目前分類:佳文共享 (468)

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2017-11-17 自由時報在調整嗎? (100) (0)
2017-10-30 習近平對台灣的「文鬥」 (217) (0)
2017-10-30 習近平找回傳統文化 有助兩岸對話 (108) (0)
2017-10-30 美國中國專家預判十九大報告提統一時間表並對台強硬 US China experts predicted a unification timetable and tougher measures on Taiwan in Xi Jinping's 19 Party Congress political report/ Tsai stance on PRC policy expected later (59) (0)
2017-10-30 牛津大學80歲佛學教授的心得 (127) (0)
2017-10-20 As U.S. Confronts Internet’s Disruptions, China Feels Vindicated (19) (0)
2017-10-20 中國為啥不打?真相終於曝光!舉國沸騰!! (85) (0)
2017-10-20 義救恩師的普丁 (41) (0)
2017-10-13 螳螂吃蜂鳥 (26) (0)
2017-10-13 西裝外套這顆扣子千萬別扣!男人不該犯的10項西裝迷思 (49) (0)
2017-09-15 Stephen Bannon, Outspoken Critic of China, Has Subtler Message in Hong Kong Visit (14) (0)
2017-08-21 新書●蔡習會●中共統台手段●中梵建交 (210) (1)
2017-08-21 Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run (33) (0)
2017-08-21 林中明「大國論」 (47) (0)
2017-08-21 美國維州暴動 (48) (0)
2017-08-14 A Broken U.S. economy, in one simple chart (10) (0)
2017-08-14 大國論 (32) (0)
2017-08-07 美中轉折點...未來50年怎麼走 (75) (0)
2017-08-07 自由時報吸睛的評論 (75) (0)
2017-08-07 Life support:The struggle to define a LCS bare minimum (24) (0)
2017-08-07 美軍在日本汙染環境未向東京報告 “美巡洋艦在日本擱淺” (17) (0)
2017-07-31 21歲哈佛女博士 (78) (0)
2017-07-31 緬甸轉向北京“Myanmar attracts attention of Beijing” (48) (0)
2017-07-31 一個卑微的中國文盲,卻讓美國人崇拜不已,失蹤111年後,今天全世界都在尋找他! (54) (0)
2017-07-24 中國宗教興起與宗教局長七月中旬:禁止黨員信教 (67) (0)
2017-07-24 Myanmar attracts attention of Beijing (30) (0)
2017-07-24 天降魚雨、蜘蛛雨、青蛙雨 (38) (0)
2017-07-24 美國中央情報局特工的臨終懺悔:我們在911當天炸毀世貿中心 (285) (0)
2017-07-10 蔡政府不懂基層/ 柯P贊同賴清德 一例一休趕快修 (107) (1)
2017-07-10 公投一年後 過半英人想留歐/ What's gone wrong with democracy?/ Is Democracy Dead? (41) (0)
2017-07-10 The Resistance: Impeachment Anxiety (23) (0)
2017-07-10 Why Running May Be Good for Your Back (18) (0)
2017-06-30 Trump claims ‘national security victory’ after Supreme Court allows travel ban (32) (0)
2017-06-30 朱成虎答中評:兩岸軍事交流曾被美國叫停 (64) (0)
2017-06-02 China and India Make Big Strides on Climate Change (60) (0)
2017-06-02 CNN Fires Kathy Griffin For Her 'Decapitated Trump' Photo (27) (0)
2017-06-02 Macron Erupts On World Stage With Trump Snub and a Bromance (1) (36) (0)
2017-06-02 Analysis: Macron proves why the Trump handshake matters so much (29) (0)
2017-05-26 蔡英文執政週年總體檢》內外交迫 蔡施政陷困境 (135) (0)
2017-05-26 Comey’s firing meets disapproval, but view of Trump little changed: poll (32) (0)
2017-05-26 Polls: Americans Don’t Want Trump to Be Impeached (26) (0)
2017-05-26 How a Special Counsel Alters the Russia Investigation (29) (0)
2017-05-26 Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations (63) (0)
2017-01-16 舍弟林中明仿毛澤東狂詩。分享。 (143) (0)
2016-12-29 Dennis Hickey (54) (0)
2016-12-29 人性與愛的25張照片 (278) (0)
2016-11-07 Superstition ain’t the way (16) (0)
2016-09-26 修行者蒂帕嬤的心得 Advice of a Spiritual Teacher DipaMa (292) (0)
2016-07-15 Before the Law (64) (0)
2016-07-15 獲獎美國記者,揭露ISIS和「反恐戰爭」的真正起源 (135) (0)