體洩露,導致尼克森只作一任總統就下台。

● “深喉嚨”在數十年後死前自己透露。原來它是聯邦調查局副局長。

● 川普跟整個政府部門為敵,不乏有政府部門的人將來伺機向他出手。

● 川普目前做法很像尼克森,也可能後來出事,只作一任總統。

林中斌 簡譯 2016.12.24

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呂秀蓮: 研擬2017共識 主動出擊

2016/12/22 呂秀蓮


accessed Dec 23, 2016

● 漸進式的"雪崩斷交",無硝眼/不見血的武嚇,甚至"癱瘓式而非摧毀式"的攻擊, 永遠配套敵對意圖可否認的說辭。我們準備好了嗎?序幕已拉開了。所貼文的重點在首段。請注意頭一段。那應是私人管道的訊息。不排除來自北京,最近。A Mr.X?

林中斌 2016.12.23

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2016/12/20 汪丁丁的博客


● 無怪北京太子黨和土豪喜歡住北投山坡上貝聿銘事務所掛名設計的“天境360”(Eclipse 360)。昨天聽說某殲8引擎設計師要退休住台北。

林中斌 2016.12.21

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2016/12/20 聯合報


accessed Dec 20, 2016

● 川普"聯俄制中"只是表相,是"過場",是手段而已。他追求的目標是在美中俄三強之間居於樞紐地位(the pivotal position)。目前中國可以分別跟美俄舉行聯合軍演。美俄無法聯合軍演。8.9-12中美海軍在青島聯合演練。9.12-19中俄在南海聯合軍演。 川普女兒Ivanka學中文 老師鄧文迪(林穎佑教授), 尚有其他子孫女學中文。他在中國投資許多。據北京消息,他有中國金主。他最後目的不是反中,而是借中改善美國國內經濟。別忘了他很會反轉。他是美國有史以來第一位總統當選人公開說: "I love the Chinese."

林中斌 2016.12.20

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20161205新台灣加油 - 斷交37年首次 ! 英川熱線10分鐘 ! 林中斌獨家解讀!




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Trump’s Chinese Foreign Policy 

Roger Cohen, The New York Times, Dec 16, 2016


accessed Dec 17, 2016


●  Pax Americana is over. It had a good run. A Putin-Trump alliance at the service of the butcher Assad — combined with the undoing of the military alliances, trade pacts, political integration and legal framework of the postwar order — constitutes its death knell.


●  Trump’s plans are full of contradictions he hasn’t begun to address. He’s against the Iran nuclear deal although of course he’s never read it. But Putin is for it. Trump wants to eliminate the Islamic State. So does Russia, whose ally in Syria is Iran. Trump wants an America-first, business-driven policy. Boeing just signed a big deal with Iran.

● The United States will be agnostic on human rights, freedom and democracy.

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This Merciful Year 

Mark K. Shriver, The New York Times, Nov 24, 2016


accessed Nov 25, 2016


Pope Francis “i(I)n his book “The Name of God Is Mercy,” he described an episode from his time as a rector in Argentina. The parish church sometimes helped out a woman whose husband had left her, and who had turned to prostitution to feed her young children.“I remember one day — it was during the Christmas holidays — she came with her children to the College and asked for me. They called me and I went to greet her. She had come to thank me. I thought it was for the package of food from Caritas that we had sent to her. ‘Did you receive it?’ I asked. ‘Yes, yes, thank you for that, too. But I came here today to thank you because you never stopped calling me Señora.’ ”


“Life grows by being given away, and it weakens in isolation and comfort.”

“Enter the chaos and the pain and the joy of others’lives. Then you will be turely merciful, and truly alive.”

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川普願景 有虛有實

2016/12/06 聯合報


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