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 西班牙古城塞戈維亞Segovia, Spain
November 23, 2014


An ancient city known for the towering acqueduct constructed by the Romans in the first century AD. It prides itself on the castle built by the muslims in the 10th century which the drawing of the cartoon movie "Snow White" was based on. Segovia is 91 km northwest of Madrid.

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 塞爾維亞,西班牙 Sevilla, Spain
November 18 & 19, 2014

這是一度"全世界第一個帝國的首都"。當地人稱西班牙全盛期16世紀時,這也是全世界最富有的都市,因為南北美的金銀香料都經此運進歐洲。他們說此成之高塔也一度是全世界最高的建築物。This is once the capital of a world empire, the first in human history. People in Sevilla claim that it was once the richest city in the world, thanks to the treasures from the Americas shipped to Europe through this port after Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.

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茂伊魅力 Amazing Maui
Touring the beach, the volcano, and the bamboo forest in Maui Island, Hawaii September 2014.

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古都南京/Nanjing Charms

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豔陽風雨桃源谷/Hiking Taoyuangu Rain & Shine

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Bhutan Beauty


只有台灣人口1/30不到,不丹的70萬人口享有類似台灣地面積。我們一周內住了今日的首都庭布(海拔2,500) 以及兩個古都普納卡(海拔2,100)和帕羅(海拔2,300)。八世紀,蓮華生大士,受邀於西藏國王入藏教導佛法,進出西藏路經不丹兩次,並停留弘法及據傳"降魔",重大的改變了不丹。但這是之前兩件歷史事件之後果:7世紀玄奘赴印度取經,隨後唐太宗派文成公主嫁入西藏王為后,並攜佛法入藏。
林中斌 2014年6月9日
 With the same geographic size of Taiwan, Bhutan (meaning "the Highland Kingdom") has a population of 700,000, less than 1/30 of Taiwan's. We visited the current capital Thimphu (elevation 2,500 meters), and two ancient capitals Punaka(ele. ⋯⋯2,100 m)) and Paro (ele. 2,300 m). In the 8th century AD, Padmasambava or "The Second Bhuda" , "Guru Rinpoche", was invited by the Tibetan King to come from India to his country. He passed through and stayed in Bhudan twice, in and out of Tibet. Since then Bhutan was no longer the same. His visit was preceded by two important events in the 7th century: Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang went to India, stayed 19 years, and brought back Buddhistic sciptures to China, and Tang emperor sent his princess Wencheng to Tibet with Buddhistic teachings where she married the Tibetan king.  
Chong-Pin Lin 9 June 2014

The Iron-chained bridge constructed in the 15th century by a rinpoche.  (Left)
Airport in Paro.  (Right)

The Tiger's Nest Temple (ele. 3,100 m)  (Left)
Beehives hanging from the roof at the ancient fort (Dzong) in Punaka  (Right)

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ShijiazhuangA Tour of Culture

                                                     林中斌 2014年5月30日
From May 13 to 16, I made a trip to Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital of Hebei Provincewas. I was invited to deliver a lecture at Hebei Normal University by a 90-year old, legendary patriot poet Professor Xia Chuancai. He was jailed 4 times in life, twice by the Chinese Communists who persecuted him for 23 years, during which time he attempted suicide twice. He has published 40 books, some in the Yanjing collections at Harvard University.
                                                                                                          Chong-Pin Lin 30 May 2014


Sunrise at Shijiazhuang May 14, 2014

Meeting Professor Xia Chuancai 8:30am May 14, 2014

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Nanyuan: U D N Founder's Memorial Resort

2013919 & 20

    住宿貴客有各國政要名流,但台灣政治領袖 李登輝、陳水扁、宋楚瑜、馬英九等無此機會。

    歡迎進入本部落格相簿光臨  "南園":
    Nanyuan is a resort managed by "The One" today. The building was constructed by Wang Tiwu (unverified transliteration), the founder of the United Daily News in the 1980s.  The painstaking design, the valuable timber, and the superb fenhshui (geomancy) constitute a southern Fujian style architecture that is one of a kind. 
     It was originally for housing returning journalists from abroad. It contained individually designed units for all of Mr. Wang’s children save one who was managing more than one hundred stations internationally and seldom came home.
    Visiting dignitaries who had stayed include Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, Washington Post Chairwoman Katherine Graham, Bill Clinton and the like. However, Taiwanese political figures such as Lee Tenghui, James Soong, Chen Shuibian, and Ma Yingjeou have never been invited.
    You are welcome to visit “Nanyuan” in the photo album on this blog:


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光彩金山 2013 San Francisco Shines2013

8月中遊美西灣區。Mid-August 2013 visit in the Bay Area, California.

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